56 research outputs found

    Comparison of survival rates made by the 6-th and 7-th editions of TNM classification in stomach cancer patients

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    The available classifications of malignant tumors reflect various aspects of their growth and some biological features. The most commonly used in Ukraine is the 6-th revision of TNM classification, which differs from the previous classifications of the section "Gastric cancer", mainly staging of category N, reflecting the presence of metastases in regional lymph nodes. Transition to the 7-th classification of TNM translates a part of patients from one stage to another, there is a so-called "stage migration" phenomenon. The famous mathematical phenomenon of Will Rogers describes this transition and theoretically substantiates its objectivity. The authors tracked the migration of patients and the change in the stage mainly from the point of view of the effect of this event on the survival of patients with stomach cancer

    Analysis of survival after radical surgery for stomach cancer in odessa regional cancer center

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    The survival of patients with the locally advanced stage of stomach cancer (SC), who underwent various variants of preventive lymphatic nodes dissection, was considered. The survival of patients was compared with the stage and T, N indexes. Lymphadenectomy D2 were effective and increased cumulative survival in patient`s group T4aNoMo, stage IIB and T4aN1Mo, stage III A, and in groups of patients where D2 lymphadenectomy were ineffective - T4bNoMo, stage ІІІB, T4bN1Мo, stage ІІІB and T4aN2Мo, stage IIIB. D2 were more efficient operation in the case of tumor serosa invasion and invasion to the peritoneal cavity (SE) in the absence of multiple metastases to the regional lymph nodes (N1 according to the 7th revision of the classification - 1-2 metastatic lymph nodes), and when the tumor infiltrated the surrounding organs (SI) and the presence of multiple regional metastases, D2 lymphodissection did not gave positive results, comparising with D1

    Органическое вещество в экосистеме залива Владимира (Японское море): ресурс питания и возможный фактор экологического риска

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    Исследование содержания органического вещества в водной среде и донных отложениях крайне важно для понимания аккумуляционного процесса в отношении поступающих в среду акватории токсических веществ и элементов, а также выявления негативных изменений в экосистеме и потенциальных экологических рисков при осуществлении природопользования. Цель работы — проанализировать значение органического вещества как фактора контаминации среды залива Владимира (Японское море) и оценить токсичность гидробионтов и экологический риск для экосистемы и здоровья человека. Комплексная работа выполнена с применением химико-аналитических, микробиологических и гидробиологических методов; она включает математическую и картографическую обработку данных и расчёт коэффициентов загрязнения и экологического риска. Проведён анализ проб морской воды, донных отложений и макробентоса, отобранных в заливе Владимира в июле 2014 г. Определены химико-экологические и микробиологические параметры вод залива, позволяющие оценить процессы накопления органического вещества в водной среде и донных отложениях и установить трофический статус экосистемы в летний период. Выявлены массовые виды и группы макробентоса, определены показатели обилия донного населения, свидетельствующие о высоких уровнях биомассы. Установлена численность металлрезистентных групп бактерий в поверхностных водах. Оценено содержание и пространственное распределение тяжёлых металлов (ТМ) в донных отложениях. Установлены концентрации ТМ в гонадах морских ежей. Результаты микробиологической оценки соотнесены с ПДК; они выявляют значительное загрязнение вод залива (более 3 ПДК) в отношении Cd. Для Ni, Cu, Zn и Cd в донных отложениях обнаружено превышение фоновых концентраций, для Cd и Zn — превышение кларковых значений. Проверена корреляционная связь концентраций органического вещества в донных отложениях с содержанием в них ТМ, а также связь концентраций ТМ в грунтах и гонадах морских ежей (значимая корреляция выявлена в отношении Zn). Для донных отложений определены фактор загрязнения Cf, характеризующий их загрязнение в заливе цинком как высокое, а кадмием и медью — как очень высокое, а также степень загрязнения Cd, свидетельствующая о среднем уровне загрязнения донных осадков в целом. Проведён расчёт индексов экологического риска. По величине SQG-Q грунты залива отнесены к категории умеренно токсичных. Установлено: согласно нормативам Технического регламента Таможенного союза «О безопасности пищевой продукции» 021/2011, содержание Cd и Pb в гонадах морских ежей из залива Владимира не превышает допустимых уровней, однако по значению ILCR (индекс нарастающего пожизненного риска) можно сделать прогноз об опасности возникновения онкологических заболеваний при употреблении гонад в пищу

    The original formula for predicting the survival of gastric cancer patients undergoing surgical treatment

