12 research outputs found

    Особенности турбулентного теплообмена вблизи всторошенных участков морского льда

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    The studies of the features of turbulent heat exchange were carried out for the first time in domestic practice near ice ridge areas of sea ice using an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) as part of the expedition "Transarktika-2019" onboard the R/V “Akademik Tryoshnikov”. An original measuring complex designed in AARI, was used to assess the characteristics of the ice surface (ice ridges, flat areas of ice). This made it possible to obtain comparative estimates of the albedo and surface temperature of different morphometric structures of the sections of the ice field, where the expedition's ice camp was organized. Measurements of air temperature and wind velocity were carried in the atmospheric surface layer on flat snow-covered areas of sea ice out from the windward and leeward sides of the ridge in parallel with the UAV flights. As a result of the experiments, it was found that the ice ridges areas have a lower albedo and surface temperature compared to neighboring areas of flat sea ice on average. Turbulent heat fluxes from the windward side of the hummock ridge exceed similar values recorded from the leeward side under conditions of unstable stratification in the atmospheric surface layer and exceed the fluxes calculated for conditions of flat ice on the sections with absence of hummocks, on average. In total, the nature and intensity of turbulent heat conduction in the ice ridges area differs from the analogous values observed on the flat sea ice cover. It is possible that the assessment of heat conduction with the atmosphere requires a certain revision, against the background (within the conditions) of thin first-year ice increasing which is more prone to hummocking than multi-year ice.Исследуются особенности процессов турбулентного теплообмена вблизи всторошенных участков морского льда с помощью беспилотного летательного аппарата (БПЛА). Предшествующие исследования показали, что альбедо склонов торосов и турбулентный обмен вблизи гряд отличаются от условий, наблюдаемых на ровном льду. В задачи исследований входили измерения отраженной радиации над всторошенными участками, для последующего расчета альбедо, и проведение измерений скорости ветра и температуры воздуха вблизи подветренных и наветренных склонов для оценки турбулентных потоков явного тепла. Использовался БПЛА, с оригинальным измерительным комплексом, для изучения всторошенных поверхностей и соседних участков ровного льда, а также измерения характеристик приземного слоя атмосферы (температура воздуха/поверхности, скорость ветра) вблизи торосов. Эксперименты показали, что альбедо и температура поверхности торосов ниже, чем на прилегающих участках ровного льда, а турбулентные потоки явного тепла отличаются от аналогичных характеристик, полученных на ровном льду. В условиях увеличивающейся доли тонких однолетних льдов в Арктике, в большей степени подверженных торошению по сравнению с многолетними льдами, оценки теплообмена с атмосферой, возможно, требует определенного пересмотра

    Влияние атмосферных переносов тепла и влаги на летнее потепление в Арктике

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    There are different points of view on the role of the atmospheric heat and moisture transport in increasing summer warming in the Arctic, which are often based on the analysis of average annual data. In this paper, the analysis of summer atmospheric transport, their influence on air temperature and water vapor content in the atmosphere, trends in multi-year transport changes are fulfilled. It is noted the important role of moisture inflows from the Arctic Ocean in the summer season and their influence on the growth of long-wave radiation and amplification of sea ice shrinking.Существуют разные точки зрения на роль атмосферных притоков тепла и влаги в усилении летнего потепления в Арктике, которые часто основаны на анализе среднегодовых данных. В данной работе проведен анализ летних атмосферных переносов, их влияния на температуру воздуха и содержание водяного пара в атмосфере, тенденций многолетних изменений переносов, отмечена важная роль притоков влаги из Северного Ледовитого океана в летний сезон и их влияние на рост нисходящей длинноволновой радиации и усиление сокращения площади льда

    Трансарктика-2019: зимняя экспедиция в Северный Ледовитый океан на НЭС «Академик Трёшников»

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    Preliminary results of the Transarktika-2019 winter expedition in the Arctic Ocean on the R/V “Akademik Tryoshnikov” are presented. The expedition program included studies on meteorology, hydrology, hydrochemistry, hydrobiology, geology, geophysics and an extensive complex of ice measurements in the Northern Barents Sea from the drifting ice and from the ship. During the expedition, it was possible to complete a wide range of tasks. The data obtained comprise a unique material for a comprehensive study of the current state of the environmental conditions in the Barents Sea. This paper highlights the most significant preliminary results of multidisciplinary observations in various environments, which will be further comprehensively analyzed and published in separate thematic articles.Представлены предварительные результаты зимней экспедиции «Трансарктика-2019» в Северном Ледовитом океане на НЭС «Академик Трёшников». Программа экспедиции включала в себя исследования по метеорологии, гидрологии, гидрохимии, гидробиологии, геологии, геофизике и обширному комплексу измерений ледяного покрова в северной части Баренцева моря с дрейфующего льда и с борта судна. Во время экспедиции удалось выполнить широкий круг задач. Полученные данные представляют собой уникальный материал для всестороннего изучения текущего состояния условий окружающей среды в Баренцевом море. В статье обозначены наиболее значимые предварительные результаты междисциплинарных наблюдений в различных средах, которые в дальнейшем будут всесторонне проанализированы и опубликованы в отдельных тематических статьях

