67 research outputs found

    Оцінка ефективності селективної артеріальної емболізації у хворих з доброякісною гіперплазією передміхурової залози та високим операційним ризиком

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    Мета. Покращити результати хірургічної реабілітації хворих з доброякісною гіперплазією передміхурової залози (ДГПЗ) та високим операційним ризиком, обгрунтувавши диференційований підхід до застосування селективної артеріальної емболізації (САЕ) та монополярної трансуретральної резекції передміхурової залози (ТУРПЗ). Матеріали і методи. Досліджено шляхом аналізу ефективність та безпечність САЕ передміхурової залози (ПЗ) як методу лікування симптомів нижніх сечовивідних шляхів (СНСШ) у хворих з ДГПЗ та високим операційним ризиком у порівнянні з ТУРПЗ. Аналіз базувався на систематичному вивченні функціональних результатів та ускладнень у 33 хворих основної групи, яким виконали САЕ, та у 39 хворих порівняльної групи, яким виконали ТУРПЗ. Результати. Хворі, яким виконали САЕ, не мали операційної травми, у них був низький ризик виникнення післяопераційних ускладнень, коротший післяопераційний період, покращились показники: Міжнародної шкали оцінки простатичних симптомів (IPSS) - на 47,8%, шкали оцінки якості життя (QoL) - на 53,3%, максимальної об’ємної швидкості струменя сечі (Qmax) - на 58,4% на фоні зменшення об’єму ПЗ на 28,6% та об’єму залишкової сечі на 55,3% протягом 24 міс спостереження, що є підставою вважати САЕ ПЗ ефективним та безпечним методом мініінвазивного лікування ДГПЗ у хворих з високим операційним ризиком. Після монополярної ТУРПЗ результати були подібні: покращення показників IPSS - на 50%, QoL - на 65,1%, Qmax - на 59,2%, зменшення об’єму ПЗ - на 31,6% та об’єму залишкової сечі - на 64,6%, але даний метод супроводжувався статистично більшою частотою післяопераційних ускладнень, що погіршувало рівень періопераційної безпеки. Висновки. Результати дослідження засвідчили, що САЕ є ефективним та безпечним методом лікування хворих з ДГПЗ та високим операційним ризиком, за результативністю порівнянним з ТУРПЗ, але з меншим ризиком виникнення післяопераційних ускладнень. САЕ може бути методом вибору у хворих похилого віку з вираженою супутньою патологією, які мають протипоказання до стандартного оперативного втручання або утримуються від нього з інших причин

    Cardiopulmonary Test As A Component in the Diagnostic Algorithm for Heart Failure with Preserved Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction in Patients with Atrial Fibrillation

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    Background: Patients with heart failure with preserved ejection fraction account for more than half of all hospitalizations because of heart failure. On the other hand, atrial fibrillation and heart failure are quite often diagnosed together and one disease influences the development of the other. Timely and accurate diagnosis of heart failure with preserved ejection fraction is the basis for effective treatment of this category of patients. In 2019, the HFA-PEFF algorithm of diagnosis heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (including patients with atrial fibrillation) was proposed. However, the algorithm implies cardiac catheterization in patients at intermediate risk, which involves certain difficulties and cannot be used in routine practice. As an alternative to cardiac catheterization in the diagnosis of heart failure with preserved ejection fraction, we proposed a noninvasive diagnostic method cardiopulmonary test. However, the value of cardiopulmonary test technique has not been conclusively studied, especially in patients with a combination of chronic heart failure and atrial fibrillation. Aim: The aim of the study was to evaluate the role of the cardiopulmonary test in the diagnosis of heart failure with preserved ejection fraction in patients with atrial fibrillation. Methods: 138 patients with atrial fibrillation were included in our study. Using HFA-PEFF algorithm (algorithm for diagnosis of heart failure with preserved left ventricular ejection fraction) all patients were initially divided into 3 groups: low probability of heart failure 23 patients, intermediate probability 96 and high probability 19 patients. The stress-test allowed to precisely assess of patients at intermediate risk and finally form the groups: Group 1 without heart failure, 85 patients (61.6%); Group 2 patients with heart failure and preserved ejection fraction, 53 patients (38.4%). The next diagnostic stage was cardiopulmonary test. Results: During cardiopulmonary test, the anaerobic exercise threshold was 6.8 and 4.85 METs for the first and second groups, respectively (p 0.001), reflecting lower exercise tolerance in the second group of patients. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) demonstrated a statistically significant increase in pro-BNP levels with a decrease in peak VO2 (p 0.001). Also, analysis of variance demonstrated a significant statistical difference with respect to systolic pulmonary artery pressure in the subgroups with severely, moderately reduced oxygen consumption and in the group with normal peak VO2 (p=0.01). ROC analysis determined a peak VO2 of 20 ml/kg/min, above which the HFA-PEFF algorithm was unlikely to detect heart failure (AUC 0.73; confidence interval 0.650.82; p=0.043; sensitivity 85%; specificity 51%). Conclusion: The cardiopulmonary test is a reliable instrumental non-invasive method in the diagnosis of heart failure with preserved ejection fraction

