73 research outputs found

    Current management of the stability of organizations of the investment and construction complex in crisis situations

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    The article сonsiders topical issues of managing the economic stability of organizations in a crisis. The authors substantiate the need to study regional trends as an integral part of the anticrisis program at the regional level. Early diagnosis of crisis phenomena in the economy proves that a sufficiently high level of socio-economic development does not yet ensure complete economic security and the ability to withstand the threats posed by the unbalanced structure of the economy. Based on this, the problems in the field of ensuring the stability of organizations in the conditions of crises have been analysed and generalized. The problems faced by enterprises and organizations of the investment and construction sector of the economy have been considered. In methodological terms, the authors propose to use a system of indicative analysis and regulation of production and economic activities of enterprises of the real sector of the economy, as an organizational tool for resolving crisis situations in the economy. The study justifies the necessity of the introduction of digital technologies, on the basis of which it is possible to quickly implement the tasks set and achieve the expected results. The authors emphasize that we need our own anticrisis programs that to help maintain the sustainable functioning of organizations in the conditions of crisis phenomena

    Wavelets: mathematics and applications

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    The notion of wavelets is defined. It is briefly described {\it what} are wavelets, {\it how} to use them, {\it when} we do need them, {\it why} they are preferred and {\it where} they have been applied. Then one proceeds to the multiresolution analysis and fast wavelet transform as a standard procedure for dealing with discrete wavelets. It is shown which specific features of signals (functions) can be revealed by this analysis, but can not be found by other methods (e.g., by the Fourier expansion). Finally, some examples of practical application are given (in particular, to analysis of multiparticle production}. Rigorous proofs of mathematical statements are omitted, and the reader is referred to the corresponding literature.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figures, Latex, Phys. Atom. Nuc


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    The paper deals with extremal properties of diagonal Hermite-Pad’e approximants of type I for exponential system {eλpz}kp=0with arbitrary λ0, λ1, …, λk. Proved theorems complement known results of P. P. Borwein, F. Wielonsky.В работе изучаются экстремальные свойства диагональных аппроксимаций Эрмита–Паде I типа для системы экспонент {eλpz}kp=0с произвольными различными действительными показателями λ0, λ1, …, λk. Доказанные теоремы дополняют известные результаты П. Борвейна и Ф. Вилонского

    Current views on the role of fatty acids in the diagnosis of cardiovascular diseases (review)

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    An additional informative tool in the diagnosis of cardiovascular diseases in the early stages can be the analysis of changes in the fatty acid profile, which can be considered as a marker of various pathological conditions. The study of the effects of fatty acids and the mechanisms of changes in the fatty acid profile in connection with cardiovascular diseases remains relevant. We have analyzed modern data from foreign and domestic literature on issues related to the importance of fatty acids as possible markers in the diagnosis of cardiovascular diseases. Basic information about the structure of fatty acids, their functions in the human body, the relationship between the level of free fatty acids and indicators of the development of pathological processes of the cardiovascular system is presented. The factors influencing the dynamics of fatty acid concentrations both in normal conditions and during the development of pathological processes are reflected. The processes of biochemical modification of the fatty acid composition of the lipid matrix of the cell membrane are considered. The expediency of using fatty acids, together with some protein markers in the diagnosis of diseases of the cardiovascular system, has been shown. The collection and analysis of the accumulated information on the role of fatty acids helps to optimize the use of laboratory markers to determine the stages of pathogenesis of circulatory organ damage, to develop a system for evaluating the effectiveness of therapy for cardiovascular diseases, and to create a set of laboratory and instrumental tests for monitoring the condition of patients


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    The article deals with asymptotic properties of diagonal Hermite–Pade’s approximants of type I for the exponential system {eλ j z}k j  = 0 with arbitrary real λ0, λ1, ..., λk. The proved theorems complement the known results of P. Borwein, F. Wielonsky, and A. P. Starovoitov.Изучаются асимптотические свойства диагональных аппроксимаций Эрмита–Паде I типа для системы экспонент {eλ j z}k j  = 0 произвольными различными действительными показателями λ0, λ1, ..., λk. Доказанные теоремы дополняют известные результаты П. Борвейна, Ф. Вилонского и А. П. Старовойтова

