184 research outputs found

    Detection of Anaplasma phagocytophilum in Ixodes angustus Ticks Found in the Magadan Region

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    Reported is the event of detection of Anaplasma phagocytophilum in Ixodes angustus ticks using gene-diagnostic technique. Anaplasma DNA is identified in one of the nine samples of ixodic tick imago collected from common species of rodents in the suburbs of Magadan. The data obtained may be indicative of the existence of natural granulocytic anaplasmosis focus in the south of the Magadan Region where the agent persists in enzootic cycle: small mammals - Ixodes angustus

    Features of self-consciousness of a teacher at different stages of professional formation

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    The paper discusses the features of professional self-awareness of teachers at different stages of professional developmentВ работе рассматриваются особенности профессионального самосознания педагогов на разных стадиях профессионального становлени

    Digital media preferences’ transformation of modern Russian youth in connection with new realities

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    The article considers features of modern Russian youth media preferences transformation against the activity’s restrictions of digital social platforms as Instagram, TikTok, etc. The authors have assumed that the “flow” of youth audience to other platforms would occur at a very rapid pace, and new platforms would be mastered in the shortest possible time, i.e. adaptation would be maximally effective. It has also been hypothesized that new platforms creation would attract youth audience, which would seek to “close” their consumer preferences through the newly emerging digital platforms in Russia, replacing those that were legally restricted. To test the above hypotheses, we have surveyed young people aged 18–24, who are the main audience that, according to the hypothesis of this study, would be most affected by media environment transformation. The main hypotheses have been tested by means of several blocks of questions to which the respondents gave answers first within the framework of a standardized questionnaire and then in free form within the framework of interviewing by the researchers. As a result of the study, it has been found out that the specifics of media preferences transformation among young people is not so significant compared to general changes in society, and therefore recommendations for further research directions have been put forward

    Transforming the structure of unmarried women’s social perceptions of single motherhood through digital technologies

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    The transformation of the structure of social ideas about marriage and family relations in general and the structure of the modern family has been considered through digital technologies. The problem of the growing number of single mothers has been raised. Statistics for 20 years have been provided. The influence of several factors on the growth dynamics has been analysed. The influence of women`s emancipation, availability of remote work and the image of successful bloggers on changing the fields of social representations of modern unmarried women about single motherhood has been examined. One of the main reasons for changing the attitude of women to the image of single mother, namely the appearance of a new image-”solo-mom”, which is actively used in the digital environment, has been considered. Communities and groups in the social networks Vkontakte, Facebook, Instagram and Odnoklassniki, dedicated to supporting single mothers, have been studied. Blogs of single mothers who position themselves as “solo-mothers”, have been reviewed. The results of an empirical study aimed at identifying a factor that affects the change in the system of views and attitudes of unmarried women in the transition zone and the periphery have been presented. The responses of respondents received in 2014 and 2019 by the free Association experiment have been analysed. The respondents answers were divided into three categories: single mother status, status assessment, qualities of the single mother’s personality. The results of a comparative analysis of women’s social perceptions about single motherhood for the period from 2014 to 2019 have been presented. Based on the results obtained, conclusions about the change in perceptions of single mothers over the past 5 years, the emergence of a new image of a single woman with a child – “solo mom”, have been made

    T-bet syndrome-associated bronchial asthma phenotype

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    We aimed to evaluate a significance of T-bet transcription factor in bronchial asthma (BA). A total of 102 patients with BA were examined. The control group was represented by healthy subjects (21 people). The study model was represented by peripheral blood mononuclear cells isolated in a density gradient with standard method. It was found that some patients were characterized by high levels of transcription factor T-bet expression (T-bet > 1.0). The bronchial asthma patients with increased T-bet expression were moir often characterized by the severe disease, requiring therapy with systemic glucocorticoids and β2-agonists, did not have genetic predisposal for allergic diseases, the majority of them had excess body weight and concomitant morbidity (mainly, cardiovascular, gastrointestinal and endocrine disorders). The study of rs324011 polymorphism of STAT6 protein gene in these patients revealed CC and CT genotypes, mostly observed in severe BA. Moreover, they were observed in 100% patients with severe clinical course of BA. A positive correlation was found between the number of T allele presentation in loci, and BA severity (r = 0.88, p = 0.002), as well as between the distribution by genotype (CC-CT/TT), and absolute (counts per one L), and relative (%) number of eosinophils in the sputum (r = 0.79, p = 0.034). The detected associations may be referred to as “T-bet elevation syndrome”, being based on the phenomenon of “genetically determined heterogeneity of signaling system defects”. In individuals with an increased T-bet expression, a significant elevation of transcription factors STAT6 and STAT4 was also detected. Taken together, the presented data indicate that this phenomenon reflects a disturbance of the Th1 / Th2 balance, due to increase in both Th1 and Th2 transcriptional activity. Thus, the patients with bronchial asthma with increased expression of T-bet transcription factor revealed a symptom complex, which we have called “T-bet elevation syndrome” (T-bet > 1.0), which is characterized mainly by severe disease and a certain phenotype of patients. Most likely, this feature is caused by genetically determined defects of signaling systems. High T-bet expression has been observed in young patients with mild BA and can be a prognostic sign

