85 research outputs found

    The Formation of Students’ Values in the Context of Changes in the Educational Environment (On the Example of the Leningrad Region)

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    The article examines the direction of improving the quality level of the educational process in the conditions of changing educational environment and new social challenges. One of the important aspects in the conditions of innovative transformations is the formation of students ‘ social and spiritual values. It is the General education school that should form in the minds of the younger generation spiritual, moral and Patriotic values, social and ethical norms of behavior based on national and universal ideals.The study of students ‘own value preferences is insufficient from the point of view of methodological educational and organizational approaches.in this regard, students’ value orientations and preferences often remain outside the field of view of the pedagogical community.The article notes that a comprehensive analysis of the formation of values of high school students, the study of the mechanisms of intergenerational continuity and the development of innovative forms of educational influence important study of value preferences of students, as well as the evaluation opinions of the teaching staff, especially young teachers engaged in the educational process. The purpose of this article is also to study the trends and specifics of the educational and educational process focused on the problems and formation of social values of students of educational organizations in the Leningrad region

    Preventive Activity for Providing Public Order and Legality in St. Petersburg (on materials of a sociological research)

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    The purpose of the article is assessment of a criminogenic situation and the analysis of activities of law enforcement agencies for safety of residents of St. Petersburg. Quantitative and qualitative methods of a sociological research and also methods of the correlation and regressive analysis and expert estimates are used. The research of a condition of crime and detection of opinion of residents of St. Petersburg in relation to various forms of her manifestation, assessment of activity of law enforcement agencies is result. The conducted research allows to draw a number of conclusions: different types of offenses have both the general social and economic determinants, and more concrete, specific which have received the interpretation on the basis of the obtained empirical data; it is summarized that achievement of a certain stability of system of public safety doesn’t guarantee this trend further as new social calls appear. For example, the extremist factor, recruiting work exerts impact on criminalization from the extremist organizations, etc. today. As results of a research, the number of the registered crimes in St. Petersburg of terrorist orientation testify it isn’t so big, but it has resonant character and is calculated on fear, social destabilization. Residents and experts are unanimous when determining the types of crime exerting the greatest impact on a criminogenic situation in St. Petersburg are the crimes connected with drug trafficking, property crimes and crimes against the personality. In the majority a case respondents connect the ideas of a condition of crime in St. Petersburg in the next years with change of a social and economic and political situation and believe that the criminogenic situation in the city will tend to improvement though this tendency has no convincing argument. It is possible to draw a conclusion that purposeful work on increase in safety of citizens in St. Petersburg has the positive results and demands the further improvement. Scheduled maintenance on her prevention acts as one of the key directions of fight against crimes.From the point of view of citizens, are the most important: he preventive activity of police directed to strengthening of patrol of city streets, domestic territories, continuous raids in criminogenic places; improvement of work of district police officers; quick response to addresses of citizens; universal installation of surveillance cameras and increase in solvability of crimes

    Possibilities of the Mixed Research Methods Application in the Management of a Modern University (On the Materials of Sociological Research)

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    The paper discusses the possibilities of using mixed methods research in the management of a modern university. The goal of the study is to substantiate the heuristic potential of mixed methods research to identify effective approaches to managing the faculty in modern conditions.The study describes iterative data analysis within the framework of a mixed strategy:1) standard quantitative analysis; 2) quantitative triangulation, including the use of several methods, such as the Importance Performance Analysis (IPA); 3) standard qualitative analysis; 4) mixed triangulation, which ultimately led to a synergistic effect.The research results lie in different ways, including methodological and content related. The methodological results include the identification of the special heuristic potential of mixed methods during exploratory research; in the substantive part, a situation of social maladjustment of faculty was diagnosed in the context of developing “academic capitalism”, when the academic community, taking into account both economic and increasing social deprivation, is demotivated for effective labor activity

    Topical Agenda for the Study of Values in Foreign Sociology: Topics, Theories, Methodologies

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    Research on values is important both for the development of sociology and for. practices of social management, they provide the necessary basis for effective public policy.The purpose of this article was to analyze the current agenda for the study of values by building theoretical and methodological thematic clusters. An optional task was to describe the thematic thesaurus used by the authors of the articles on values. The hypothesis was tested that the theory of social status in relation to economic topics received the greatest recognition in the current agenda. The study was carried out in a quantitative design, the method of content analysis was used, followed by the calculation of the c-correlation coefficient between the three semantic components of the study: topic, theory, methodology. The empirical material was the abstracts of 132 articles published in 21 sociological journals, included in the 1 quartile of Scopus in 2016–2020. Articles were selected according to the author’s search method. The limitations of the study are the 5-year time period, the language of the article (English), the use of only abstract texts for analysis, and not the articles themselves, the author’s method of building clusters (it is possible to build clusters on other grounds).Results. The main hypothesis was confirmed. The strongest connection was recorded between the theory of social status and economic topics (c-correlation coefficient — 0.62). The smallest connection was found between family values and theories about values as ideal representations (0.21). At the same time, the coefficient of connection between theories and research topics is, on average, lower than that of methodologies and topics. Qualitative methodology is mentioned by authors of articles on values a little more often than quantitative one. (114 qualitative versus 103 quantitative). In the thematic thesaurus, the greatest diversity is recorded in the research area “Labor and Economics”, the least — in the areas “Family” and “Education”. Despite the fact that the group of articles dealing with values in the sphere of politics is the second largest in the sample with 87 articles (66%), only 15 frequently used terms were included in its thematic thesaurus. In the area of “Labor and Economics”, 65 significant terms were identified; in total, materials of 111 articles (84%) were attributed to this area.The directions of further research are related to the study of the isomorphism of the agenda for the study of values in international and Russian sociology, as well as the analysis of substantive discrepancies in the study of values in the same sphere of life between Russian and foreign sociologists