    Tumor inflating lymphocytes. Purification, expanding and cytotoxicity analisys on primary tumor cultures

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    Background. Tumor Infiltrating Lymphocytes (TILs) is one of the most promising sources of autologous cytotoxic T-cells for adoptive immunotherapy, which has already shown high efficiency in the treatment of metastatic melanoma. However, the isolation of TILs from solid tumors is technically difficult. A suppressive tumor microenvironment, in particular, a high level of expression of check-point inhibitors PD-1 CTLA4, tissue hypoxia and other factors cause that T cells isolated from the tumor do not proliferate well and do not exhibit cytotoxic properties. Aims. In this study, we isolated TILs from surgical material obtained by resection of solid tumors (primary and metastatic adenocarcinomas of various localization, melanoma, glioblastoma), studied their population composition and developed protocols for the purification expanding, and activation of CD4+, CD8+ cytotoxic antitumor lymphocytes. Methods. An urgent task is the activation of TILs, turning off immunosuppressive mechanisms and increasing their antitumor cytotoxic activity. Various approaches are used for this: activation by a cocktail of cytokines and antibodies, editing the lymphocyte genome by knocking out suppressor genes or, conversely, transduction of activating genes, coincubation with feeder cells, etc. Cells were obtained from samples of resected tumors in 16 patients; in each case we obtain an autologous pair: the primary tumor culture and the TILs culture. Results. We could isolate viable lymphocytes in 100% of cases. Isolated TILs were successfully expanded in our specialized medium using various combinations of IL-2, IL-15, IL-21, IL-7, anti-CD3 and anti-CD28. Immunophenotyping showed that the obtained TILs are a heterogeneous mixture of CD4+, CD8+ cells containing populations of CD3+CD8+CD45+(CTL) CD3+CD4+CD45+ (T-helpers), CD4+CD25+CD127- (Т-regulatory cells), CD3-CD56+CD45+ (NK-cells), CD3+CD56+CD45+ (Т-NK-cells). The initial cultures of TILs were also characterized by a high level of PD1 expression, indicating their low antitumor cytotoxicity. Using different protocols of isolation, expansion, and activation, we obtained a cell preparation containing 80% of CD8+ PD-1- activated TILs in an amount sufficient for adoptive therapy (500106 or more). An in vitro study of the cytotoxicity of obtained TILs in primary cultures of homologous tumors using RTCA Icelligence showed high cytotoxicity, providing almost 100% tumor cell death. Conclusion. Our developed protocol for the production and activation of TILs can be recommended for the phase III clinical trials of adoptive immunotherapy of recurrent, highly metastatic solid tumors

