17 research outputs found

    Comparative analyses between the early postoperative results after major liver resections of colorectal and noncolorectal cancer liver metastases

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    Background: Liver resections (LR) are an obligatory element in the multimodal treatment scheme of colorectal cancer liver metastases (CRCLM). Nowadays still there are debates about the benefit of any aggressive surgical approach in noncolorectal cancer liver metastases (NCRCLM) because many authors report desperately high rates of early specific post-resection complications (SPRC) followed by unsatisfactory long term results.Aim: Comparative analyses between the SPRC after major liver resections (MLR), i.e. ≥ 2 segments of CRCLM and NCRCLM for confirming or denying the hypothesis of higher risk in the group of NCRLM.Material and methods: A total of 331 MLR of benign and malignant tumors were performed between 01.01.2007 - 31.12.2014 in the Clinic of Liver, Biliary, Pancreatic and General Surgery, Tokuda Hospital Sofia. Radical resections received 143 CRCLM patients and 58 NCRCLM patients, both synchronous and metachronous. The design of the study was `a single center` and `retrospective`. The perioperative data of these 201 patients were analyzed and finally 59 cases of CRCLM (Group 1) and 36 cases of NCRCLM (Group 2) were included in the study. All the metastases were metachronous and no significant differences in demography, comorbidity, liver function, ASA group, neoadjuvant chemotherapy and surgery specificity were detected between the two groups. Cases that were indicated for MLR were those under 65 years of age, with preserved liver function, without serious pulmonary and cardiac concomitant diseases, and estimated as ASA group ≤ III. Data about SPRC were collected and analyzed. Results: The entire early postoperative mortality rate was 3.2% (3 fatal outcomes) - 1/59 (1.7%) in group 1 and 2/36 (5.5%) in group 2. The cause of death was liver failure, sepsis and pulmonary embolism. The rate of SPRC was significantly higher in group 2, affecting 16/36 patients (44.4%) while only 18 out of all the 59 patients (30.5%) in group 1 suffered specific complications. However only 5.1% and 8.3% of the SPRC necessitated reoperations in group 1 and group 2 respectfully. The comparative analysis denied any prognostic value for the early SPRC played by the time of metastases detection, adjuvant chemotherapy, the duration of liver resection procedure and the necessity of blood transfusion. Conclusions: Both mortality and specific morbidity after MLR affected patients with ≥3 comorbid conditions which proved to be the only predictive factor for SPRC. SPRC were more frequent in group 2 (NCRCLM) but the great majority of them were solved by conservative measures, less often by interventional procedure and reoperations were indicated very rarely

    Clinico-pathological prognostic factors in hematogenously disseminated colorectal cancer

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    Background: Ekberg`s criteria for liver resections (LR) of colorectal cancer liver metastases (CRCLM) have been accepted as a `dogma` and the procedure - as a `gold standard` since 1986. There are many wellknown predictive factors for the early and long-term results in this field of surgery. However, some of them are still a matter of debate.Aim: Study on the possible prognostic value of some clinical-pathological factors for the early and late results after major LR (≥ 2 segments) of CRCLM.Material and methods: A total of 143 radical (R0) major LR (≥ 2 segments) of synchronous and metachronous CRCLM were performed between 01.01.20007 - 31.12.2014 in the Clinic of Liver, Biliary, Pancreatic and General Surgery, Tokuda Hospital Sofia. The design of the study was `a single center` and `retrospective`. We analyzed the data with possible predictive value - demography, comorbidity, liver function, ASA group, neoadjuvant chemotherapy, type and characteristics of the surgical procedure, pathological data (T,N,G,H) and time of detection of metastases (synchronous or metachronous). The early postoperative morbidity and mortality rates were compared with these factors looking for correlation. The long-term follow-up period was ≥ 12 months for 86 patients (60.1%).Results: The early postoperative mortality rate was 2.8% (4 cases) for the whole series. The specific morbidity rates were significantly higher in patients above 65 years of age, with ≥ 3 comorbid conditions, multivisceral resections in cases of synchronous metastases and atypical (non-anatomical) LR. The majority of CRCLM cases were ≥ Т2, N (+) positive and G2-3. Unfavorable prognostic factors were the detection of metachronous lesions earlier than 12 months after a curative previous resection especially on the basis of adequate chemotherapy.Conclusions: The knowledge on prognostic factors in patients with CRCLM as well as on indications and contraindications helps the correct preoperative judgment on choosing the right and appropriate type and volume of surgical procedures