    Echohysterosalpingography: pros and cons. A systematic review

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    Background. Infertility is becoming ever more pressing a problem by year in Russia and worldwide. Tubal-peritoneal infertility is most frequent, with the prevalence of 42.5-80.5% in various estimates. Echohysterosalpingography is considered the today’s “gold standard” in tubal-peritoneal infertility diagnosis in women. This method is known to possess a series of limitations and adverse consequences due to painful sensations during and after check-ups that psychologically afflict women.Objectives. An overview of current methods for inspecting fallopian tubes in reproductively impaired patients to inform promising diagnostic research.Methods. Publications were mined and analysed in the PubMed, eLibrary, Web of Science, Cochrane Library and Cyberleninka electronic databases. The query terms were: echohysterosalpingography [эхогистеросальпингография], echohysterography [эхогистерография], infertility [бесплодие], pregnancy planning [планирование беременности], fallopian patency [проходимость маточных труб], ultrasonic diagnosis [ультразвуковая диагностика], submucous myomatous node [субмукозный миоматозный узел], incompetent uterine scar [несостоятельный рубец на матке], niche [ниша]. The topic selected was female infertility, particularly, the use of echohysterosalpingography in fallopian diagnosis in reproductively impaired women.Results. The review covers 52 sources of the total 118 analysed. Current published evidence and its review identify a notable success of imaging techniques in the fallopian tube diagnosis in women with reproductive problems. The continually developing echohysterosalpingography technique is considered more promising for routine use. Techniques gain more value in analyses of implantation failures. The main challenges in current radiodiagnosis and monitoring of fallopian lesions at a background therapy are the inspection standardisation, disease classification, imaging diagnostic accuracy and prognostic value evaluation in patients with reproductive loss and infertility.Conclusion. The prospective routes of research comprise the definition of optimal check-up terms, echohysterography and echohysterosalpingography diagnostic criteria descriptiveness, improving prognosis in the carrying of pregnancy and treatment efficacy control. A timely and accurate diagnosis of uterus and fallopian tubes is of paramount importance to sustain the women’s reproductive health

    Overview of metabolomic markers used for diagnosing cardiovascular diseases

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    At present, metabolomics is an intensively developing approach to the specific diagnosis of cardiovascular diseases. Metabolic analysis allows the study of complete metabolomic profiles and their deviations resulting from changes, for example, gene and RNA expression, protein activity, or environmental factors. Analysis of the metabolomic blood profile helps in solving a large number of scientific and clinical problems, one of which is the search for markers of diseases, in particular, cardiovascular diseases (CVD). Aim of the study was to investigate metabolomic markers used for the diagnosis of cardiovascular diseases on the basis of literature data. Material and methods. The literature data was analyzed for key words: cardiovascular diseases, metabolomics, metabolic profile, metabolomic markers in da- tabases PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, CyberLeninka, PatentDB, Science Direct Open Access, eLibrary. Results. Analysis of literature data and patent search confirms the high importance of metabolomic markers in the diagnosis of CVD. In the patent literature, BNP/NT-proBNP is most common used as a metabolic marker of CVD (11.27 %). The use of CRP (8.99 %) and troponin (8.49 %) is also common. PICP (0.02 %), sVCAM-1 (0.09 %), stimulating growth factor ST-2 (0.12 %) and thrombomodulin (0.12 %) as metabolic markers of CVD. Conclusions. Against the backdrop of analytical methods, metabolomics is the most important diagnostic area. At the same time, it should be noted that by combining the results of the analysis of metabolic studies with others, for example, genomic and proteomic, one can get a complete picture of the pathogenesis of diseases, assess the risk of complications, and also determine the effectiveness of the treatment

    Ледовитость арктических морей и её связь с приземной температурой воздуха в Северном полушарии

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    The linear relationship between average monthly anomalies of the ice coverage in the Arctic seas and the surface air temperature over the land in the Northern hemisphere in March and September was analyzed for the purpose of finding regions with statistically significant correlations. Possible mechanisms of the revealed interrelations are discussed. Data on the surface temperature and the ice concentration from Met Office Hadley Centre were used in this study. A negative correlation of the sea ice with the temperature in the land regions adjacent to the seas, as well as a number of remote relations was revealed. Specifically, statistically significant relations were found between anomalies of the ice area in the Laptev Sea in September with the temperature anomalies in the Mediterranean region, as well as with the temperature anomalies in Central Asia. In most cases, such relationships may be explained by the influence of atmospheric circulation, including the North Atlantic Oscillation, the Arctic Oscillation, the Pacific Decadal Oscillation, and variability in the intensity of the atmospheric centers of action. Characteristics of seasonal variations of the sea ice coverage and climatic trends together with variability and autocorrelation of the coverage anomalies are considered. The largest reduction in the ice area is observed for the recent decades in the Barents Sea in winter while in the Kara, Laptev and East Siberian seas - in summer.Проанализирована линейная связь среднемесячных аномалий площади морского льда в арктических морях и приземной температуры воздуха над сушей Северного полушария в марте и сентябре. Установлена отрицательная корреляция с температурой в прилегающих к морям регионах суши, а также ряд удалённых связей, которые можно объяснить влиянием атмосферной циркуляции. Наибольшее сокращение площади морских льдов зимой в последние десятилетия наблюдаются в Баренцевом море, в летний – в Карском, Лаптевых и Восточно‑Сибирском морях


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    The paper describes the classification and treatment options of craniopharyngiomas, benign epithelial tumors arising from the cell remains of the Rathke’s pouch. It presents a few types of surgical accesses during surgical treatment for this disease and gives examples of how to place an Ommaya reservoir