80 research outputs found

    Оценка влияния социального капитала на доходы населения регионов России

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    Purpose of research. To identify the impact of social capital on economic development and income, using mathematical modeling. Also, based on the analysis of modern domestic and foreign literature on the theoretical foundations of social capital, to give a qualitative and quantitative characteristic of such indicators of social capital as marriage, divorce, the ratio of these indicators and the mechanisms of its possible impact on the income of Russian citizens.  Materials and methods. General scientific methods such as analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, empirical methods were used to obtain scientific results. The theoretical basis of the study is the fundamental theoretical work and publications of Russian and foreign scientists in the field of social capital research as a factor affecting the development of the national economy as a whole and the income of the Russian population, in particular. The authors propose a methodological approach that distinguishes the study from other economists – this is mathematical modeling using the extended Cobb-Douglas production function with the inclusion of indicators representing human and social capital in the number of independent variables of this function. The variable, characterizing social capital is a statistical indicator “the ratio of marriage and divorce”, as a characteristic of the state of social (or its components of moral capital) in Russia. The calculations used data from statistical reference books “Regions of Russia. Socio-Economic Indicators”, “weighted” regressions, the indicator “number of people employed in the region’s economy” was used as a weighted variable.  Results. Calculations of spatial regression equations, using official statistics are carried out. The statistical evaluation of the effect of social capital on the income differentiation of the population in the regions of Russia is presented. Social capital, as shown by the calculations of the regression equations, along with the fixed capital per worker and the average level of education of the population, employed in the economy of the regions, has a significant impact  on both income and differentiation of income of the population of Russian regions. In addition, calculations indicate that the frequency of divorces adversely affects the income of the employed population of the regions of Russia.  Conclusion. Calculations and analysis of statistical indicators show that social capital in Russia does not accumulate, but degrades. This can lead to undesirable consequences in terms of economic development, preventing the movement along progressive trajectories. In particular, for example, to the spread of such a negative phenomenon as information asymmetry in different groups: at work or in the family, which can interfere with productive work and result in lower quality of work, service, efficiency and competitiveness. Therefore, there is an urgent need to envisage a number of measures to accumulate and save social capital. Including the strengthening of the family, which makes a significant contribution to the creative processes of trust, and accordingly, the growth of social capital.  Цель исследования. Используя математическое моделирование выявить влияние социального капитала на экономическое раз­витие и доходы населения, дать оценку силы этого влияния при помощи статистических методов. Так же на основе анализа современной отечественной и зарубежной литературы по тео­ретическим основам социального капитала дать качественную и количественную характеристику таких индикаторов социаль­ного капитала, как брачные отношения, разводы, соотношение этих индикаторов и механизмов его возможного влияния на доходы российских граждан.  Материалы и методы. Для получения научных результатов использованы такие общенаучные методы, как анализ и синтез, индукция и дедукция, эмпирические методы. Теоретической основой исследования являются фундаментальные теорети­ческие работы и публикации российских и зарубежных учёных в области исследования социального капитала как фактора, влияющего на развитие национальной экономики в целом и на доходы населения России, в частности. Авторами предложен методический подход, который отличает его исследование от других экономистов – это математическое моделирование с помощью расширенной производственной функции Кобба-Ду­гласа с включением в число независимых переменных этой функции показателей, представляющих человеческий и соци­альный капиталы. Переменная, характеризующая социальный капитал – статистический показатель «соотношение браков и разводов», как характеристика состояния социального (или его компоненты морального капитала) в России. В расчётах использованы данные из статистических справочников «Регионы России. Социально-экономические показатели», регрессии «взве­шенные», в качестве весовой переменной использован показатель «численность занятого в экономике региона населения».  Результаты. Проведены расчёты пространственных регресси­онных уравнений с использованием официальных статистиче­ских данных. Дана статистическая оценка влияния социального капитала на дифференциацию доходов населения в регионах России. Социальный капитал, как показали расчёты регрес­сионных уравнений, наряду с фондовооружённостью труда, и средним уровнем образования занятого в экономике регионов населения оказывает значительное влияние, как на доходы, так и на дифференциацию доходов населения регионов России. Так же расчеты свидетельствуют о том, что частота разводов отрицательно влияет на доходы занятого населения регионов России.  Заключение. Из расчетов и анализа статистических показате­лей, очевидно, что социальный капитал в России не только не накапливается, а деградирует. Это вполне способно привести к нежелательным последствиям в плане развития экономики, препятствуя движению по прогрессивным траекториям. В частности, например, к распространению такого негативного явления, как асимметрия информации в различных группах: на работе или в семье, что может мешать продуктивно трудиться и приводить в итоге к снижению качества работы, продукта, услуги, эффективности и конкурентоспособности. Поэтому существует насущная необходимость предусмотреть ряд мер по аккумулированию, сбережению и накоплению социального ка­питала. В том числе и укреплению института семьи, который так же вносит весомый вклад в созидательные процессы укре­пления доверия и, соответственно, росту социального капитала.


