6 research outputs found


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    The flowers of the pot marigold (Calendula officinalis L.) are part of combination herbal medicinal preparations which applied in the treatment of diseases of the hepatobiliary system, gastrointestinal tract, diseases of kidneys and the urinary tract, such as «Fitonephrol» («Urological tea»). Calendula flowers make a contribution in the total therapeutic activity of «Urological tea» as a component which has anti-inflammatory and reparative properties. As is widely known that phytopharmaceuticals usually combine the variety of therapeutic activity and softness of pharmacological effects along with the absence of a significant number of side effects and contraindications which is extremely important in the treatment of chronic pathologies. The main purpose was to study diuretic activity of phytopreparations of pot marigold.Materials and methods. Investigations of discovering of diuretic action of pot marigold’s phytopreparations were carried out on white rats of both sexes weighing 200–220 g (8 sets of experiments). Each experimental group consisted of ten animals. The effect of pot marigold medicines at a dose of 50 mg/kg was carried out background the administered intragastrically at 3% aqueous load of 4 and 24 hours of the experiment. There are such drugs as a subjects to examination: calendula tincture (1 : 10) (industrial production), calendula tincture (1 : 5) and calendula liquid extract (1 : 2) of 70% alcohol, obtained at the Department of Pharmacognosy with Botany and Bases of Phytotherapy, at a dose of 50 mg/kg. Animals were housed in the vivarium on a standard diet with free access to water. The day before the experiment the rats received intragastric water load in the amount of 3% of body weight. On the day of the experiment the animals of the control group was administered water-alcohol load and experienced – intragastrically drug dose of 50 mg/kg in an identical volume of water. As a control was used 70% alcohol. Animals were placed in metabolic cages on day. Collected urine of rats were examined. Determined excretion of water. The concentration of sodium and potassium was detected by flame photometry (mark PAG-1) for 4 and 24 hours of the experiment. The concentration of creatinine was detected by colorimetric method (mark CPHC-3) for 4 and 24 hours of the experiment. The results of experiments were performed statistical on the Mann-Whitney test. Experiments were carried out with all the necessary ethical requirements.Main results. It was found that among the studied drugs on 4 hours of the experiment the liquid extract indicate diuretic properties. Tincture (1 : 5) showed expressed diuretic activity, saluretic and keratin properties. Tincture (1 : 10) had tendency to increase diuresis. Such effects decreased within the day.Conclusion. Preparations of marigold flowers in the form of tinctures (1 : 5) and the liquid extract (1 : 2) 70% alcohol at a single intragastric administration to rats at a dose of 50 μl/kg reveal a marked diuretic effect, significantly increasing the amount of urine, excretion electrolytes and creatinine relative to the control. In consideration of the fact that preparations of Calendula flowers have antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties, the results have a great interest in terms of the complex therapy of acute and chronic