11 research outputs found

    Эффективность и безопасность клинического применения сухого экстракта листьев плюща в лечении заболеваний органов дыхания у детей

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    Data of morbidity of respiratory diseases in children at Sankt-Petersburg are given in the article. The authors described significance and current features of respiratory diseases in children, showed a role of mucostasis in poor course and importance of mucoactive therapy in community-acquired and in-hospital respiratory pathologies. Results of post-marketing clinical trial of mucoactive efficacy of Prospan in 180 children of 6 months to 17 years of age with wide-spread respiratory diseases have been presented in the article. High mucolytic and bronchodilating activity and good safety profile of Prospan, which is dry extract of ivy leaves, have been demonstrated. No interaction was noted between Prospan and other medications used in the treatment of respiratory diseases in children. Therapy with dry extract of ivy leaves was safe in children with most prevalent co-existing pathology including early age children.В статье представлены данные о распространенности болезней органов дыхания (БОД) среди детей Санкт-Петербурга, определены значение и особенности современного течения БОД у детей. Показана роль мукостаза в неблагоприятном течении бронхолегочных заболеваний, обоснована необходимость мукоактивной терапии и целесообразность ее применения в амбулаторной и госпитальной терапии. Представлены данные постмаркетингового клинического исследования мукоактивной эффективности препарата Проспан (сухого экстракта листьев плюща – СЭЛП) в лечении наиболее распространенных заболеваний бронхолегочной системы у 180 детей в возрасте от 6 месяцев до 17 лет. Подтверждена высокая муколитическая и бронходилатационная эффективность препарата при высоком профиле безопасности. Не выявлено взаимодействие с другими лекарственными средствами, применяемыми в комплексной терапии БОД у детей. Отмечена безопасность применения СЭЛП в лечении детей с наиболее распространенной сопутствующей педиатрической патологией, в том числе и в раннем возрасте

    A problem book in algebra

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    Denning in brown bears

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    Hibernation represents an adaptation for coping with unfavorable environmental conditions. For brown bears Ursus arctos, hibernation is a critical period as pronounced temporal reductions in several physiological functions occur. Here, we review the three main aspects of brown bear denning: (1) den chronology, (2) den characteristics, and (3) hibernation physiology in order to identify (a) proximate and ultimate factors of hibernation as well as (b) research gaps and conservation priorities. Den chronology, which varies by sex and reproductive status, depends on environmental factors, such as snow, temperature, food availability, and den altitude. Significant variation in hibernation across latitudes occurs for both den entry and exit. The choice of a den and its surroundings may affect individual fitness, for example, loss of offspring and excessive energy consumption. Den selection is the result of broad‐ and fine‐scale habitat selection, mainly linked to den insulation, remoteness, and availability of food in the surroundings of the den location. Hibernation is a metabolic challenge for the brown bears, in which a series of physiological adaptations in tissues and organs enable survival under nutritional deprivation, maintain high levels of lipids, preserve muscle, and bone and prevent cardiovascular pathologies such as atherosclerosis. It is important to understand: (a) proximate and ultimate factors in denning behavior and the difference between actual drivers of hibernation (i.e., factors to which bears directly respond) and their correlates; (b) how changes in climatic factors might affect the ability of bears to face global climate change and the human‐mediated changes in food availability; (c) hyperphagia (period in which brown bears accumulate fat reserves), predenning and denning periods, including for those populations in which bears do not hibernate every year; and (d) how to approach the study of bear denning merging insights from different perspectives, that is, physiology, ecology, and behavior.During this research, EGB was financially supported by a FPU grant (FPU15‐03429) of the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities. V.P. was financially supported by: (1) the Excellence Project CGL2017‐82782‐P financed by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, the Agencia Estatal de Investigación (AEI) and the Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER, EU); and (2) a GRUPIN research grant from the Regional Government of Asturias (Ref.: IDI/2018/000151).Peer reviewe