14 research outputs found

    Manual delineation approaches for direct imaging of the subcortex

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    The growing interest in the human subcortex is accompanied by an increasing number of parcellation procedures to identify deep brain structures in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) contrasts. Manual procedures continue to form the gold standard for parcellating brain structures and is used for the validation of automated approaches. Performing manual parcellations is a tedious process which requires a systematic and reproducible approach. For this purpose, we created a series of protocols for the anatomical delineation of 21 individual subcortical structures. The intelligibility of the protocols was assessed by calculating Dice similarity coefficients for ten healthy volunteers. In addition, dilated Dice coefficients showed that manual parcellations created using these protocols can provide high-quality training data for automated algorithms. Here, we share the protocols, together with three example MRI datasets and the created manual delineations. The protocols can be applied to create high-quality training data for automated parcellation procedures, as well as for further validation of existing procedures and are shared without restrictions with the research community.Action Contro

    A high-resolution multi-shell 3T diffusion magnetic resonance imaging dataset as part of the Amsterdam Ultra-high field adult lifespan database (AHEAD)

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    In order to further our understanding of brain function and the underlying networks, more advanced diffusion weighted magnetic resonance imaging (DWI MRI) data are essential. Here we present freely available high-resolution multi-shell multi-directional 3 Tesla (T) DWI MRI data as part of the 'Amsterdam Ultra-high field adult lifespan database' (AHEAD). The 3T DWI AHEAD dataset include 1.28mm isotropic whole brain DWI data of 49 healthy adult participants between 18 and 90 years old. The acquired data include DWIs at three non-zero b-values (48 directions, b-value 700 s/mm2; 56 directions, b-value 1000 s/mm2; 64 directions, b-value 1600 s/mm2) including a total of twelve volumes with a b-value of 0 s/mm2 (b0 volumes). In addition, eight b0 volumes with a reversed phase encoding direction were acquired to correct for distortions. To facilitate future use, the DWI data have been denoised, corrected for eddy currents, susceptibility-induced off-resonance field distortions, bias fields, and are skull stripped

    Investigating Intra-Individual Networks of Response Inhibition and Interference Resolution using 7T MRI

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    Response inhibition and interference resolution are often considered subcomponents of an overarching inhibition system that utilizes the so-called cortico-basal-ganglia loop. Up until now, most previous functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) literature has compared the two using between-subject designs, pooling data in the form of a meta-analysis or comparing different groups. Here, we investigate the overlap of activation patterns underlying response inhibition and interference resolution on a within-subject level, using ultra-high field MRI. In this model-based study, we furthered the functional analysis with cognitive modelling techniques to provide a more in-depth understanding of behaviour. We applied the stop-signal task and multi-source interference task to measure response inhibition and interference resolution, respectively. Our results lead us to conclude that these constructs are rooted in anatomically distinct brain areas and provide little evidence for spatial overlap. Across the two tasks, common BOLD responses were observed in the inferior frontal gyrus and anterior insula. Interference resolution relied more heavily on subcortical components, specifically nodes of the commonly referred to indirect and hyperdirect pathways, as well as the anterior cingulate cortex, and pre-supplementary motor area. Our data indicated that orbitofrontal cortex activation is specific to response inhibition. Our model-based approach provided evidence for the dissimilarity in behavioural dynamics between the two tasks. The current work exemplifies the importance of reducing inter-individual variance when comparing network patterns and the value of UHF-MRI for high resolution functional mapping