kidney and urinary tract diseases. Цветки ноготков, или календулы лекарственной (Calendula officinalis L.), применяются как официнальное лекарственное растительное сырье в Российской Федерации и за рубежом. Цветки календулы входят в состав различных лекарственных сборов, применяемых при лечении заболеваний гепатобилиарной системы, желудочно-кишечного тракта, а также почек и мочевыводящих путей. Например «Фитонефрол» («Урологический сбор») используется в качестве компонента, обладающего противовоспалительными и репаративными свойствами. При этом фитопрепараты традиционно сочетают в себе широту и мягкость терапевтического действия наряду с отсутствием значительного количества побочных эффектов и противопоказаний, что чрезвычайно важно при терапии хронических патологий. Цель  работы – исследование диуретической активности препаратов календулы лекарственной. Материал и методы исследования. Опыты по изучению диуретической активности препаратов цветков календулы лекарственной были поставлены на белых беспородных половозрелых крысах обоего пола массой 200–220 г (восемь серий экспериментов). Каждая опытная группа состояла из 10 животных. Исследовалось влияние препаратов календулы в дозе 50 мкл/кг при внутрижелудочном введении на фоне 3%-й водной нагрузки за 4 и 24 ч эксперимента. Исследованию подверглись следующие лекарственные препараты: настойка календулы (1 : 10) промышленного производства, настойка календулы (1 : 5) и жидкий экстракт календулы (1 : 2) на 70%-м этиловом спирте, полученные на кафедре фармакогнозии с ботаникой и основами фитотерапии СамГМУ. Животные содержались в виварии на обычном рационе при свободном доступе к воде. За 1 сут до опыта крысы получали внутрижелудочно водную нагрузку в объеме 3% от массы тела. В день эксперимента животным контрольной группы вводили водно-спиртовый раствор (70%-й этанол в дозе 50 мкл/кг на фоне 3%-й водной нагрузки), а опытным – внутрижелудочно лекарственный препарат в дозе 50 мкл/кг в идентичном объеме воды. Животные помещались в обменные клетки на 1 сут, собранные порции мочи подвергались исследованию. Определялась экскреция воды, регистрировалась концентрация натрия и калия методом пламенной фотометрии на ПАЖ-1, креатинина – колориметрическим методом на КФК-3 за 4 и 24 ч эксперимента. Проводилась статистическая обработка полученных результатов экспериментов по критерию Манна – Уитни. Эксперименты были проведены с учетом всех необходимых этических требований. Основные результаты. Было установлено, что среди изученных препаратов за 4 ч эксперимента жидкий экстракт обладает выраженными диуретическими и салуретическими свойствами, настойка (1 : 5) – выраженными диуретическими, салуретическими и креатининуретическими свойствами, а настойка (1 : 10) имеет лишь тенденцию к повышению диуреза, причем данные эффекты ослабевают в течение 1 сут. Результаты. Препараты цветков ноготков в виде настойки (1 : 5) и жидкого экстракта (1 : 2) на 70%-м этаноле при однократном внутрижелудочном введении крысам в дозе 50 мкл/кг проявляют выраженные диуретические свойства, достоверно увеличивая относительно контроля объем выделяемой мочи, экскрецию электролитов и креатинина. Учитывая, что препараты на основе цветков календулы лекарственной обладают также антисептическим и противовоспалительным действием, полученные результаты представляют большой интерес в плане комплексной терапии острых и хронических заболеваний почек и мочевыводящих путей. 