    Emergence of new professions during the COVID-19 pandemic

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    The article examines the changes that have occurred in communications in all spheres of human activity: in business, retail, education, culture, banking, which occurred due to the pandemic that began in the winter of 2020. The pandemic has spurred and accelerated the information technologies development, changed the attitude to working from home in general. The article focuses on the global changes that have occurred in the personnel direction. The change in interaction formats – the transition to an online environment, is analysed. Conclusions are drawn about the remote work format perception and about the change in the “remote work” concept perception by both employees, and managers in companies. The data on new emerged professions in this period, and on demanded professions on the online communications development wave, are given

    Digital adaptation issues for different demographics in Russian Moscow region

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    The article aims to analyze the adaptation specifics of four generations to digital technologies in Russian Moscow region. The research theoretical basis consists of the basic socio-demographic generations description within the William Strauss and Neil Hove generations theory. Using methods of sociological research (polls and in-depth interviews), the article analyzes the Strauss-Hove generational theory’s actual elements in relation to the socio-demographic landscape of modern Russian society. The article considers the interaction specifics with the digital environment and gadgets for various demographic sections, as well as their involvement in modern global trends regarding Internet addiction and online positioning. The article concludes that the development of various communication channels depending on demographic targeting is required


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    Forty-two patients with allergic bronchial asthma (ABA) forty persons with non-allergic bronchial asthma (NABA), and 47 healthy controls were involved into the study. Expression of FoxP3 mRNA was analyzed by RT-PCR. In patients with bronchial asthma (ABA and NABA) we have revealed a significant decrease in FoxP3 mRNA expression levels, in comparison with control group. The patients with severe BA exhibited lowest levels of the FoxP3 mRNA expression as compared with other groups.We revealed a decreased FoxP3 mRNA expression in mononuclear cells from peripheral blood, and an increased IL-17 level in blood serum of patients with bronchial asthma. These results may be considered a manifestation of serious inflammatory process. Probably, the data may reflect a disregulated expression of FoxP3 transcription factor. Therefore, we may assume a key role of FoxP3 for regulation of inflammatory activity in bronchial asthma

    Flow cytofluorimetric detection and immunophenotyping of platelet-monocyte complexes in peripheral blood

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    Activated platelets aggregate with monocytes by binding membrane bound molecules. Platelet-monocyte interaction is considered to underlie pathophysiological mechanisms bridging thrombosis and inflammation. Detection and analysis of platelet-monocyte complexes (PMC) provide means for revealing their physiological and pathogenetic roles and are instrumental in the diagnostics of various pathological conditions including obstetric complications. The aim of the study was to develop the method of quantitative determination of peripheral blood PMC, that preserve phenotypic features of platelets and monocytes, and to reveal their changes by ex vivo analysis. The suggested procedure includes immediate fixation of blood sample, immunocytochemical staining with fluorochrome-conjugated specific antibodies against markers of activation and differentiation followed by lysis of erythrocytes, and flow cytometric analysis. Fourteen samples of peripheral blood from patients with history of pregnancy complication were obtained in first trimester of ongoing pregnancy and analyzed. It was demonstrated that quantitative and qualitative in vivo characteristics of PMC remained unchanged in fixed samples, whereas the number of PMC and expression levels of the markers of platelet and monocyte activation dramatically increased in the unfixed blood. The set of monoclonal antibodies and gating strategies, used in this study, ensure phenotyping and evaluation of percentage/absolute count of PMC in the total monocyte population (CD45+CD14+) and in the subpopulations of classical (CD14+CD16-), intermediate (CD14+CD16+), and non-classical (CD14lowCD16+) monocytes. This approach provides insight into the participation of different monocyte subsets in the formation of PMC and their roles in physiological and pathophysiological processes. In some samples, elevated PMC proportion was observed, accompanied by significant increase in the expression of platelet activation marker CD62P and decrease in the expression of its monocytic ligand CD162. These changes suggested altered activation of PMC and their participation in the pathophysiological mechanisms of some pregnancy complications. Immunophenotyping of PMC affords an opportunity to characterize their proinflammatory, procoagulant and adhesive properties; these results can be used for research and diagnostics. In particular, the method is suitable for detection and phenotyping of PMC in pregnancy complications and other pathological conditions associated with the disorders of hemostasis and thrombosis