    Anticoagulation after typical atrial flutter ablation

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    The specifics of the anticoagulant therapy after radiofrequency ablation of the cavotricuspid isthmus have not been sufficiently studied, therefore, the recommendations for prescribing the anticoagulant therapy usually do not distinguish between atrial flutter and atrial fibrillation. In contrast to the case of atrial fibrillation, the effectiveness of the interventional treatment for typical atrial flutter reaches 90%. This procedure may save the patient from a long-term anticoagulant therapy in the absence of recurrence of typical atrial flutter. The decision to stop the anticoagulant therapy after successful radiofrequency ablation of the cavotricuspid isthmus should take into account the potential induction of atrial fibrillation in patients undergoing the interventional treatment. In addition to the CHA2DS2-VASc scale, which characterizes the patient's comorbidity, it is important to take into account the echocardiographic morphofunctional criteria to assess the risk of atrial fibrillation. Currently, this protocol is not regulated in the clinical guidelines. The analysis of the literature data and the authors' own experience allow us to conclude that the optimal time for stopping the anticoagulant therapy is a relapse-free period of 34 months after the radiofrequency ablation of the cavotricuspid isthmus, since it is at this time that the effectiveness of the interventional treatment can be objectified

    Хирургические и патоморфологические результаты тотальной мезоректумэктомии с применением методики водоструйной диссекции при раке прямой кишки

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    Background. The paper presents our own experience of using a waterjet dissector ERBEJET2® in the course of surgical interventions for colorectal cancer. This experience is unique for Russia.Materials and methods. Waterjet dissection method associated with total  mesorectumectomy was used by us in 20 patients suffering from rectal cancer. An average age of patients was 59.2 ± 13.9 years. In all the patients surgeries were performed for adenogenic colorectal cancer, morphologically verified at the preoperative stage. Resected preparations were studied on morphological level. For comparison, two control groups of 20 patients were selected, in which the rectum mobilization was performed by using monopolar coagulator and harmonic scalpel. The studied groups were matched by gender, age, location and the tumor extent. All the surgeries were performed by one surgical team.Results. Results of the study demonstrated advantages of waterjet dissection when performing total mesorectumectomy due to a minimum depth of tissue damage on the lateral margin of resection.Conclusion. Waterjet dissectors have taken their place in the extensive list of tools used when performing surgical interventions for colorectal cancer, that allows to expect an improvement of functional and oncological results of the surgical treatment.Введение. В работе приведен собственный, уникальный для России опыт применения водоструйного диссектора ERBEJET2® в ходе выполнения оперативных вмешательств по поводу рака прямой кишки.Материалы и методы. Методика водоструйной диссекции при выполнении тотальной мезоректумэктомии применена нами у 20 больных раком прямой кишки. Средний возраст пациентов составил 59,2 ± 13,9 года. У всех больных оперативные вмешательства выполняли по поводу аденогенного рака прямой кишки, морфологически верифицированного на предоперационном этапе. Удаленные препараты исследованы морфологически. Для сравнения были выбраны 2  контрольные группы по 20 пациентов, у которых мобилизацию прямой кишки проводили с применением монополярного коагулятора и гармонического скальпеля. Исследованные группы были сопоставимы по гендерному составу, возрасту, локализации и распространенности опухоли. Все оперативные вмешательства выполняла одна бригада хирургов.Результаты. Результаты исследования продемонстрировали преимущества метода водоструйной диссекции при выполнении тотальной мезоректумэктомии за счет минимальной глубины повреждения тканей по латеральному краю резекции.Заключение. Водоструйные диссекторы заняли свое место в обширном списке инструментария, применяющегося при выполнении оперативных вмешательств по поводу рака прямой кишки, позволяя рассчитывать на улучшение функциональных и онкологических результатов хирургического лечения

    Retraction notice on the article by A.S. Zotov et al. ‘Short-Term Results of Two Strategies in Thoracoscopic Ablation for Lone Atrial Fibrillation’ doi: 10.17816/clinpract110719