    Адресный волоконно-оптический датчик для измерения относительной влажности в комплектных распределительных устройствах

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    A number of governing documents and by-laws of the Russian Federation, branch ministries, departments and companies have introduced the use of measuring relative air humidity, elements insulation, and SF6 into operation and maintenance process of complete switchgear. A wide range of high-precision laboratory instruments has been developed to implement these measurements. However, as a rule, these are scheduled measurements to be carried out once or twice a quarter, although the constant on-line monitoring of humidity is concerned in both the production and scientific circles of the energy industry. The possibility of on-line monitoring appeared with the advent of fiber-optic object-based passive networks for collecting information and the possibility of forming interrogation channels in them, which is provided for by the development of the Smart Grid Plus concept. Fiber optic sensors, single in their physical layer structure with passive optical networks, are highly robust and resistant to high electromagnetic fields, typical of those generated in a switchgear, and are designed to operate in harsh environments. Among their broad class, fiber optic sensors on Bragg gratings, which differ from others by direct measurement methods, have significant advantages. In particular, an increase or decrease in relative humidity will lead to a corresponding change in the wavelength of the sensing source reflected from the grating, which can be measured with an accuracy of sixth place from its absolute value.This paper proposes to consider a two-element sensor of relative humidity of a parallel structure, which differs from the existing ones by using address fiber Bragg gratings made in SMF-28 fiber. One of the gratings has a polyimide-replaced quartz shell, synthesized using a reductant fiber coating, and a completely multiplicative response to temperature and deformation caused by humidity. The second grating is recorded in a standard fiber and responds only to temperature. It is possible to include an additional third grating with a partially etched cladding, which can be used for refract metric measurements of the amount of condensed moisture on the elements of a complete switchgear. All the gratings are identical, have, as a rule, the same Bragg wavelength after manipulating their claddings, but they have differing unique addresses, which are formed by recording two transparency windows in each of the gratings with different difference frequency space. The transparency windows correspond to phase p-shifts symmetrically located at the same distance from the center of each grating. The structure obtained makes it possible to record information of the measurement conversion at the said difference frequencies in the radio range, which significantly increases the speed of relative humidity measurements and their accuracy by an order of magnitude more. In addition to what has been said, it is possible to note the capability for building a network of these sensors in series arranged in switchgear devices, with a different radiofrequency address group being used in each of them.Рядом руководящих документов и подзаконных актов Российской Федерации, отраслевых министерств, ведомств и компаний измерение относительной влажности воздуха, изоляции элементов, элегаза введено в практику процесса эксплуатации и обслуживания комплектных распределительных устройств. Разработан широкий спектр высокоточных лабораторных приборов, которые используются для реализации указанных измерений. Однако, как правило, данные измерения проводятся планово, один-два раза в квартал, хотя о постоянном онлайн мониторинге влажности речь идет как в производственных, так и научных кругах энергетической отрасли. Возможность онлайн мониторинга появилась с появлением волоконно-оптических объектовых пассивных сетей сбора информации и возможности формирования в них сенсорных каналов, что предусмотрено также развитием концепции «Smart Grid Plus». Волоконно-оптические датчики, единые по структуре физического уровня с пассивными оптическими сетями, обладают высокой помехоустойчивостью, не подвержены влиянию мощных электромагнитных полей, характерных для создаваемых в комплектных распределительных устройствах, предназначены для работы в жестких условиях эксплуатации. Среди их широкого класса существенными преимуществами обладают волоконно-оптические датчики на брэгговских решетках, которые отличаются от других прямыми методами измерений. В частности, увеличение или уменьшение относительной влажности приведет к соответствующему изменению отраженной от решетки длины волны зондирующего источника, которая может быть измерена с точностью до шестого знака от ее абсолютного значения.В данной работе предложен к рассмотрению двухсенсорный датчик относительной влажности параллельной структуры, отличающийся от существующих использованием адресных волоконных брэгговских решеток, выполненных в волокне SMF-28. Одна из решеток имеет замененную полиимидом кварцевую оболочку, синтезированную с помощью восстановителя покрытия волокна, и полный мультипликативный отклик к температуре и деформации, вызванной влажностью. Вторая – представляет собой решетку, записанную в стандартном волокне, и реагирует только на температуру. Возможно включение дополнительной третьей решетки с частично вытравленной оболочкой, которая может быть применена для рефрактометрических измерений количества конденсированной влаги на элементах комплектного распределительного устройства. Все решетки идентичны, имеют, как правило, одинаковую длину волны Брэгга, после манипуляции над их оболочками, но отличаются уникальным адресом, который формируется записью двух окон прозрачности в каждой из решеток с различным разностным частотным пространством. Окна прозрачности соответствуют фазовым p-сдвигам, симметрично расположенным на одинаковом расстоянии от центра каждой из решеток. Полученная структура позволяет регистрировать информацию измерительного преобразования на указанных адресных разностных частотах в радиодиапазоне, что существенно повышает быстродействие измерений относительной влажности и их точность еще на порядок. В дополнение к сказанному можно отметить возможность построения сети указанных датчиков в последовательно расположенных комплектных распределительных устройствах, при этом в каждом из шкафов будет использована другая радиочастотная адресная группа