    Preserving the Memory of the Great Patriotic War: Regional Practices (1941–1945)

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    Поступила в редакцию: 11.06.2020. Принята к печати: 22.01.2021.Submitted: 11.06.2020. Accepted: 22.01.2021.Увековечивание подвига советского народа в годы Великой Отечественной войны посредством памятников, музейных экспозиций, художественных произведений насчитывает три четверти века. Стратегии увековечивания на различных этапах определялись устанавливаемыми «сверху» интерпретациями событий и явлений, коммеморативными практиками. В статье на основе анализа ситуации в Краснодарском крае реконструируется начальный этап мемориализации войны, механизмы формирования исторической памяти синхронно происходившим событиям. В качестве источников выступают делопроизводственная документация центральных и местных советских и партийных органов, творческих союзов, учреждений культуры, периодическая печать, мемуары, художественные тексты. Основные направления мемориализации войны соответствовали общесоюзным рекомендациям с учетом региональных особенностей. Эта работа в большей степени развернулась после освобождения края в 1943 г. Актуализировались боевые и трудовые подвиги кубанцев. Специально выделялись заслуги казачьих формирований. Информация о фактах коллаборационизма минимизировалась. Сопротивление фашизму в период оккупации Кубани было представлено партизанской темой. «Визитной карточкой» региона выступали оперативно изданные и тиражируемые в стране и за рубежом книги командира партизанского отряда П. К. Игнатова. Подвиги его погибших сыновей, Героев Советского Союза, стали хрестоматийным примером. Формировались мемориальные пространства, система учета военных памятников, картинная галерея героев, художественная летопись войны, основу которой должны были составлять победные сюжеты. Тема текущей войны пополняла репертуар профессиональных и самодеятельных художественных коллективов, экспозиции местных музеев. В календарь праздничных дат включались годовщины освобождения территорий от фашистов. Память о войне отражалась в местной топонимике.The perpetuation of the feat of the Soviet people during the Great Patriotic War through monuments, museum displays, and artistic texts has been going on for three-quarters of a century now. Perpetuation strategies at various stages have been determined by official interpretations of events, processes, and commemorative practices. Referring to the analysis of the situation in Krasnodar Krai, this article reconstructs the initial stage of war commemoration and the mechanisms of historical memory production that were formed synchronously with the events of 1941–1945. The sources for the reconstruction are various documents of central and local Soviet bodies and the Communist party, creative unions, cultural institutions, periodicals, memoirs, and artistic texts. The main directions of the war commemoration were the combination of all-Union recommendations as well as regional peculiarities. The work was developed mainly after the liberation of the region in 1943. Military and labour exploits of the Kuban population were actualised. The merits of the Cossack formations were specially highlighted, while information about the facts of collaboration was minimised. Resistance to fascism during the occupation of Kuban was represented by the partisan theme. The main print source of the partisan movement in the region was the books by P. K. Ignatov, commander of the partisan detachment, that were promptly published and replicated in the USSR and abroad. The exploits of his dead sons, Heroes of the Soviet Union, became a classic example. Memorial spaces, a system for recording military monuments were formed. The artistic chronicle of the war was created as a set of victorious stories. The theme of the ongoing war was added to the repertoire of professional and amateur art groups, as well as exhibitions of local museums. The calendar of holiday dates included anniversaries of the liberation of territories from the Nazis. The memory of the war was reflected in the local toponyms.Статья подготовлена в рамках выполнения государственного задания Южного филиала ФГБНИУ «Российский научно-исследовательский институт культурного и природного наследия имени Д. С. Лихачева» по теме «Монументальная политика как инструмент сохранения культурной памяти», номер государственной регистрации: АААА-А19-119050790070-1.This article was prepared as part of the state assignment by the Southern Branch of the Russian Research Institute of Cultural and Natural Heritage, research topic “Monumental Politics as a Tool for Preserving Cultural Memory”, state registration number: АААА-А19-119050790070-1