163 research outputs found

    Hydrothermal synthesis and sorption performance to Cs(I) and Sr(II) of zirconia-analcime composites derived from coal fly ash cenospheres

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    The paper is concerned with (i) the hydrothermal synthesis of hydrous zirconium dioxide (HZD) bearing analcime (HZD-ANA, zirconia-analcime) and (ii) its sorption properties with respect to Cs+ and Sr2+. The HZD-ANA particles were synthesized from coal fly ash cenospheres composed of aluminosilicate glass with (SiO2/Al2O3)wt.=3.1 and characterized by PXRD, SEM-EDS, STA, and low-temperature N2 adsorption. The non-radioactive simulant solutions of different acidity (pH=2–10) and Cs+/Sr2+ content (0.5–50.0 mg/L) were used in the work. The effect of synthesis conditions on the HZD-ANA particle size, zirconia content and localization as well as the sorption behavior with respect to Cs+ and Sr2+ (capacity, KD) were clarified. It was found that the small-sized HZD-ANA composites surpasses the Zr free analcime and large-sized HZD-ANA material in the Cs+ and Sr2+ sorption parameters (KD ~104–106 mL/g). The conditions to synthesize the zirconia-analcime composite of the highly enhanced sorption ability with respect to Sr2+ (KD ~106 mL/g) were determined. The high-temperature solid-phase re-crystallization of Cs+/Sr2+-exchanged HZD-ANA composites was shown to occur at 1000 °C resulting in a polyphase system based on nepheline, tetragonal ZrO2, and glass phase


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    The aim of the study – to determine the peculiarities of the personality and temperament of patients with hyperplastic endometrium processes before and after the diagnostic eruption of the walls of the uterine cavity, in order to detect the maladaptive qualities of the individual on the basis of the therapy proposed by us.Materials and Methods. 60 patients with dysfunctional uterine bleeding on the background of hyperplastic processes of endometrium were examined. All patients defined the personality and character of the questionnaire Cloninger "Structure of temperament and character." The experimental group of patients received the therapy we proposed: drugs containing the active substance – phenibut 250 mg 2 times a day.Results and Discussion. Before and after the diagnostic eruption of the walls of the uterine cavity of women who received the therapy we offered easier to cope with the situation that developed in comparison with the group of women who received the usual treatment.Conclusion. The data obtained require compulsory consideration during the development of medical and psychological support in the comprehensive system of rehabilitation of women before and after the diagnostic eruption of the walls of the uterine cavity with the introduction of hyperplastic processes of endometrium.Цель исследования – определение особенностей личности и характера больных с гиперпластическими процессами эндометрия до и после диагностического выскабливания стенок полости матки для выявления дезадаптивных качеств личности на основе предложенной нами терапии.Материалы и методы. Обследовано 60 пациенток с дисфункциональными маточными кровотечениями на фоне гиперпластических процессов эндометрия. У всех пациенток определяли особенности личности и характера по опроснику Клонинджера «Структура темперамента и характера». Опытная группа пациенток получала предложенную нами терапию: препараты, содержащие действующее вещество – фенибут по 250 мг 2 раза в сутки.Результаты исследования и их обсуждение. До и после диагностического выскабливания стенок полости матки женщины, получавшие предложенную нами терапию, легче справляются с сложившейся ситуацией, по сравнению с группой женщин, получавших общепринятое лечение.Вывод. Полученные данные требуют обязательного учета при разработке медико-психологического сопровождения в комплексной системе реабилитации женщин до и после диагностического выскабливания стенок полости матки по поводу гиперпластических процессов эндометрия.Мета дослідження – визначення особливостей особистості і темпераменту хворих із гіперпластичними процесами ендометрія до та після діагностичного вишкрібання стінок порожнини матки для виявлення дезадаптивних якостей особистості на основі запропонованої нами терапії.Матеріали та методи. Обстежено 60 пацієнток із дисфункціональними матковими кровотечами на фоні гіперпластичних процесів ендометрія. У всіх пацієнток визначали особливості особистості і характеру за опитувальником Клонінджера «Структура темпераменту і характеру». Дослідна група пацієнток отримувала запропоновану нами терапію: препарати, що містять діючу речовину – фенібут по 250 мг 2 рази на добу.Результати дослідження та їх обговорення. До і після діагностичного вишкрібання стінок порожнини матки жінки, які отримували запропоновану нами терапію, легше справляються з ситуацією, яка склалася, порівняно з групою жінок, які отримували загальноприйняте лікування.Висновок. Отримані дані вимагають обов’язкового врахування під час розроблення медико-психологічного супроводу в комплексній системі реабілітації жінок до і після діагностичного вишкрібання стінок порожнини матки з приводу гіперпластичних процесів ендометрія