    A review of the international early recommendations for departments organization and cancer management priorities during the global COVID-19 pandemic: applicability in low- and middle-income countries.

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    Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by a new virus that has never been identified in humans before. COVID-19 caused at the time of writing of this article, 2.5 million cases of infections in 193 countries with 165,000 deaths, including two-third in Europe. In this context, Oncology Departments of the affected countries had to adapt quickly their health system care and establish new organizations and priorities. Thus, numerous recommendations and therapeutic options have been reported to optimize therapy delivery to patients with chronic disease and cancer. Obviously, while these cancer care recommendations are immediately applicable in Europe, they may not be applicable in certain emerging and low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). In this review, we aimed to summarize these international guidelines in accordance with cancer types, making a synthesis for daily practice to protect patients, staff and tailor anti-cancer therapy delivery taking into account patients/tumour criteria and tools availability. Thus, we will discuss their applicability in the LMICs with different organizations, limited means and different constraints


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    This article explores RS-485, Ethernet interfaces performance, quality of communication channels, currently used for the organization of information collection and transmission substations. It is suggested to use GPON-based passive optical network technology as a solution to the existing problem of electromagnetic effects on copper communication channels and high cost of telecommunications equipment (switches, routers, gateways) for fiber-optic channels. It is also calculated (Ping) and analysis (BER) for GPON technology. It was concluded, that it’s feasible to organize information collection and transmission system with the GPON-technology


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    The article discusses an economical way to deploy diagnostic monitoring systems for high-voltage electrical units through a combination of passive fiber-optic systems for collecting and transmitting technological information of SCADA with diagnostic information transmission systems of systems for continuous technical diagnostics in them. The usage of existing communication network of SCADA will increase economy and expand the scope of continuous diagnostic systems

    Software visualization of geospatial data based on virtual reality systems. Survey and future developments

