606 research outputs found

    Investment security management in transition economies : legal and organizational aspects

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    Purpose: There are significant differences between countries in transition from socialism to market economy, and hence differences in investment flows. As a result, the level of economic growth, competitiveness, and integration into the world markets differs significantly. Different transformation strategies, economic policies, and the level of openness of the economy explain the differences between countries. It is revealed that the level of political rights, civil liberties and economic freedom significantly affect investment flows. The aim of this article is to highlight these differences and evaluate them. Design/Methodology/Approach: Data from 18 countries in transition are used to analyze investment security management. Findings: The study has found that countries in transition have a low level of investment flows and a low level of investment security. On average, net investment inflows account for 3.5% of GDP. There is a positive relationship between investment outflows and gross capital formation, gross savings, GDP growth, and the index of economic freedom, however, on the other hand there is negative relationship between capital outflows and the index of political rights and civil liberties. Originality/Value: Investment security management depends on institutions and institutional infrastructure as well as the ability to stimulate investment in the country. Reducing trade barriers and opening up the economy also contributes to increase investment in the country. Over the past ten years, investments in countries in transition have declined considerably due to weak investment security management.peer-reviewe

    Effect of Different Temperature and Humidity on Bemisia Tabaci

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    Bemisia tabaci has many biotypes, and has become one of the main pests on vegetables, flowers, cotton and other crops, seriously influencing the safe production of crops.Temperature has a great influence on the survival, development, reproduction and behavior of Bemisia tabaci, which can affect the change of body temperature and metabolism of B. tabaci. It needs certain water to maintain normal life activities, such as digestion, nutrition transportation, and temperature regulation. There is a suitable humidity range for the growth and development of B. tabaci in different development stages. High humidity or drought have a great impact on the growth and development of B. tabaci, especially on its survival or reproduction. At the same time, the environmental temperature and humidity are the important factors that influence the geographical distribution and population change of B. tabaci

    Менеджмент болю, пов’язаного з оперативними втручаннями на піднебінних мигдаликах

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    Оперативне втручання на піднебінних мигдаликах є однією з найрозповсюдженіших хірургічних процедур у світі. Будь-яке оперативне втручання – це складна маніпуляція, яка не може розглядатись окремо від підготовки і післяопераційного періоду, позаяк від загального підходу до ведення пацієнта залежить самопочуття пацієнта і ефективність втручання. Біль і ПОНБ (післяопераційна нудота і блювання) у більшості випадків супроводжують прооперованого; це відтягує початок регідратації пацієнта, а також прийому їжі. Для зменшення вираженості цих симптомів запропоновано безліч маніпуляцій, що мають місце починаючи з передопераційної підготовки. Мета. Виокремлення з різноманіття методик, які мають зменшувати біль і ПОНБ, тих, що продемонстрували ефективність у рандомізованих плацебо-контрольованих дослідженнях (РПД) та систематичних оглядах, тобто їх ефективність доведена з точки зору доказової медицини. Результати. Менший рівень болю спостерігається у пацієнтів, яким піднебінні мигдалики видалялись частково. Також ефективними виявились такі варіанти впливу: інтраопераційне введення дексаметазону, застосування протиблювотних засобів (циклізин, доласентрон, гранісетрон, метоклопрамід, ондасетрон і тропісетрон), НПЗЗ (ібупрофен) і парацетамолу, акупунктурна стимуляція зап’ясткової точки P6

    Ways of improvement of methodological approaches to the assessment of the effectiveness of physical protection systems of nuclear facilities in consideration of modern requirements and threats

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    Methodological approaches to the assessment of the effectiveness of physical protection systems developed by Russian and foreign researchers are reviewed. Some ways of improvement of these approaches are offered. They consider tactics overview, application of two-person rule, aspects of inherent safety of nuclear materials, proposals on the use of test reliability data

    Nonlinear interfacial waves in a constant-vorticity planar flow over variable depth

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    Exact Lagrangian in compact form is derived for planar internal waves in a two-fluid system with a relatively small density jump (the Boussinesq limit taking place in real oceanic conditions), in the presence of a background shear current of constant vorticity, and over arbitrary bottom profile. Long-wave asymptotic approximations of higher orders are derived from the exact Hamiltonian functional in a remarkably simple way, for two different parametrizations of the interface shape.Comment: revtex, 4.5 pages, minor corrections, summary added, accepted to JETP Letter

    Constitutionalization of assistance in foreign countries

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    Legal profession in Russia has taken a category of assistance from constitutional level on a large scale and in different aspects. Significant improvement in characteristics of legal phenomena is a comparative jurisprudence method, and so, there is no exception to the assistance that has been declared in the species diversity of constitutional norms. In this study, commonality of historical development stage was a basis for separation of focus group from Commonwealth countries of Independent States (CIS) constitution