    Influence of threshing drum's disbalance in combine harvester on its vibration

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    Приведено дослідження неврівноваженості молотильного барабана зернозбирального комбайна. Виведено рівняння зміни коливань вертикального переміщення центру мас барабана та кута повороту барабана навколо центру мас, а також побудовано графіки цих коливань. Досліджено вплив зміни неврівноваженої маси, жорсткості опор та відстані між площиною неврівноваженої маси і площиною центру мас на амплітуду коливань вертикального переміщення центру мас та кута повороту.In this paper research of threshing drum’s disbalance in combine harvester is presented. Modern threshing drum of tangential type in combine harvester are made open. Central and extreme disks are mounted on the cylinder shaft. Bars or rasp bars are mounted on disks. This construction of threshing drum makes possible falling of grain, plant residues, powder and soil into the threshing drum. All this results in the imbalance of threshing drum and the emergence of oscillation. The oscillation is transmitted to the bearings and hull of combine harvester. These oscillations lead to reduced reliability rate of combine harvester, and also to reduce threshing quality of grain crops. In this paper oscillation equation of threshing drum system is solved. The free oscillation equations of threshing drum are shown. Equations of oscillation’ change vertical centroidal displacement and shaft rotation angle of threshing drum are derived. The oscillation’ graph of change vertical centroidal displacement and shaft rotation angle of threshing drum for different unbalanced mass, different stiffness of left and right carriage and for different placement unbalanced mass. It was considered that unbalanced mass can be placed on the left, center and right beater in bars of threshing drum. In this article we reviewed at an example, where an unbalanced mass on a single stick of bars in threshing drum of combine harvester. All of graphs are plottedfjr combine harvester KZS-9-1 «Slavutych» with characteristic І=13,64 kg∙m3, m=200 kg, ρ1=0,3 m; ω=85,7 rad/s. The unbalance mass is changed from 100 g to 500 g. The stiffness of left and right carriage is changed from 100000 Nm 145000 Nm. The impact of change of input parameters for oscillatory amplitude is researched. It was found that the stiffness of left and right carriage reduce oscillations of vertical centroidal displacement and shaft rotation angle of threshing drum in combine harvester. Increase of an unbalanced mass or characteristic a1 increases the forced oscillations of vertical centroidal displacement and shaft rotation angle of threshing drum in combine harvester

    Practices of Protest in the Conditions of the Developing Academic Capitalism

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    The article focuses on the problem of professional motivation of University teaching staff in the context of developing “academic capitalism” and presents the results of the empirical study carried out by the authors at the North-Western Institute of management of RANEPA in March–June 2020. Based on the data obtained, it is revealed that teachers, experiencing deep deprivation of their social needs – the needs for respect, recognition and honor, are trying to find their place in the modern system, get out of the grip of double pressure, on the one hand, from the administration, which purposefully imposes rating systems and effective contracts, increasing competition between teachers, and on the other hand – students, who are now positioned as clients of universities. In the context of developing academic capitalism, teachers choose one of two adaptation strategies: 1) conformism as an opportunity to integrate into a constantly changing situation; 2) the practice of quiet protest as an opportunity to demonstrate the inefficiency of the entrepreneurial model of higher education, at least in its current version, and 3) neutral position to protect the classical values of the academic community

    Protecting Mice from H7 Avian Influenza Virus by Immunisation with a Recombinant Adenovirus Encoding Influenza A Virus Conserved Antigens

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    Influenza is a highly contagious disease that causes annual epidemics and occasional pandemics. Birds are believed to be the source of newly emerging pandemic strains, including highly pathogenic avian influenza viruses of the subtype H7. The aim of the study: to evaluate the ability of the recombinant human adenovirus, serotype 5, which expresses genes of influenza A highly conserved antigens (ion channel M2 and nucleoprotein NP), to provide protection to laboratory mice against infection with a lethal dose of avian influenza virus, subtype H7. To achieve this goal, it was necessary to adapt influenza A virus, subtype H7 for reproduction in the lungs of mice, to characterise it, and to use it for evaluation of the protective properties of the recombinant adenovirus. Materials and methods: avian influenza virus A/Chicken/NJ/294508-12/2004 (H7N2) was adapted for reproduction in the lungs of mice by repeated passages. The adapted strain was sequenced and assessed using hemagglutination test, EID50 and LD50 for laboratory mice. BALB/c mice were immunised once with Ad5-tet-M2NP adenovirus intranasally, and 21 days after the immunisation they were infected with a lethal dose (5 LD50) of influenza virus A/Chicken/NJ/294508-12/2004 (H7N2) in order to assess the protective properties of the recombinant adenovirus. The level of viral shedding from the lungs of the infected mice was evaluated by titration of the lung homogenates in MDCK cell culture on days 3 and 6 after infection. The level of specific antibodies to H7 avian influenza virus was determined by indirect enzyme immunoassay. Results: the use of Ad5-tet-M2NP adenovirus for immunisation of the mice ensured 100% survival of the animals that had disease symptoms (weight loss) after their infection with the lethal dose (5 LD50) of H7 avian influenza virus. The study demonstrated a high post-vaccination level of humoral immune response to H7 avian influenza virus. The virus titer decreased significantly by day 6 in the lungs of mice that had been immunised with Ad5-tet-M2NP compared to the control group. Conclusion: the Ad5-tetM2NP recombinant adenovirus can be used to create a candidate pandemic influenza vaccine that would protect against avian influenza viruses, subtype H7, in particular