110 research outputs found

    Sociological and legal aspects of authentication in social networks through passport data

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    This work is devoted to the analysis of the sociological and legal aspects of the implementation of authentication in social networks through passport data. In the article, along with authentication, the uses of biometric data, as well as the features of Russian legislation in the sphere of personal data, are considered. The positive and negative aspects of introducing authentication by passport data in social networks are shown and the psychological and legal aspectsare reveled. The authors analyzed all the features of authentication, the complexity of application and the impact of this innovation on the prevention of deviant behavior among the adolescent age group. The object of the research is authentication by passport data in social networks.   The subject of the research is psychological and legal aspects of establishing authentication based on passport data.   The methodological and theoretical basis of the research is made up of particular and general scientific approaches to the study of this topic, formal logical and comparative methods, as well as methods of structural analysis were used.   In the course of the study, conclusions about the main features of storing citizens’ data, the complexity of storing data of Russians on foreign Internet platforms, conclusions on the need to filter information for minors were drawn, and also considered the phenomenon of deviant behavior among adolescents and the influence of information in social networks on their consciousness

    The role of the educational psychologist in organisation in identifying and correcting destructive social deviance among adolescents in the context of digitalisation

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    The article deals with the activities of a psychologist-educator and his role in relation to the problem of student deviation in the digitalisation context and the widespread use of the Internet. A comprehensive analysis of adolescent deviations and various aspects of dealing with students’ destructive behavior and with their parents using knowledge from different subject areas – law, sociology, psychology, medicine, pedagogy, has been conducted. The features and characteristics of adolescence are considered, and the factors influencing the formation of deviant behavior, including medical ones, are identified. The role of the educational organisation’s psychologist in identifying and correcting learners behavior destructive forms is outlined. The necessary ratio between the staff of psychologists and medical specialists and the students number in educational organisations is given. As a result of the analysis of the current legislation, the shortcomings of certain legal provisions and the need to change them in destructive behavior prevention part were noted. Recommendations for professionals in the helping professions have been developed and projected positive results of the outlined activities have been given. The authors’ conceptual findings are applicable to creating a safe and supportive environment for learners, reducing juvenile delinquency and amending legislation

    Human rights to a favorable social environment on the Internet

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    This work analyzes the right to a favorable social environment on the Internet. The main purpose of the article is to consider the right to access the Internet and a favorable social environment. The authors consider the influence of a favorable social environment on the human psyche. The object of the study is the rights of citizens of the Russian Federation to a favorable social environment and comfortable use of the Internet. The subject of the article is the consideration of the rights to a favorable social environment as an inalienable right of every citizen of the Russian Federation. The authors write about the role of a favorable social environment and the Internet for minors, describe the main factors of restrictions on Internet access for adolescents. The methodological and theoretical basis of the research is based on private and general scientific approaches to the study of this topic. Formal logical and comparative methods, as well as methods of structural analysis were used. In the course of the study, the researchers draw conclusions about the reasons why the right to a favorable environment cannot be considered exclusively in the context of ecology

    Partial restoration of the actin cytoskeleton in transformed Syrian hamster fibroblasts selected for low levels of ‘typical’ multidrug resistance

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    AbstractTwo independent colchicine (CLC)-resistant sublines of Rous sarcoma virus-transformed Syrian hamster flbroblasts were isolated. Each subline represented variants with 11- and 12.4-fold resistance, respectively, their 23- and 23.7-fold resistant descendants, as well as variants cultured in CLC-free medium for 10 months without loss of resistance. All variants demonstrated ‘typical’ multidrug resistance. The parental cells contained actin in dispersed form, as determined by rhodamine-phalloidin staining. In contrast, already in 11- and 12.4-fold resistant sublines up to 30% of cells demonstrated restored stress fibers. Cultivation in CLC-free medium leads to the accumulation of cells with a partially restored actin cytoskeleton. Putative mechanisms of up-regulation of stress fiber assembly in cells with P-glycoprotein-mediated multidrug resistance are discussed

    On the isospin dependence of the mean spin-orbit field in nuclei

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    By the use of the latest experimental data on the spectra of 133^{133}Sb and 131^{131}Sn and on the analysis of properties of other odd nuclei adjacent to doubly magic closed shells the isospin dependence of a mean spin-orbit potential is defined. Such a dependence received the explanation in the framework of different theoretical approaches.Comment: 52 pages, Revtex, no figure

    The first experience of combined treatment of patients with diabetic macular edema and complicated cataract

