14 research outputs found

    60 GHz WLAN applications and implementation aspects

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    Various wireless applications are currently under development for the unlicensed 60GHz band. This paper describes three examples with different system requirements. The first two are point-to-multipoint wireless networks (in an airplane and in a car) and the third one is a short range point-to-point connection. Special requirements of the applications are a high number of users for the point-to-multipoint connection and a high data rate of 10Gbit/s for the point-to-point connection system. Implementation aspects are pointed out, which are important to demonstrate the functionality of the system in a relevant environment and are key aspects to develop the related products. For example, integration aspects of the antenna into an airplane passenger seat and the receiver concept of the radio frequency-(RF) front-end to reducing the power consumption at ultrahigh data rates are described. Additionally, to determine the geometrical system architecture, ray-tracing simulations inside an aircraft and inside a car were performed

    Patente in der europäischen Finanzindustrie – Terra incognita?

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    Die unklare Formulierung des Artikels 52 des Europäischen Patentübereinkommens hat zu einer Unsicherheit bezüglich der Patentierbarkeit von Erfindungen mit finanzwirtschaftlichem Hintergrund am Europäischen Patentamt (EPA) geführt. Der vorliegende Artikel gibt einen Überblick über die geltende Rechtslage in Europa und stellt sie den relevanten Regelungen in den USA gegenüber. In einer empirischen Erhebung werden 1761 Patentanmeldungen am EPA identifiziert, denen eine Erfindung mit finanzwirtschaftlichem Hintergrund zu Grunde liegt. Die Analyse dieser Patente zeigt, dass nur lediglich circa 20 Prozent aller bisher abgeschlossenen Anmeldeverfahren zu einer Patentgewährung geführt haben. Verglichen mit einer durchschnittlichen langfristigen Gewährungsrate von rund 68 Prozent scheint das EPA restriktiv bei der Gewährung von "Finanzpatenten" zu sein. Dieses Ergebnis ist für die Bemühungen um einen neuen regulativen Rahmen zur Vermeidung zukünftiger Finanzmarktkrisen relevant. Eine umfassende Patentierung könnte einer schnellen Verbreitung von aus regulatorischen Gründen gewünschten Methoden im Wege stehen.The imprecise wording of article 52 of the European Patent Convention lead to uncertainty with regard to the patentability of inventions related to financial methods and processes at the European Patent Office (EPO). This article summarizes the relevant legislation in Europe and contrasts it with the legislation in the US. In the empirical part of the paper, 1,761 EPO patent applications based on inventions related to financial methods and processes are identified. The analysis of those patent applications demonstrates that only 20 Prozent of the completed application procedures led to a final patent grant. Compared to an overall grant rate of about 68 Prozent at the EPO this finding highlights that the EPO pursues a restrictive approach towards the award of "financial patents". This finding bears relevance for the future design of a regulatory framework for the financial industry: Widespread patenting could hinder fast diffusion of financial innovation and hamper regulators' efforts to implement them

    A 60 GHz multiGb/s system demonstration utilizing analog synchronization and 1-bit data conversion, in

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    Abstract-In this paper, a 60 GHz system demonstrator for multi-Gb/s, short-range, line-of-sight communications is presented. The system utilizes a highly efficient receiver architecture with phase noise suppression capability, which performs carrier synchronization in the analog domain, eliminating the need for high speed, high precision analog-todigital converters. In the presented demonstrator, with only 1-bit data conversion at the transmitter and receiver, an error-free maximum raw data rate of 3.45 Gb/s is achieved using BPSK modulation over a wireless transmission distance of up to 1 m. A more sophisticated modulation capability is demonstrated as well for a raw data rate of 6.9 Gb/s and a bit error rate of 10 −5 using QPSK modulation


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    There has been a wide-spread misconception based on the imprecise wording of Art. 52 of the European Patent Convention that the protection of business methods by patents is prohibited in Europe. This article investigates the legal framework set by patent laws with respect to the patentability of business methods, contrasting the situation in lege in Europe and the situation in the US. It is shown that in praxi business methods have never been excluded from patentability in Europe. In the empirical part of the article, 1901 European patent applications relating to business methods are identified and major patent indicators are computed. Further, a case study from the franking device industry which is characterized by strong competition for intellectual property rights is conducted. It contains evidence for the strategic use of business method patents leading to opposition rates against granted patents of 44%.Business method patents, Patent opposition, EPO, Franking device manufacturers,