133 research outputs found

    Dynamical Instability of Self-Tuning Solution with Antisymmetric Tensor Field

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    We consider the dynamical stability of a static brane model that incorporates a three-index antisymmetric tensor field and has recently been proposed as a possible solution to the cosmological constant problem. Ultimately, we are able to establish the existence of time-dependent, purely gravitational perturbations. As a consequence, the static solution of interest is ``dangerously'' located at an unstable saddle point. This outcome is suggestive of a hidden fine tuning in what is an otherwise self-tuning model.Comment: 16 Pages, Latex; Discussion added but conclusions unchange

    Density Profiles of Cold Dark Matter Substructure: Implications for the Missing Satellites Problem

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    The structural evolution of substructure in cold dark matter (CDM) models is investigated combining ``low-resolution'' satellites from cosmological N-body simulations of parent halos with N=10^7 particles with high-resolution individual subhalos orbiting within a static host potential. We show that, as a result of mass loss, convergence in the central density profiles requires the initial satellites to be resolved with N=10^7 particles and parsec-scale force resolution. We find that the density profiles of substructure halos can be well fitted with a power-law central slope that is unmodified by tidal forces even after the tidal stripping of over 99% of the initial mass and an exponential cutoff in the outer parts. The solution to the missing-satellites problem advocated by Stoehr et al. in 2002 relied on the flattening of the dark matter (DM) halo central density cusps by gravitational tides, enabling the observed satellites to be embedded within DM halos with maximum circular velocities as large as 60 km/s. In contrast, our results suggest that tidal interactions do not provide the mechanism for associating the dwarf spheroidal satellites (dSphs) of the Milky Way with the most massive substructure halos expected in a CDM universe. We compare the predicted velocity dispersion profiles of Fornax and Draco to observations, assuming that they are embedded in CDM halos. Models with isotropic and tangentially anisotropic velocity distributions for the stellar component fit the data only if the surrounding DM halos have maximum circular velocities in the range 20-35 km/s. If the dSphs are embedded within halos this large then the overabundance of satellites within the concordance LCDM cosmological model is significantly alleviated, but this still does not provide the entire solution.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ, 17 pages, 9 figures, LaTeX (uses emulateapj5.sty

    The Via Lactea INCITE Simulation: Galactic Dark Matter Substructure at High Resolution

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    It is a clear unique prediction of the cold dark matter paradigm of cosmological structure formation that galaxies form hierarchically and are embedded in massive, extended dark halos teeming with self-bound substructure or "subhalos". The amount and spatial distribution of subhalos around their host provide unique information and clues on the galaxy assembly process and the nature of the dark matter. Here we present results from the Via Lactea INCITE simulation, a one billion particle, one million cpu-hour simulation of the formation and evolution of a Galactic dark matter halo and its substructure population.Comment: 10 pages, Proceedings of the SciDAC 2008 conference, (Seattle, July 13-17, 2008

    Substructure Boosts to Dark Matter Annihilation from Sommerfeld Enhancement

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    The recently introduced Sommerfeld enhancement of the dark matter annihilation cross section has important implications for the detection of dark matter annihilation in subhalos in the Galactic halo. In addition to the boost to the dark matter annihilation cross section from the high densities of these subhalos with respect to the main halo, an additional boost caused by the Sommerfeld enhancement results from the fact that they are kinematically colder than the Galactic halo. If we further believe the generic prediction of CDM that in each subhalo there is an abundance of substructure which is approximately self-similar to that of the Galactic halo, then I show that additional boosts coming from the density enhancements of these small substructures and their small velocity dispersions enhance the dark matter annihilation cross section even further. I find that very large boost factors (10510^5 to 10910^9) are obtained in a large class of models. The implications of these boost factors for the detection of dark matter annihilation from dwarf Spheroidal galaxies in the Galactic halo are such that, generically, they outshine the background gamma-ray flux and are detectable by the Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope.Comment: PRD in pres

    The galactic halo in mixed dark matter cosmologies

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    A possible solution to the small scale problems of the cold dark matter (CDM) scenario is that the dark matter consists of two components, a cold and a warm one. We perform a set of high resolution simulations of the Milky Way halo varying the mass of the WDM particle (mWDM) and the cosmic dark matter mass fraction in the WDM component (bar fW). The scaling ansatz introduced in combined analysis of LHC and astroparticle searches postulates that the relative contribution of each dark matter component is the same locally as on average in the Universe (e.g. fW,odot = bar fW). Here we find however, that the normalised local WDM fraction (fW,odot / bar fW) depends strongly on mWDM for mWDM < 1 keV. Using the scaling ansatz can therefore introduce significant errors into the interpretation of dark matter searches. To correct this issue a simple formula that fits the local dark matter densities of each component is provided

