88 research outputs found

    Transient behaviour in RDA systems of the Schnakenberg type

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    Initial stages in the evolution of linear disturbances near a homogeneous equilibrium are considered for the standard Schnakenberg and modified Schnakenberg models. The focus is on a possibility of transient amplification of perturbations. It is shown that, depending on the coefficients in the governing equations, transient growth may appear in both asymptotically stable and unstable situations

    Parameters Influencing Thermal Stability of U-Gd Nuclear Fuel

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    Relations between the processes of growth of intermetallic inclusions and their surface segregation in binary and ternary alloys of zirconium are presented. An increased surface concentration of iron atoms was observed, and is associated with intermetallic inclusion growth with increased annealing temperature of the deformed alloys. Modelling the asymmetric growth of these intermetallic inclusions, leading to their migration, have enabled the determination of the diffusion coefficient of iron in these intermetallics. Keywords: Thermal stability, resintering, U-Gd fuel, fuel pellets, pore-former, sintering temperature

    The Quark Contributions to the Nucleon Spin from Semi-inclusive lp- DIS with Charged Current

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    Current paper considers the possibilities to determine quark con­tributions based on observable values - polarization asymmetries of semi-inclusive LN - DIS. Numerical computations of asymmetries are provided

    The Spin of the Nucleon in the Semi-inclusive DIS with Charged Current

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    The investigation of spin structure of the nucleon is one of the actual problems of particle physics [1]. According to recent experimental data [2]—[5]the quarks are responsible for 33-35% of nucleon spin and the strange quarks contribution is near to zero ∆s ~ 0.1 The nucleon spin problem requires the further experimental research of all contributions. In present work the possibilities of determination of the quark contributions to the nucleon spin based on observable asymmetries of the semi-inclusive deep inelastic scattering (SIDIS) with the charged current are considered

    The Polarized Semi-inclusive Lepton-Nucleon DIS with Charged Current

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    This paper discusses the polarization asymmetry of semi-inclusive deep inelastic scattering of leptons on nucleons. Numerical results of asymmetries and radiative corrections to lepton current are provided

    The Spin Structure of the Nucleon from Semi-Inclusive Deep Inelastic Neutrino Scattering with Neutral Current

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    The asymmetries of semi-inclusive deep inelastic scattering of neutrino on polarized deuteron with the neutral current have been used for the extraction of valence quark, anti­-quark and strange quark contributions to the nucleon spin

    The spin structure of the nucleon from lp-DIS

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    Effects of antioxidant bienzyme conjugate in rats with endotoxin shock model after different regime of administration

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    Cardiovascular injuries have been going along with oxidative stress as usually. The antioxidant enzymes (as superoxide dismutase /SOD/ and catalase /CAT/) are significant potential agents for therapeutic aim but they demanded the improvement of their biopharmaceutical properties. For this goal the bienzyme covalent conjugate was obtained by binding SOD with CAT via endothelial glycocalyx glycosaminoglycan – chondroitin sulfate (SOD-CHS-CAT). The SOD-CHS-CAT conjugate had prophylaxis and preventive actions after intravenous administration of hydrogen peroxide in rabbits and rats. It should be noted the oxidative stress accompanies for development of endotoxin shock. There is the model of septic shock of animals due to administration of bacterial lypopolysaccharide (LPS, from Salmonella enterica serotype Typhimurium) them as provoking infectious agent. The therapeutic effect of bienzyme SOD-CHS-CAT conjugate has special research interest associated with activity of conjugate after preventive and medicative administration (i.e. before and after LPS administration, respectively). The effect of bienzyme conjugate administered in medicative regime had increased the survival of rats for endotoxin shock. It was the expressive efficacy of medicinal employment of SOD-CHS-CAT conjugate. The obtained results have been grounded the need of experimental evaluation in respect to efficacy of per oral prophylaxis administration of SOD-CHS-CAT conjugate on the endotoxin model injury in rats induced by LPS bolus. The intravenous bolus administration of LPS in rats has been induced the endotoxin shock development with arterial pressure (AP) decrease, heart rate (HR) increase, impairment of condition even before the lethal termination. The AP decrease was restored faster in experimental group; the alterations of HR were similar in both groups. The survival index (73 % in experimental and 63 % in control groups) for twenty-four hours was similar. Higher survival index (95 % in experimental and 75 % in control groups, for five hours) was marked in experimental group emphasizing the action celerity of SOD-CHS-CAT conjugate in vivo. The SOD-CHS-CAT conjugate was active during cytokine phase of endotoxin injury and distant damage stages. Moreover, the level of NO in lever, lung, kidney, heart was enhanced during endotoxin shock progress and there were not significant alterations of NO level after bienzyme conjugate administration intravenously. The changes of urea and creatinine in blood samples have been evidenced the protective action of bienzyme conjugate in respect to kidney function. Diversity of other index alterations have been hampered the forming agreed conclusions about state of other organs. Taken together these date indicated (on the base of survival increase of rats with SOD-CHS-CAT conjugate for endotoxin shock) the other protective effects of this conjugate (besides NO preservation) and importance of its action mechanism investigation on animal model with continuous development of injury and involvement of other vasoactive agents (NO-independent progress of therapeutic effect). This research was supported in part by RFBR grant 15-04-03584 and Ministry of Health Care of Russian Federation