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    Editorial board of the journal informs authors about the retraction of the article Short-Term Results of Two Strategies in Thoracoscopic Ablation for Lone Atrial Fibrillation published in Journal of Clinical Practice 13(3) 2022 by A.S. Zotov, O.Yu. Pidanov, I.S. Osmanov, A.V. Troitsky, A.A. Silaev, E.R. Sakharov, V.N. Sukhotin, O.O. Shelest, R.I. Khabazov, D.A. Timashkov. The reason for the retraction is the publication ethics violation in terms of authorship criteria. Not all authors whose names appear on the article made substantial contributions to the study drafted/revised the manuscript and approved the version to be published. Retraction made on January 09, 2023 with approve from the Editor-in-Chief

    The first experience of a hybrid approach in the surgical treatment of atrial fibrillation

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    Background: Atrial fibrillation (AF) is the most common arrhythmia in clinical practice and is associated with an increased risk of death, progression of heart failure, and the development of cardiogenic thromboemboli. Despite the significant success in the management of AF in the paroxysmal form, the results of the treatment for patients with persistent forms of AF remain unsatisfactory. Though the surgical approach provides higher rates of efficiency regarding the restoration of a sinus rhythm, transmural lesions are not always attainable, as a result, the rate of AF recurrence in the long-term period remains fairly high. It is also impossible to create ablative patterns to the mitral and tricuspid valves during thoracoscopic epicardial ablation, which can cause the development of recurrent AF, perimitral and typical atrial flutter. Therefore, the development of hybrid approaches combining the advantages of catheter and thoracoscopic techniques is an urgent task of contemporary surgical and interventional arrhythmology. Aims: to estimate the immediate results of a hybrid approach in the management of patients with persistent AF. Methods: We report the first experience of a hybrid treatment of patients with persistent AF. 6 patients aged 53-64 years (1 female, 5 males) were included in the study. At the first stage, thoracoscopic epicardial bipolar ablation was performed (modified GALAXY protocol); the second stage (in 3 to 6 months after the thoracoscopic stage) included an intracardiac electrophysiological study with three-dimensional endocardial mapping followed by endocardial ablation. Results: The thoracoscopic stage of the hybrid treatment included ablation according to the box lesion scheme using a bipolar irrigation equipment. No lethal outcomes and severe, life-threatening complications were registered. The duration of the inpatient period was 510 hospital-days. The 2nd stage of the hybrid treatment was limited to intracardiac electrophysiological examination only in 2 patients. In 4 patients, epicardial radiofrequency ablation was complemented by endocardial radiofrequency exposure. In 3 of the 4 patients who underwent endocardial radiofrequency ablation, catheter ablation of the mitral and cavotricuspid isthmus was required because of the induction of perimitral and typical flutter, respectively. After the 2nd stage of the hybrid treatment, at the time of discharge all the patients maintained a stable sinus rhythm. There were no severe complications or lethal outcomes. Conclusion: a hybrid approach in the AF management is a safe and effective method of treatment, which combines the advantages of minimally invasive surgery and endocardial intervention in patients with persistent AF. The technique is safe and has acceptable short-term results