    Analytical Approach to Subhaloes Population in Dark Matter Haloes

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    In the standard model of cosmic structure formation, dark matter haloes form by gravitational instability. The process is hierarchical: smaller systems collapse earlier, and later merge to form larger haloes. The galaxy clusters, hosted by the largest dark matter haloes, are at the top of this hierarchy representing the largest as well as the last structures formed in the universe, while the smaller and first haloes are those Earth-sized dark subhaloes which have been both predicted by theoretical considerations and found in numerical simulations, though it does not exist any observational hints of their existence. The probability that a halo of mass mm at redshift zz will be part of a larger halo of mass MM at the present time can be described in the frame of the extended Press & Schecter theory making use of the progenitor (conditional) mass function. Using the progenitor mass function we calculate analytically, at redshift zero, the distribution of subhaloes in mass, formation epoch and rarity of the peak of the density field at the formation epoch. That is done for a Milky Way-size system, assuming both a spherical and an ellipsoidal collapse model. Our calculation assumes that small progenitors do not lose mass due to dynamical processes after entering the parent halo, and that they do not interact with other subhaloes. For a Λ\mathrm{\Lambda}CDM power spectrum we obtain a subhalo mass function dn/dm\mathrm{d}n/\mathrm{d}m proportional to mαm^{- \alpha} with a model-independent α2\alpha \sim 2. Assuming the dark matter is a weakly interacting massive particle, the inferred distributions is used to test the feasibility of an indirect detection in the γ\gamma-rays energy band of such a population of subhaloes with a GLAST-like satellite.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures - submitted to MNRA

    The detection of sub-solar mass dark matter halos

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    Dark matter halos of sub-solar mass are the first bound objects to form in cold dark matter theories. In this article, I discuss the present understanding of "microhalos'', their role in structure formation, and the implications of their potential presence, in the interpretation of dark matter experiments.Comment: 18 pages, 7 figures. Invited contribution to NJP Focus Issue on "Dark Matter and Particle Physics

    Gravitational detection of a low-mass dark satellite at cosmological distance

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    The mass-function of dwarf satellite galaxies that are observed around Local Group galaxies substantially differs from simulations based on cold dark matter: the simulations predict many more dwarf galaxies than are seen. The Local Group, however, may be anomalous in this regard. A massive dark satellite in an early-type lens galaxy at z = 0.222 was recently found using a new method based on gravitational lensing, suggesting that the mass fraction contained in substructure could be higher than is predicted from simulations. The lack of very low mass detections, however, prohibited any constraint on their mass function. Here we report the presence of a 1.9 +/- 0.1 x 10^8 M_sun dark satellite in the Einstein-ring system JVAS B1938+666 at z = 0.881, where M_sun denotes solar mass. This satellite galaxy has a mass similar to the Sagittarius galaxy, which is a satellite of the Milky Way. We determine the logarithmic slope of the mass function for substructure beyond the local Universe to be alpha = 1.1^+0.6_-0.4, with an average mass-fraction of f = 3.3^+3.6_-1.8 %, by combining data on both of these recently discovered galaxies. Our results are consistent with the predictions from cold dark matter simulations at the 95 per cent confidence level, and therefore agree with the view that galaxies formed hierarchically in a Universe composed of cold dark matter.Comment: 25 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in Nature (19 January 2012

    A simple analytical model for dark matter halo structure and adiabatic contraction

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    A simple analytical model for describing inner parts of dark matter halo is considered. It is assumed that dark matter density is power-law. The model deals with dark matter distribution function in phase space of adiabatic invariants (radial action and angular momentum). Two variants are considered for the angular part of the distribution function: narrow and broad distribution. The model allows to describe explicitly the process of adiabatic contraction of halo due to change of gravitational potential caused by condensation of baryonic matter in the centre. The modification of dark matter density in the centre is calculated, and is it shown that the standard algorithm of adiabatic contraction calculation overestimates the compressed halo density, especially in the case of strong radial anisotropy.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures. v3 - major improvements, another halo model introduced, discussion extende

    Clumps and streams in the local dark matter distribution

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    In cold dark matter cosmological models, structures form and grow by merging of smaller units. Numerical simulations have shown that such merging is incomplete; the inner cores of halos survive and orbit as "subhalos" within their hosts. Here we report a simulation that resolves such substructure even in the very inner regions of the Galactic halo. We find hundreds of very concentrated dark matter clumps surviving near the solar circle, as well as numerous cold streams. The simulation reveals the fractal nature of dark matter clustering: Isolated halos and subhalos contain the same relative amount of substructure and both have cuspy inner density profiles. The inner mass and phase-space densities of subhalos match those of recently discovered faint, dark matter-dominated dwarf satellite galaxies and the overall amount of substructure can explain the anomalous flux ratios seen in strong gravitational lenses. Subhalos boost gamma-ray production from dark matter annihilation, by factors of 4-15, relative to smooth galactic models. Local cosmic ray production is also enhanced, typically by a factor 1.4, but by more than a factor of ten in one percent of locations lying sufficiently close to a large subhalo. These estimates assume that gravitational effects of baryons on dark matter substructure are small.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figures, to appear in Nature, includes supplementary information. Full version of Figure 1 available at http://www.ucolick.org/~diemand/vl2/fig1.pn