31 research outputs found
Influence of pain beliefs on resuts of algetic syndrome treatment
Pain syndromes are very common and therapeutically resistant, and it is necessary to offer new approaches with complex examination of the pain. The paper presents data about influence of pain beliefs on results of treatment of algetic syndromes
Biological Effect of Continuous, Quasi-Continuous and Pulsed Laser Radiation
In this work, for the first time, comparative studies of biological activity of low intensity continuous, quasi-continuous and pulsed laser radiation of nano- and picosecond time ranges with the same average power density are carried out. It is shown, that, despite the significant differences in peak values of intensity of acting factor, both continuous and quasi-continuous radiation and radiation of nano- and picosecond ranges are able to have both stimulating and inhibiting effects on all investigated parameters of functional activity of biological systems in a certain range of dose rates. The ability of laser radiation of near infra-red spectral region (800 - 1340 nm) located out the absorption bands of main chromophores of cells to have regulatory effect on biochemical processes that control the hatching of branchiopod crustaceans Artemia salina L. upon irradiation of their cysts is revealed. The role of molecular oxygen and water as acceptors of laser radiation is discussed.
Keywords: Low intensity laser radiation, Laser activation, Biological activity, Zooplankton Artemia salina L., Sturgeon sperm
In this work, we investigated the influence of laser radiation and radiation of light-emitting diode sources (LEDs) on the proliferative activity of animal cells in culture, the postembryonic development of sturgeon fishes upon short single irradiation of fertilized caviar, the activity of fish sperm, the zooplankton hatching upon irradiation of cysts depending on the parameters of the acting factor (power density, wavelength, polarization, degree of coherence). The methods of enhancement of the biological activity and the therapeutic action of optical radiation due to its modulation, the mutual action with a constant magnetic field, the combined consecutive radiation action in different spectral regions were developed. The mechanisms of photochemical and non-photochemical (non-resonant) processes lying in the basis of the observed light-induced effects were examined.В работе исследовано влияние лазерного излучения и излучения светодиодных источников на пролиферативную активность животных клеток в культуре; постэмбриональное развитие осетровых рыб при кратко-временном однократном облучении оплодотворенной икры; активность сперматозоидов рыб; выклев зоопланктона при воздействии излучения на цисты в зависимости от параметров воздействующего фактора (плотность мощности, длина волны, поляризация, степень когерентности излучения). Разработаны методы усиления биологической активности и терапевтического действия оптического излучения за счет его модуляции; совместного действия с постоянным магнитным полем; комбинированного последовательного воздействия излучением различного спектрального диапазона. Рассмотрены механизмы фотохимических и нефотохимических (нерезонансных) процессов, лежащие в основе наблюдаемых светоиндуцированных эффектов
Back pain: gender differences and approaches to the therapy
The review of modern works of russian and foreign authors on a subject of gender features of the back pain is carried out. Data of own researches of gender features and results of treatment with Dexketopropheni are provided. Authors draw a conclusion that when developing the plan of therapeutic actions it is necessary to take into consideration a difference in approaches to treatment of men and women
Functional aspects in complex diagnostics of chronic pain syndromes
In work new diagnostic approaches to revealing altical displays taking into account the psychoemotional status and parametres of an impellent stereotype are presented
The article is devoted to the diabetic polyneuropathy – frequency, possibilities of diagnostics, including those with use of instrumental methods. Own data about possibilities to detect asymptomatic lesion of the peripheral nervous system in diabetes mellitus patients are provided. Effectiveness of the therapy of this state with the help of one of the drugs of the thioctic acid based drugs (Berlithione®)
Various joint pain syndromes are one of the frequent causes of treatment of patients not only to a traumatologist, but also to a neurologist. The urgency of the problem of pain syndromes in the shoulder is discussed in the article. Detailed anatomical and physiological features of the shoulder joint and periarticular soft tissues are highlighted. The characteristic of the most common etiological and pathogenetic mechanisms of the development of pain syndrome in the region of the shoulder joint is given. Part of the article is devoted to the clinical features and diagnosis of pain in the shoulder region, depending on the etiological factor of pain. In the article discussed modern pharmacological and non-pharmacological methods of treatment of shoulder pain. A clinical example of differential diagnosis of pain and treatment with drug Nimesil is considered