    Theoretical conformational analysis of substituted nitroethenes in solution

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    Theoretical conformational analysis of 1-nitro- and 1-bromo-1-nitro-2- (trichloromethyl)ethenes dissolved in methylene chloride and benzene was carried out by the B3LYP/6-31G*method. The calculated structures of these compounds were found to nicely fit experiment: Both in the gas phase and in solution, 1-nitro-(2-trichloromethyl)ethene is an E isomer, while its bromine-containing analog is a Z isomer. © 2008 MAIK Nauka

    Experimental and theoretical conformational analysis of methylene- and cyanophosphines and their oxides

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    The structure of a great number of methylenephosphine oxides 1-11 and cyanophosphines and their oxides 12-18 was studied by semiempirical PM3 and ab initio RHF/6-31G** calculations. Obtained results are in good agreement with experimental data (dipole moments, Kerr effect, IR spectroscopy). In 12-18 the contribution of interactions of CN group or Ph ring with lone pair of electrons (LPE) of the P atom, d-orbitals of the P atom, or P=O group is absent

    Phosphoryl- and thiophosphoryl-functionalized enamino ketones. Polarity and conformational analysis

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    © 2015 Pleiades Publishing, Ltd. The polarity and conformational behavior of some phosphorus-containing enamino ketones have been determined by the dipole moment method, IR spectroscopy, and quantum chemical calculations. 3-[2-[(Diphenylphosphoryl)methyl]phenylamino]-1-phenylprop-2-en-1-one has been found to exist as the single Z isomer. 3-[2-(Diphenylphosphoryl)phenylamino]-1-phenylprop-2-en-1-one and 3-[2-(diphenylphosphorothioyl) phenylamino]-1-phenylprop-2-en-1-one exist in equilibrium between the Z and E isomers, the latter prevailing

    Fourier transform IR spectra and structure of 2-substituted 1-nitro- and 1-bromo-1-nitroethenes

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    Molecular structure and vibrational spectra of 2- trichloromethyl(ethoxycarbonyl)-1-nitroethenes and 2- trichloromethyl(ethoxycarbonyl)-1-bromo-1-nitroethenes were calculated in terms of the density functional theory (B3LYP/6-31G*). The experimental FTIR spectra of these compounds in the range from 4000 to 400 cm-1 were interpreted in detail on the basis of the calculation data. 2-Substituted 1-nitro- and 1-bromo-1-nitroethenes were assigned the structure with trans orientation of the nitro and trichloromethyl (or ethoxycarbonyl) groups, and the ethoxycarbonyl derivatives were assumed to exist in equilibrium between s-cis and s-trans conformers. © 2007 Pleiades Publishing, Ltd

    Study of the structure of 1-nitro-3,3,3-trifluoro- and 1-nitro-3,3,3-tribromopropenes by the methods of dipole moments and quantum chemistry

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    © 2014 Pleiades Publishing, Ltd. Method of dipole moments and quantum-chemical calculations allowed establishing that 1-nitro-3,3,3-trifluoro- and 1-nitro-3,3,3-tribromopropenes have the E-configuration (the nitro group and the trihalomethyl substituent are in the trans-position); the obtained characteristics were compared with the corresponding data for the trichloromethyl-containing analog

    Polarity and structure of α-nitrocinnamic acid esters

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    Polarity and structure of ethyl α-nitrocinnamates have been studied by means of dipole moments method and quantum-chemical calculations. These compounds exist in the form of Z-isomers in solution, that is, nitro group and benzene ring are cis-positioned. © 2013 Pleiades Publishing, Ltd