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    The investigators analyzed the world literature on and the immediate and late results of 14 total small pelvic exenterations with different urinary tract reconstruction modalities. Postoperative complications occurred in 57.1 % of patients; postoperative mortality was 7.1 %. Late results were followed up in 12 patients. Overall survival at 10 to 48 months after surgery (median 26 months) was 83.3 %; relapse-free survival was 75 %. Urine derivation was made via orthotopic bladder plasty in 5 patients, Bricker operation in 6, and bilateral ureterocutaneostomy in 3. Functional results were regarded as good in all the patients after orthotopic bladder plasty. Thus, adequate urinary tract reconstruction allows one to expect the quality of life to be better without a negative impact on oncological results.Проведен обзор мировой литературы и проанализированы непосредственные и отдаленные результаты 14 тотальных экзентераций малого таза с различными вариантами реконструкции мочевыделительной системы. Послеоперационные осложнения имели место у 57,1 % больных, послеоперационная летальность составила 7,1 %. Отдаленные результаты прослежены у 12 пациентов. Общая выживаемость в сроки от 10 до 48 мес после операции (медиана 26 мес) составила 83,3 %, безрецидивная выживаемость — 75 %. Деривация мочи была обеспечена путем выполнения ортотопической пластики мочевого пузыря у 5 больных, операции Брикера – у 6, билатеральной уретерокутанеостомии – у 3 пациентов. Функциональные результаты оцениваются как хорошие у всех пациентов после ортотопической пластики мочевого пузыря. Таким образом, выполнение полноценной реконструкции мочевыделительной системы позволяет рассчитывать на улучшение качества жизни больных без отрицательного влияния на онкологические результаты

    Extreme photometric and polarimetric variability of blazar S4 0954+65 at its maximum optical and γ-ray brightness levels

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    In 2022 the BL Lac object S4 0954+65 underwent a major variability phase, reaching its historical maximum brightness in the optical and γ -ray bands. We present optical photometric and polarimetric data acquired by the Whole Earth Blazar Telescope (WEBT) Collaboration from 2022 April 6 to July 6. Many episodes of unprecedented fast variability were detected, implying an upper limit to the size of the emitting region as low as 10−4 parsec. The WEBT data show rapid variability in both the degree and angle of polarization. We analyse different models to explain the polarization behaviour in the framework of a twisting jet model, which assumes that the long-term trend of the flux is produced by variations in the emitting region viewing angle. All the models can reproduce the average trend of the polarization degree, and can account for its general anticorrelation with the flux, but the dispersion of the data requires the presence of intrinsic mechanisms, such as turbulence, shocks, or magnetic reconnection. The WEBT optical data are compared to γ -ray data from the Fermi satellite. These are analysed with both fixed and adaptive binning procedures. We show that the strong correlation between optical and γ -ray data without measurable delay assumes different slopes in faint and high brightness states, and this is compatible with a scenario where in faint states we mainly see the imprint of the geometrical effects, while in bright states the synchrotron self-Compton process dominates

    Multimessenger Characterization of Markarian 501 during Historically Low X-Ray and γ-Ray Activity

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    We study the broadband emission of Mrk 501 using multiwavelength observations from 2017 to 2020 performed with a multitude of instruments, involving, among others, MAGIC, Fermi's Large Area Telescope (LAT), NuSTAR, Swift, GASP-WEBT, and the Owens Valley Radio Observatory. Mrk 501 showed an extremely low broadband activity, which may help to unravel its baseline emission. Nonetheless, significant flux variations are detected at all wave bands, with the highest occurring at X-rays and very-high-energy (VHE) 3-rays. A significant correlation (>3σ) between X-rays and VHE 3-rays is measured, supporting leptonic scenarios to explain the variable parts of the emission, also during low activity. This is further supported when we extend our data from 2008 to 2020, and identify, for the first time, significant correlations between the Swift X-Ray Telescope and Fermi-LAT. We additionally find correlations between high-energy 3-rays and radio, with the radio lagging by more than 100 days, placing the 3-ray emission zone upstream of the radio-bright regions in the jet. Furthermore, Mrk 501 showed a historically low activity in X-rays and VHE 3-rays from mid-2017 to mid-2019 with a stable VHE flux (>0.2 TeV) of 5% the emission of the Crab Nebula. The broadband spectral energy distribution (SED) of this 2 yr long low state, the potential baseline emission of Mrk 501, can be characterized with one-zone leptonic models, and with (lepto)-hadronic models fulfilling neutrino flux constraints from IceCube. We explore the time evolution of the SED toward the low state, revealing that the stable baseline emission may be ascribed to a standing shock, and the variable emission to an additional expanding or traveling shock. © 2023. The Author(s). Published by the American Astronomical Society