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    It has been established in the work that the value of the Fe(II) oxidation current can be taken as an analytical signal and used as a source of information on AOC. The AOC of some antioxidants was determined. The range of analyzed concentrations and the detection limit of the method are established

    Кинетика окисления полиизопрена в присутствии активных добавок

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    Analysis of changes in the structure and properties of polyisoprene films was carried out. The samples contained chemically active additives (antioxidants, antiscorchings) and were subsequenly warmed up.Проведен анализ изменения структуры и свойств пленок полиизопрена, содержащих химически активные добавки (противостарители, антискорчинги) с последующим прогревом образцов


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    The operation of total endoprosthesis replacement of large joints is associated with several anesthetic problems. Solving these problems ensures the safety of these highly traumatic operations and requires the solution of the following anesthetic tasks in the perioperative period: high degree of antinociceptive protection of patients with effective relaxation of the surgical intervention area; prevention of fatty hyperglobulinemia; decrease in the volume of perioperative hemorrhage and prophylaxis of thrombogenic complications. We developed our own program of anesthetic maintenance at major joints replacement. The components of the program are: the type of anesthesia - spinal anesthesia preservation of spontaneous respiration; our method of fat globulinemia prevention, based on maintaining the functional stability of the hepatocyte; our own method of replacement of peri-operative blood loss, based on the additional principle of "normalization of the oncotic blood pressure". Before the operation, patients receive a solution of tranexamic acid at a dose of 10 mg/kg of body mass to inhibit proteolysis (blood preservation technology). This method provides a "dry" operating field, reducing intraoperative hemorrhage. In the early postoperative period (5 hours after the surgery), under the control of whole blood clotting time, patients receive low molecular weight heparin Clexane at a therapeutic dosage of 1 mg/kg of body weight. This provides effective prevention of thrombogenic complications. The application of the developed technique shows its high clinical effectiveness. Over the past 5 years, 5,800 operations for large joint prosthetics have been performed, including 3,200 total hip replacement operations, 2,600 total knee replacement operations. There were no complications with a fatal outcome, in 5 cases fatty hyperglobulinemia was noted, which was stopped by the own method of treatment. There are no thrombogenic complications

    Элемент согласования волноводной линии передачи с диодом

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    The article deals with the issues of matching a waveguide transmission line with millimeter wave diodes. The implementation of the transition of a rectangular waveguide to a microstrip switching line in the form of a line of the fin-line type is described. The computer simulation results of the transmission coefficient module of the developed element and the standing wave coefficient by voltage separately for the transition from a rectangular waveguide to a microstrip transmission line and as part of an amplitude detector are shown. A joint application of the developed element with a microstrip detector based on a Schottky diode in the frequency range from 118.1 to 178.4 GHz is proposed. The results of measuring its parameters and the results of determining the sensitivity are given, as well as the evaluation of the results obtained is performed. The obtained results proved the possibility of using the matching element of a waveguide transmission line with a diode in the millimeter wavelength range. Рассмотрены вопросы согласования волноводной линии передачи с диодами миллиметрового диапазона длин волн. Описана реализация перехода с прямоугольного волновода на микрополосковую линию передачи в виде линии типа фин-лайн. Показаны результаты компьютерного моделирования модуля коэффициента передачи разработанного элемента и коэффициента стоячей волны по напряжению отдельно перехода с прямоугольного волновода на микрополосковую линию передачи и в составе амплитудного детектора. Представлена реализация совместного применения разработанного элемента с микрополосковым детектором на базе диода Шоттки в диапазоне частот от 118,1 до 178,4 ГГц. Приведены результаты измерения его параметров и определения чувствительности. При оценке полученных данных подтверждена возможность применения разработанного элемента согласования волноводной линии передачи с диодом в миллиметровом диапазоне длин волн

    Assessment of the social capital impact on the household income of the Russian Federation regions

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    Purpose of research. To identify the impact of social capital on economic development and income, using mathematical modeling. Also, based on the analysis of modern domestic and foreign literature on the theoretical foundations of social capital, to give a qualitative and quantitative characteristic of such indicators of social capital as marriage, divorce, the ratio of these indicators and the mechanisms of its possible impact on the income of Russian citizens.  Materials and methods. General scientific methods such as analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, empirical methods were used to obtain scientific results. The theoretical basis of the study is the fundamental theoretical work and publications of Russian and foreign scientists in the field of social capital research as a factor affecting the development of the national economy as a whole and the income of the Russian population, in particular. The authors propose a methodological approach that distinguishes the study from other economists – this is mathematical modeling using the extended Cobb-Douglas production function with the inclusion of indicators representing human and social capital in the number of independent variables of this function. The variable, characterizing social capital is a statistical indicator “the ratio of marriage and divorce”, as a characteristic of the state of social (or its components of moral capital) in Russia. The calculations used data from statistical reference books “Regions of Russia. Socio-Economic Indicators”, “weighted” regressions, the indicator “number of people employed in the region’s economy” was used as a weighted variable.  Results. Calculations of spatial regression equations, using official statistics are carried out. The statistical evaluation of the effect of social capital on the income differentiation of the population in the regions of Russia is presented. Social capital, as shown by the calculations of the regression equations, along with the fixed capital per worker and the average level of education of the population, employed in the economy of the regions, has a significant impact  on both income and differentiation of income of the population of Russian regions. In addition, calculations indicate that the frequency of divorces adversely affects the income of the employed population of the regions of Russia.  Conclusion. Calculations and analysis of statistical indicators show that social capital in Russia does not accumulate, but degrades. This can lead to undesirable consequences in terms of economic development, preventing the movement along progressive trajectories. In particular, for example, to the spread of such a negative phenomenon as information asymmetry in different groups: at work or in the family, which can interfere with productive work and result in lower quality of work, service, efficiency and competitiveness. Therefore, there is an urgent need to envisage a number of measures to accumulate and save social capital. Including the strengthening of the family, which makes a significant contribution to the creative processes of trust, and accordingly, the growth of social capital