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    Diabetic cataracts in combination with diabetic macular edema (DME) is a leading cause of vision loss i n patients with diabetes mellitus.Purpose. To evaluate the efficacy and safety of one-stage combined treatment of patients with diabetes complicated by DME and cat aract.Material and methods. This study involved 16 patients with diabetes of the type 2 (32 eyes). The main group included 16 eyes with complicated cataracts, who underwent the simultaneously performed phacoemulsification of cataract (FEC) with IOL implantation and intravitreal implantation of the «Ozurdex» implant. The second (retrospective control) group included 16 fellow eyes, where a standard FEC with IOL implantation was performed.Results. Six months after the treatment, the main group showed a BCVA stabilization at a level 0.25±0.12 (0.1-0.4). In the  retrospective group, the BCVA decreased and reached a baseline level 0.1±0.05 (0.05-0.2), in 5 patients the BCVA became below the baseline values. In all cases in the main group, a partial resorption of «solid» exudates was observed in the macular area. Edema of the retina decreased by 102-275 microns in comparison with preoperative indicators, the average retinal thickness was 385±58 microns in fovea area. Diffuse macular edema with a deposition of «solid» exudates remained in the retrospective control group, all patients had an increase in the amount of intra-etinal hemorrhages. In 5 patients, not only an increase in the number of «solid» exudates was revealed in the dynamics, but also their spread to the fovea region, in 3 cases the exudation foci acquired the form of hyper-reflective layers. The increase in the edema height occurred in all cases by 74-144 microns, index of average retinal thickness was 598±76 microns. In 7 cases, the dynamics showed an increase in flat subfoveal detachments of the neurosensory retina.Conclusions. The complex effect of the OzurDex drug in the combined treatment of diabetic cataracts in combination with DME reduces a risk of inflammatory complications in the early postoperative period, and also provides a reduction in the height of edema and partial resorption of «solid» exudates

    Digital Guidance as an Opportunity to Apply VR Technology in Career Guidance for Youth

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    В статье рассматривается возможность применения технологий виртуальной и дополненной реальности в профориентации обучающихся.The article discusses the possibility of using virtual and augmented reality technologies in career guidance for students

    Time of vitreal surgery for active retinopathy of prematurity

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    Background. The anatomical and functional results of surgery for retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) are determined not only by the stage of the pathological process, but also depend on the timing of its implementation.The aim: to estimate the effectiveness of vitrectomy for severe active retinopathy of prematurity, depending on the timing of surgical treatment.Methods. Vitreoretinal surgery was performed in 138 children (198 eyes) with severe stages of ROP. All patients were divided into three groups depending on the timing of surgical treatment: group 1 – 42–48 weeks of postconceptual age (PCA), with the progression of ROP after laser coagulation of the retina (LCS), group 2 – 39–41 weeks of PCA, with the progression of ROP after LCS, group 3 – 36–39 weeks of PCA, without previous LCS. A 3-port transscleral 27-G vitrectomy was performed by all patients. At the postoperative period, the results of vitrectomy were estimated by the anatomical attachment of the retina. The follow-up period was 12 months. Results. In group 1, in 31 cases (73.8 %), the surgical intervention was completed with silicone tamponade. By the end of the follow-up period, anatomical retinal attachment was achieved in 17 eyes (40.5 %).In group 2, surgical intervention was completed with silicone tamponade in 29 eyes (42 %). By the end of the follow-up period, anatomical retinal attachment was achieved in 52 eyes (75 %).In group 3, surgical intervention was completed with silicone tamponade in 11 of 87 eyes (12.6 %). Anatomical retinal attachment was achieved in 80 eyes (92 %).Conclusion. Untimely vitrectomy (42–48 weeks of PCA) in cases of ROP progression after LCR led to a worse result. If progress of ROP after laser treatment happens, early vitrectomy (39–41 weeks of PCA) should be performed. Primary vitrectomy should be performed in case of the optimal timing of laser treatment has been missed (after 36 weeks of PCV)

    Coherent X-ray diffraction imaging of nanoengineered polymeric capsules

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    © 2017, Pleiades Publishing, Inc. For the first time, nanoengineered polymeric capsules and their architecture have been studied with coherent X-ray diffraction imaging technique. The use of coherent X-ray diffraction imaging technique allowed us to analyze the samples immersed in a liquid. We report about the significant difference between polymeric capsule architectures under dry and liquid conditions


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    Cells of the host containing special proteins-transporters, so-called proteins of multiple drug resistance (MDR proteins) can contribute to the drug resistance formation.Goal of the study: to define specific expression of gene and distribution of main MDR proteins (MDR1/Pgp, MRP1, lRP, BCRP) in the pulmonary cells in case of active tuberculosis.Materials and methods. Expression of MDR protein genes was evaluated by RT-PCR for mRNA isolated from the surgical specimen of fibrous cavernous tuberculosis patients. Localization of MDR proteins was performed by immunohistochemical staining and confocal laser microscopy. Main results. Intensity of MDR protein genes expression varies in different zones of tuberculous lesions: MDR1 and BCRP are characterized by the highest level and MRP1 gene is characterized by the minimum level. The level of lRP gene expression depends on the inflammation zone and it is maximum in perifocal zone where protein is detected in the cells of alveolar epithelium and macrophages. High expression of MDR protein genes in various parts of tuberculous lesions witnesses about the potential involvement of these proteins in the development of drug resistance to anti-tuberculosis drugs