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    The purpose of this work was to find ways to predict the survival of gastric cancer patients. The study included 221 patients who were radically operated in the abdominal department of the Odessa Regional Oncology Center from 2007 to 2013. The life expectancy of this group of patients was measured in months. From the factors given in the article, only the age of the patient, the presence and invasion in neighboring organs and the number of organs resected during the operation were those factors that had a significant impact on the prognosis. A formula was obtained for the formal evaluation of the duration of patients. The results are preliminary. Conclusions. As a result of the regression analysis, a polynomial (formula) was obtained, which can be used to predict the survival of patients who underwent surgery for gastric cancer. There is a need to create clearer gradations of survival dependencies of cancer patients from different clinical and morphological situations. A mathematical apparatus with many variables can be used to create similar models for the analysis of survival in other types of pathology


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    We performed the analysis of proximal humerus fracture surgical treatment results. Reasons of unsatisfactory results of multifragmental fractures surgical reduction revealed. The new construction for multifragmental fractures fixation invented and patented. Our experiments proved this construction to increase the stability of humerus multifragmental fractures fixation

    Lymph node dissection impact on long-term survival rate of gastric cancer patients in Ukraine

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    Over a period of 2007-2011 188 stomach cancer (SC) patients have been included in the research in abdominal oncosurgical department of Odessa oncological center. Volume of lymph node dissections differed by quantity of lymph nodes to be removed. All patients were divided into three groups. Patients with D1 or D1+ lymph node dissections have been performed, totally 90 patients are included in group of historical control. In all cases so-called lymph node dissections for principal reasons have been executed. The multifactorial analysis of patients survival is implemented depending on a type of a lymph node dissections, a stage of the cancer, number of involved lymph nodes, involvement of the tumoral microcirculatory net (ly is carried out, v) signs of a perinevral invasion (Nev), availability of residual tumoral tissue (R), degree of a differentiation (G). Regardless of a disease stage, SC at 60 % of patients, represented with initially hematologicaly disseminated disease. 40 % of SC`s had no signs of intratumoral microcirculatory net involvement even in case of more than 15 regional lymph nodes are involved

    Effect of ultrasound on s. Epidermidis museum culture

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    The aim o f the present research project was to study the effect o f ultrasonic waves on the S. epidermidis ATCC 14990 museum culture. Materials and methods: A bibliosemantic method - for analyzing previous research based on scientific literature, electronic resources. empirical methods of scientific research (observation, comparison, measurement, experiment) - to study the effect o f ultrasound on the strain o f S. epidermidis ATCC 14990. Results: A study showed that when exposed to ultrasound for four and a h alf minutes on a culture o f microorganisms S. epidermidis in glass tubes, the number o f viable cells in the suspension decreases. Conclusions: The influence o f ultrasound on the culture o f S. epidermidis, studied in the work, showed that the selected and used parameters o f ultrasound treatment cause destructive changes in microorganisms. These changes are not fatal for the entire bacterial culture used in the study, but they have a reliable antimicrobial effect

    Analysis of the results of auxiliary reproductive technologies in the tyumen region

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    In the article the treatment outcome of agenesis in Tyumen region are observed undertaken by the aid of ancillary reproductive technology (ART) funded by CHI. The number of occurred pregnancies and their outcomes, as well as the indicators depending on type of program ART have been analyzed.В статье рассмотрены результаты лечения бесплодия в Тюменской области при помощи программ вспомогательных репродуктивных технологий (ВРТ) за счет средств ОМС. Проанализировано количество наступивших беременностей и их исходы, а также эти показатели в зависимости от вида программы ВРТ

    Analysis of the results of auxiliary reproductive technologies in the tyumen region

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    In the article the treatment outcome of agenesis in Tyumen region are observed undertaken by the aid of ancillary reproductive technology (ART) funded by CHI. The number of occurred pregnancies and their outcomes, as well as the indicators depending on type of program ART have been analyzed.В статье рассмотрены результаты лечения бесплодия в Тюменской области при помощи программ вспомогательных репродуктивных технологий (ВРТ) за счет средств ОМС. Проанализировано количество наступивших беременностей и их исходы, а также эти показатели в зависимости от вида программы ВРТ

    Authentication of electronics components for cyber-physical systems

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    One of the main directions of cyber-physical systems safety ensuring is the creation and implementation of technologies for providing the electronics components a resistance to various types of external influences. The relevance of this problem is the increase of a rate of counterfeit products in electronics as an international trend. This determines a need to authenticate the products intended for responsible applications. In addition to the issue of counterfeit, the electronics components authentication is necessary for a reliable and informative assessment of their resistance to the impacts from external factors. One of the main tasks of the methodology for assessing the resistance is to establish an effective optimal balance between the reliability of the test results and the procedure laboriousness. The difficulties of this optimization are related mainly to the number of destroyed samples, the volume of collected information, ensuring of a counterfeit identification. Hereby we present an effective authentication procedure combining the "destructive" and "non-destructive" types of checks with the counterfeit identification, sample heterogeneity, and suspicious items. Improvement of the sampling procedure for testing is presented as well. The experimental results of authentication are discussed