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    The relevance of the research. In the time of global digitalization, when such projects as Digital Earth become relevant, computer visualization is a key element of computer modelling both in academic research and in technology, especially in the fields of natural and mineral resources management, and geo-resources exploration. Computer visualization is also necessary for presenting the «big data», for instance, data accumulated in geological research of large spaces. Computer visualization as an independent branch of science has been developing for over thirty years now. Now, Virtual Reality is actively used in computer visualization. Virtual Reality can be used in the presentation of Earth Resources Data. It is possible to create three-dimension displays of graphic objects representing the elements of the landscape. One of its subbranches is software visualization. Software visualization is essential in presenting complex software systems related to design and development in different fields of technology, including energy efficient technologies. Objects. The paper is dedicated to research and development in the field of software visualization based on virtual reality. These researches can be applied in a number of areas related to Geoinformatics, as well as in the field of exploration of georesources. Methods: methods of computer visualization theory, in particular, the elements of visualization metaphor theory. The aim of the research and development is to find those approaches that will enable efficient use of virtual reality in solving complex problems that software specialists face. This software may be related to large volumes of geospatial data. Results. The paper provides a survey of the development of software visualization and description of projects in this field, developed over the past decades. It describes the projects of visual programming and software visualization systems, developed by the authors on the basis of virtual reality with the use of cosmic space metaphors and an expanded city metaphor. It reviews the psychological aspects of the human factor in the development of software visualization systems with the use of virtual reality, including the use of activity theory. The paper arises a problem of describing the activity of a software developer acting as a user of software visualization systems. Software development for real-life technical problems (for example, for geological engineering or geo-resources forecasting) requires specialization and personalization of visualization systems. The results of the conducted analysis allow us to conclude that we are now at the early stages of crucial research. © 2020 Tomsk Polytechnic University, Publishing House. All rights reserved.Government Council on Grants, Russian FederationThe work was supported by the Act 211 of the Government of the Russian Federation, contract no. 02.A03.21.0006

    Anatomical Versus Atypical Liver Resections - Advantages and Disadvantages

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    Background: Liver resections (LR) are a daily practice rather than exception with the aim of radicalism (sometimes `radicalism` is the excuse and justification of the surgeon). From a different point of view, an aggressive approach may predispose to specific post-resection complications (SPRC). There still are debates about the most proper procedure - anatomical versus atypical LRs. Aim: The aim of this article is an analysis of the structure and rate of SPRC (acute liver failure=ALF, biliary leakage, bleeding) with a focus on a possible correlation to the surgical technique. Materials and Methods: 344 liver resections in total were performed at the authors` institution from January 1, 2007 to December 31, 2015. All the procedures were indicated by benign tumors as well as by primary and metastatic malignancies. The study design was single-center, retrospective and randomized. Inclusion criteria were the following: (1) Age ≤ 70 years; (2) Presence of ≤ 3 cormobid conditions; (3) Major LR, i.e. removal of ≥ 2 segments or ≥ 30% of liver parenchyma; (4) No synchronous (Н1) liver metastases or metachronous metastases + local recurrence necessitating a single-stage multivisceral resections. We collected all the data from the medical records. Finally, 102 cases were selected according to the above-formulated criteria and they were divided into 2 groups: (A) Anatomical LR (AnatLR) - 44 patients; (B) Atypical LR (AtypLR) - 58 patients. The incidence rate and other characteristics of SPRC were analyzed and a possible correlation between SPRC and the group affiliation was investigated. Results: The early mortality and SPRC rates were 2.8% (3 cases) and 19.4% (21 complications in 20 patients), respectively. Fatal outcome was caused by ALF after right hepatectomy (2 cases) and sepsis leading to MODS and MOF (1 case). Four patients (3.7%) received reoperation due to biliary leakage and/or bleeding from the resection surface. The remaining 17 SPRCs were overcome by conservative treatment. There was no statistically significant difference in mortality and morbidity rates in group A and group B. Conclusions: A successful outcome after a major LR depends on many factors: preserved preoperatively liver function, definitive bilio- and hemostasis on the resection surface, as minimal as possible blood loss and prevention of postoperative biliary hypertension. In our study, we found that an AnatLR is an aggressive and risky procedure for acute liver failure, while a precise AtypLR may guarantee also a low rate of SPCR. The advantages and disadvantages of both techniques must be researched based on late results in oncologic cases