    Вплив підвищеної сили тяжіння 3G і 4G на екскреторну функцію нирок

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    Nowadays a rapidly growing interest of scientists in a research of the impact of artificial gravity (IST) on living organisms is noted. However literary data on the influence of IST on the excretory function of the kidneys are f an isolated and contradictory nature at present [1]. Therefore, a research of the action of IST on the excretory function of the kidneys in an experiment turns out to be topical.В наши дни отмечается быстро растущий интерес ученых к исследованию воздействия искусственной силы тяжести (ИСТ) на живые организмы. Однако, данные литературы о влиянии ИСТ на выделительную функцию почек в настоящее время носят единичный и противоречивый характер [1]. Поэтому представляется актуальным исследование действия ИСТ на экскреторную функцию почек в эксперименте.У наші дні відзначається швидко зростаючий інтерес учених до дослідження впливу штучної сили тяжіння (ШСТ) на живі організми. Проте дані літератури про вплив ШСТ на видільну функцію нирок у даний час носять поодинокий і суперечливий характер. Тому представляється актуальним дослідження дії ШСТ на екскреторну функцію нирок в експерименті


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    The flowers of the pot marigold (Calendula officinalis L.) are part of combination herbal medicinal preparations which applied in the treatment of diseases of the hepatobiliary system, gastrointestinal tract, diseases of kidneys and the urinary tract, such as «Fitonephrol» («Urological tea»). Calendula flowers make a contribution in the total therapeutic activity of «Urological tea» as a component which has anti-inflammatory and reparative properties. As is widely known that phytopharmaceuticals usually combine the variety of therapeutic activity and softness of pharmacological effects along with the absence of a significant number of side effects and contraindications which is extremely important in the treatment of chronic pathologies. The main purpose was to study diuretic activity of phytopreparations of pot marigold.Materials and methods. Investigations of discovering of diuretic action of pot marigold’s phytopreparations were carried out on white rats of both sexes weighing 200–220 g (8 sets of experiments). Each experimental group consisted of ten animals. The effect of pot marigold medicines at a dose of 50 mg/kg was carried out background the administered intragastrically at 3% aqueous load of 4 and 24 hours of the experiment. There are such drugs as a subjects to examination: calendula tincture (1 : 10) (industrial production), calendula tincture (1 : 5) and calendula liquid extract (1 : 2) of 70% alcohol, obtained at the Department of Pharmacognosy with Botany and Bases of Phytotherapy, at a dose of 50 mg/kg. Animals were housed in the vivarium on a standard diet with free access to water. The day before the experiment the rats received intragastric water load in the amount of 3% of body weight. On the day of the experiment the animals of the control group was administered water-alcohol load and experienced – intragastrically drug dose of 50 mg/kg in an identical volume of water. As a control was used 70% alcohol. Animals were placed in metabolic cages on day. Collected urine of rats were examined. Determined excretion of water. The concentration of sodium and potassium was detected by flame photometry (mark PAG-1) for 4 and 24 hours of the experiment. The concentration of creatinine was detected by colorimetric method (mark CPHC-3) for 4 and 24 hours of the experiment. The results of experiments were performed statistical on the Mann-Whitney test. Experiments were carried out with all the necessary ethical requirements.Main results. It was found that among the studied drugs on 4 hours of the experiment the liquid extract indicate diuretic properties. Tincture (1 : 5) showed expressed diuretic activity, saluretic and keratin properties. Tincture (1 : 10) had tendency to increase diuresis. Such effects decreased within the day.Conclusion. Preparations of marigold flowers in the form of tinctures (1 : 5) and the liquid extract (1 : 2) 70% alcohol at a single intragastric administration to rats at a dose of 50 μl/kg reveal a marked diuretic effect, significantly increasing the amount of urine, excretion electrolytes and creatinine relative to the control. In consideration of the fact that preparations of Calendula flowers have antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties, the results have a great interest in terms of the complex therapy of acute and chronic kidney and urinary tract diseases

    The study of the Crataegus sanguinea Pall. extractsdiuretic and antidepressant action

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    The purpose of the study is to study the urinative and antidepressant activities of liquid extracts based on flowers, shoots, leaves and fruits of Crataegus sanguinea Pall. to substantiate their use in the development and  manufacture of drugs for the complex treatment of cardiovascular diseases.Materials and methods. The comparative study of the diuretic and antidepressant activity of liquid extracts based on leaves, flowers, shoots and fruits Crataegus sanguinea was conducted. The liquid extracts were obtained on the basis of dried leaves, flowers, shoots and fruits of Crataegus sanguinea. All liquid extracts were obtained in the ratio “raw – extractant” 1 : 1, in all cases the extracting agent was ethyl alcohol 70%. The studies were conducted using outbred white rats of both sexes. All preparations were examined in a dose of 100 μl/kg. The diuretic activity of Crataegus sanguineaof liquid extracts in chronic experiments was determined, 4 h and 24 h portions of urine were collected. The antidepressant activity was tested using the “Desperation” testResults. During the experiment, the diuretic activity of the liquid extract Crataegus sanguinea, as well as the antidepressant activity of liquid extracts of Crataegus sanguinea, shoots and fruits were revealed. Conclusion. Crataegus sanguinea preparations have complex nephrotropic and neurotropic action and can be recommended for use in the cardiovascular pathology treatment