    Modification of nitrile butadiene rubber at the stage of its allocation

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    Search for additives that increase the wear resistance of rubbers is relevant. It is known that the introduction of hollow corundum microspheres (NCM) into rubber reduces the wear of rubber products. The uniform distribution of small amounts of microspheres in rubber by traditional "dry" mixing in a rubber mixer or on rollers is difficult. Microspheres were introduced into rubber at the stage of its separation from latex. The work consisted in the selection of thickeners capable of holding the NSM in rubber latex SCN-18SNT at the stage of its coagulation, and evaluation of physical and mechanical properties of rubbers in the presence of NCM. The retention capacity of thickeners of polyacrylamide (PAA), carboxymethylcellulose (CMC) and polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) was determined. Thickened latex was coagulated in the presence of microspheres with polymeric coagulant and sulfuric acid. When filling the polymer with microspheres, it is preferable to use a PAA thickener. The yield of microspheres in rubber using thickeners PAA, CMC and PVA was 71.1, 66.5 and 38.7% , respectively. The physico-mechanical characteristics of rubbers based on SKN-18SNT in the presence of microspheres introduced both as a "dry" method in rubber and at the stage of its isolation from latex are determined. The presence of microspheres in an amount of 4.4-4.7% by weight. on rubber, did not affect the hardness and elasticity of rebound rubbers. It has been confirmed that the presence of microspheres, especially those introduced from the latex rubber release stage, provides an increase in abrasion resistance. In turn, the presence of microspheres in rubber with traces of polyacrylamide provided an increase in the resistance of rubbers to tearing, the modulus at 100 and 200% elongation with a decrease in the elongation at break

    Implication of interdisciplinary team teaching of an ESP course

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    This paper aims to discuss the practical experience of “English for specific purposes” (ESP) course team teaching at National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University in Russia. The analysis of the basic concepts determining the team teaching environment, as well as the model in which it can be implemented, are presented herein. The major focus is the effectiveness of teaming of ESP course in enhancing academic and research achievements to meet students’ needs. The conclusion of this paper highlights the benefits and challenges of the suggested model, and addresses the question of whether it can take place in ESP courses in the Russian universities

    Synthesis and properties of butadiene-alpha-methylstyrene thermoplastic elastomer

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    Butadiene-α-methylstyrene block – copolymer – a thermoplastic elastomer (TPE-R DMST) occupies a special place among the ethylene – vinyl aromatic block copolymers. TPE-R DMST comprising as plastic – poly-α-methylstyrene unit and elastic – polybutadiene block. TPE-R DMST has high heat resistance, flexibility, abrasion resistance compared to butadiene-styrene thermoplastic elastomer (TPE DST). The synthesis of block copolymers of butadiene and α-methylstyrene was carried out. The process of polymerization the α-methylstyrene characterized the high speed of polymerization in polar medium and low reaction speed in hydrocarbon solvents. Anionic catalyst nbutyllithium (n-BuLi) and high concentration – 60–80% α-methylstyrene in the mixture influenced by synthesis of the 1st block of TPE-R DMST, it’s technologically difficult. Found that the low temperature of polymerization α-methylstyrene (+61 o C), the reversibility of these reactions and the high concentration of residual monomer are very importance. It was revealed that a high polymerization rate α-methylstyrene can be achieved by conducting the reaction in a hydrocarbon solvent with polar additives compounds such as tetrahydrofuran (THF) and methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE). The conditions for the synthesis of P-DMST were developed. The kinetics of polymerization for the first DMST-P unit was obtained. Analysis of physical and mechanical properties DMST-P samples was conducted. The optimum content of bound α-methylstyrene block copolymer provides a good combination of properties in a relatively wide temperature range. The tensile strength at normal and elevated temperatures, the hardness and the stiffness of the polymer increased by increasing the content of bound α-methylstyrene. The elongation and the elasticity reduced by increasing the content of bound α-methylstyrene

    Butadiene-styrene thermoplastic elastomer with special properties

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    Structure and rheology of thermoplastic elastomers with stiff links of styrene in polybutadiene unit are examined. Molecular and structural characteristics TPE withthe high vinyl links of polybutadiene are shown. Structure and technological properties of the thermoplastic elastomers modified in the synthesis stage are compared