260 research outputs found

    On correspondence between tensors and bispinors

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    It is known that in the four-dimensional Riemannian space the complex bispinor generates a number of tensors: scalar, pseudo-scalar, vector, pseudo-vector, antisymmetric tensor. This paper solves the inverse problem: the above tensors are arbitrarily given, it is necessary to find a bispinor (bispinors) reproducing the tensors. The algorithm for this mapping constitutes construction of Hermitean matrix MM from the tensors and finding its eigenvalue spectrum. A solution to the inverse problem exists only when MM is nonnegatively definite. Under this condition a matrix ZZ satisfying equation M=ZZ+M=ZZ^{+} can be found. One and the same system of tensor values can be used to construct the matrix ZZ accurate to an arbitrary factor on the left-hand side, viz. unitary matrix UU in polar expansion Z=HUZ=HU. The matrix ZZ is shown to be expandable to a set of bispinors, for which the unitary matrix UU is responsible for the internal (gauge) degrees of freedom. Thus, a group of gauge transformations depends only on the Riemannian space dimension, signature, and the number field used. The constructed algorithm for mapping tensors to bispinors admits extension to Riemannian spaces of a higher dimension.Comment: 14 pages;LaTeX2e;to appear in the 9th Marcel Grossmann Meeting (MG9) Proceedings,Rome, July, 200

    Physical Vacuum Properties and Internal Space Dimension

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    The paper addresses matrix spaces, whose properties and dynamics are determined by Dirac matrices in Riemannian spaces of different dimension and signature. Among all Dirac matrix systems there are such ones, which nontrivial scalar, vector or other tensors cannot be made up from. These Dirac matrix systems are associated with the vacuum state of the matrix space. The simplest vacuum system realization can be ensured using the orthonormal basis in the internal matrix space. This vacuum system realization is not however unique. The case of 7-dimensional Riemannian space of signature 7(-) is considered in detail. In this case two basically different vacuum system realizations are possible: (1) with using the orthonormal basis; (2) with using the oblique-angled basis, whose base vectors coincide with the simple roots of algebra E_{8}. Considerations are presented, from which it follows that the least-dimension space bearing on physics is the Riemannian 11-dimensional space of signature 1(-)& 10(+). The considerations consist in the condition of maximum vacuum energy density and vacuum fluctuation energy density.Comment: 19 pages, 1figure. Submitted to General Relativity and Gravitatio

    Renal cell carcinoma drug and cell therapy: today and tomorrow

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    The paper also looks at clinically applicable targeted immune drugs and the principle of their effect on tumorous cells. Besides, modern clinical studies of cell drugs have been considere

    Melting Point and Lattice Parameter Shifts in Supported Metal Nanoclusters

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    The dependencies of the melting point and the lattice parameter of supported metal nanoclusters as functions of clusters height are theoretically investigated in the framework of the uniform approach. The vacancy mechanism describing the melting point and the lattice parameter shifts in nanoclusters with decrease of their size is proposed. It is shown that under the high vacuum conditions (p<10^-7 torr) the essential role in clusters melting point and lattice parameter shifts is played by the van der Waals forces of cluster-substrate interation. The proposed model satisfactorily accounts for the experimental data.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, 1 tabl

    The role of hematological parameters as predictors of mortality in elderly patients in the hospital period

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    The development of algorithms for predicting adverse outcomes, including death in elderly and senile patients, is an urgent issue. Potential predictors include hematologic parameters. A clinical blood test is one of the most affordable diagnostic methods in practical medicine, reflecting systemic pathological processes in the human body based on a quantitative assessment of the cellular composition and blood morphology. The aim of this study was to evaluate hematological parameters as predictors of in-hospital mortality in patients of the elderly and senile age with acute coronary syndrome.Material and methods. The study included 277 patients with acute coronary syndrome. The study of hematological parameters was carried out on a CELL-DYN Sapphire hematology analyzer (Abbott Laboratories, USA). The values of neutrophil-lymphocytes ratio and platelet-lymphocytes ratio were also evaluated as predictors of in-hospital mortality.Results. High content of leukocytes (above 10.45 x 109/l) during hospitalization in patients with ACS aged 60-74 years are associated with a higher risk of death at the hospital stage. Among patients with ACS aged 75-89 years, the risk of death is associated with the following changes in peripheral blood upon admission: a decrease in the absolute number of eosinophils below 0.086 x 109/l, an increase in the absolute number of basophils above 0.079 x 109/l and a decrease in platelet-lymphocytes ratio below 31.06


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    In the article analyzes the basic concepts and approaches to health positions. It is shown that qualitative and quantitative characteristics of both health and illness have a fairly wide range of interpretation. It was summed, that the health is a multifactorial concept, which become the main strategy of life to improve the vitality of the body.У статті розглянуто поняття та основні підходи до позиції здоров'я. Показано, що якісні і кількісні характеристики як здоров'я, так і хвороби мають досить широкий діапазон тлумачення. Підсумовано, що здоров’я є мультифакторним поняттям, яке виступає основною стратегією життя людини з метою підвищення життєстійкості організму


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    The article describes the features and methods of mathematical simulation of hydraulic displacement gear of lengthwise cyclic displacement of the movable frame of straightening and tamping machine PMA-1 with the use as displacement of twin rods hydraulic cylinder device. The authors describe the main results of simulation and analyze them. They also put forward some recommendations concerning tuning of control system of the driving gear. The general conclusion is that twin rods cylinder simplifies the controlled hydraulic processes as compared to other existing systems and removes the problem of additional feedback.Авторами отражены основные  особенности и методика  имитационного математического  моделирования гидрообъемного  привода продольного циклического  перемещения подвижной рамы выправочно-подбивочной машины ПМА-1 с использованием в качестве  рабочего органа перемещения двухштокового гидравлического цилиндра. Приведены основные  результаты моделирования, проведен их анализ, а также даны рекомендации по настройке  системы управления приводом. Общий вывод при этом сводится к тому, что по сравнению  с существующими конструкциями  применение двухштокового цилиндра  заметно упрощает регулируемые гидравлические процессы, снимает проблему введения дополнительных  обратных связей