    Спектральный состав отражённой и проникающей в глубь снежного покрова коротковолновой радиации в районе посёлка Баренцбург (Шпицберген)

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    Data on spectral composition of shortwave radiation that is reflected from snow and penetrates deep into the snow cover obtained near the Barentsburg settlement (Svalbard) are discussed in the paper. Measurements were made by the use of the spectral radiometer TriOS Ramses within the wavelength range of 280–950 nm. The results will allow more proper taking account of the anthropogenic pollution effects on the radiative properties of snow cover under conditions of industrial activity related to the coal extraction and burning in Barentsburg.Представлены результаты измерений спектрального состава отражённой от снежной поверхности и проникающей в глубь коротковолновой радиации. Измерения выполнены с помощью спектрального радиометра TriOS Ramses в диапазоне длин волн 280–950 нм. Результаты измерений позволят корректнее учитывать влияние антропогенного загрязнения на радиационные свойства снежного покрова в условиях хозяйственной деятельности, связанной с добычей и сжиганием угля в посёлке Баренцбург

    Air temperature variations and gradients along the coast and fjords of western Spitsbergen

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    Daily temperature measurements from six meteorological stations along the coast and fjords of western Spitsbergen have been digitized and quality controlled in a Norwegian, Russian and Polish collaboration. Complete daily data series have been reconstructed back to 1948 for all of the stations. One of the station’s monthly temperature series has previously been extended back to 1898 and is included in this study. The long-term series show large temperature variability on western Spitsbergen with colder periods in the 1910s and 1960s and warmer periods in the 1930s, 1950s and in the 21st century. The most recent years are the warmest ones in the instrumental records. There is a positive and statistically significant trend in the annual times series for all of the stations; however, the strongest warming is seen in winter and spring. For the period 1979-2015, the linear trends range from 1.0 to 1.38°C/decade for the annual series and from 2.0 to 2.38°C/decade in winter. Threshold statistics demonstrate a decrease in the number of cold days per year and an increase in the number of warm days. A decreasing inter-annual variability is observed. In winter, spring and autumn, the stations in the northernmost areas of west Spitsbergen and in the innermost parts of Isfjorden are the coldest ones. In summer, however, the southernmost station is the coldest one

    Spectral composition of shortwave radiation reflected and deep penetrating into snow near the Barentsburg settlement (Svalbard)

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    Data on spectral composition of shortwave radiation that is reflected from snow and penetrates deep into the snow cover obtained near the Barentsburg settlement (Svalbard) are discussed in the paper. Measurements were made by the use of the spectral radiometer TriOS Ramses within the wavelength range of 280–950 nm. The results will allow more proper taking account of the anthropogenic pollution effects on the radiative properties of snow cover under conditions of industrial activity related to the coal extraction and burning in Barentsburg


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    Aim. To analyze the results of measurements of the blood lipid spectrum of urban  residents of the European part of the Russian Federation.Material and methods. The results of single assessment of lipid profiles in 22,436 males and 35,100 females at the age from 13 to 94 years in 347 cities and towns  of the European part of the Russian Federation were analyzed. Lipid assays were performed by the Laboratory Service «HELIX» from 28 Jan 2015 to 19 Mar 2016.Statistical methods included descriptive statistics, the analysis of distributions of sample comparisons and the search of dependencies.Results. Results of 56,235 measurements of total cholesterol (TC), 22,641 – triglycerides (TG), 21,032 – high density lipoproteins cholesterol (HDL-C) and 22,441 – low density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) were analyzed. TC above 5.2 mmol/l was identified in 55.78% samples; the proportion of people with LDL-C level above 3.0 mmol/l was 62.95%. The level of TC was the highest at the age of 43 to 62 years in both men and women, while the peak in the increase in TC in men was approximately 10 years earlier, than  in women. In patients of older age groups, TC levels decreased and reached minimum values in men and women of senile age and long-livers. Low level of HDL-C was observed in 24.46% of the total number of samples in men and in 17.68% – in women. The monotonous increase in the average levels of HDL-C was revealed in men with aging. In women the HDL-C levels increased sharply from a minimum at the age of 13 years to a maximum at the age of 25 years with a slight monotonous decrease in the following age periods. However, even in the age older than 83 years levels of HDL-C remained high (1.49 mmol/l in average). The level of TG showed significant inter-age fluctuations, especially in men. The levels of TG above 1.7 mmol/l were recorded in 30.07% of all cases.Conclusion. Two-factor analysis of variance for all lipid parameters revealed a high statistical significance of gender and age