325 research outputs found

    Ecotourism in the odessa region as a management object

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    Technology of convergence of team-coalition and administrative control of industrial enterprise

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    A lot of management entities take part in the management of an industrial enterprise, and they are quite diverse categorically. Some of them act at their own discretion and interests, others are representatives and management agents who manage both from the outside, not being part of the staff, and from the inside, being an integral part of the enterprise team. Often the same individual is both the external and internal subject of management in relation to the enterprise. It can be part of team-coalition control groups, and also at the same time be a component of administrative and managerial staff. The condition of many industrial enterprises is determined by the achieved level of development of their management systems, which may noticeably worsen due to the formation of coalition teams with certain managerial capabilities and their own goals, often differing or even contradicting the goals of the enterprise. The presence of such teams can lead to conflicts with the administration and to the deterioration of the economic situation of the enterprise. There are many-sided, prolonged, and confused conflicts of interest that arose between them and the administration of the enterprise, which are exacerbated on a regular basis and again subside. Often the creation by the administration of a new control loop by creating some commission on the issue under consideration, with the participation of all interested parties, leads to a decrease in its severity, constructive and compromise behavior, and the adoption of a positive decision. In this regard, there is a need to study the phenomenon of the creation and functioning of coalition teams and multi-circuit management in the enterprise and the corresponding methodology. Thus, an industrial enterprise is a management object consisting of at least two contours, the subjects of which are its administrative and managerial staff and informal team-coalition control groups. Accordingly, a need arises not only for the methodology of command and coalition management and the methodology of administrative one, but also for the methodology of convergence of them of an industrial enterprise. At the same time, in addition to designing the administrative control loop, it is necessary to justify the design of a control system that implements command and coalition management and a control system that converts administrative and command and coalition one of an enterprise to solve a problem. For the effective functioning of an industrial enterprise on the market, if there is the occurrence of such coalition teams, it is necessary for the enterprise management to quickly switch from administrative one to converged (integrated) administrative - command-coalition in order to prevent the problem from growing to catastrophic proportions. And such management must be maintained until the severity of the problem, contributing to the creation of a new contour in the enterprise, is substantially reduced


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    This paper presents a new systematic approach to identifying main pyramid projections of business for main consumers of company’s products and services. Pyramid and matrix business concepts are introduced through which the consumers may assess the state of business of any industrial enterprise. Investigated in the article are factors and components of successful sales. Using the business matrix and pyramid, a new promising and consumer-directed approach to choosing the organization’s marketing activity directions is developed. The industrial enterprise component notion is defined along with the component’s main elements. A list of enterprise management and investment priority tasks is made.В статье изложен новый системный подход к определению главных проекций пирамиды бизнеса для основных потребителей продуктов и услуг предприятия. Введены понятия пирамиды и матрицы бизнеса, с помощью которых потребители бизнеса могут оценить состояние промышленного предприятия. Исследованы составляющие и факторы успешных продаж. Разработан с использованием пирамиды и матрицы бизнеса новый перспективный и направленный на потребителя подход к формированию маркетинговой деятельности организации. Определены основные составляющие компонента промышленного предприятия. Сформулирован перечень приоритетных задач управления предприятием и его инвестиций