143 research outputs found

    Universality for 2D Wedge Wetting

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    We study 2D wedge wetting using a continuum interfacial Hamiltonian model which is solved by transfer-matrix methods. For arbitrary binding potentials, we are able to exactly calculate the wedge free-energy and interface height distribution function and, thus, can completely classify all types of critical behaviour. We show that critical filling is characterized by strongly universal fluctuation dominated critical exponents, whilst complete filling is determined by the geometry rather than fluctuation effects. Related phenomena for interface depinning from defect lines in the bulk are also considered.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur

    Three dimensional tracking of exploratory behavior of barnacle cyprids using stereoscopy

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    Surface exploration is a key step in the colonization of surfaces by sessile marine biofoulers. As many biofouling organisms can delay settlement until a suitable surface is encountered, colonization can comprise surface exploration and intermittent swimming. As such, the process is best followed in three dimensions. Here we present a low-cost transportable stereoscopic system consisting of two consumer camcorders. We apply this novel apparatus to behavioral analysis of barnacle larvae (? 800 lm length) during surface exploration and extract and analyze the three-dimensional patterns of movement. The resolution of the system and the accuracy of position determination are characterized. As a first practical result, three-dimensional swimming trajectories of the cypris larva of the barnacle Semibalanus balanoides are recorded in the vicinity of a glass surface and close to PEG2000-OH and C11NMe3 +Cl- terminated self-assembled monolayers. Although less frequently used in biofouling experiments due to its short reproductive season, the selected model species [Marechal and Hellio (2011), Int Biodeterior Biodegrad, 65(1):92-101] has been used following a number of recent investigations on the settlement behavior on chemically different surfaces [Aldred et al. (2011), ACS Appl Mater Interfaces, 3(6):2085-2091]. Experiments were scheduled to match the availability of cyprids off the north east coast of England so that natural material could be used. In order to demonstrate the biological applicability of the system, analysis of parameters such as swimming direction, swimming velocity and swimming angle are performed.DFG/Ro 2524/2-2DFG/Ro 2497/7-2ONR/N00014-08-1-1116ONR/N00014-12-1-0498EC/FP7/2007-2013/23799

    The Effects of Embedded Dipoles in Aromatic Self-Assembled Monolayers

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    Using a representative model system, here electronic and structural properties of aromatic self-assembled monolayers (SAMs) are described that contain an embedded, dipolar group. As polar unit, pyrimidine is used, with its orientation in the molecular backbone and, consequently, the direction of the embedded dipole moment being varied. The electronic and structural properties of these embedded-dipole SAMs are thoroughly analyzed using a number of complementary characterization techniques combined with quantum-mechanical modeling. It is shown that such mid-chain-substituted monolayers are highly interesting from both fundamental and application viewpoints, as the dipolar groups are found to induce a potential discontinuity inside the monolayer, electrostatically shifting the core-level energies in the regions above and below the dipoles relative to one another. These SAMs also allow for tuning the substrate work function in a controlled manner independent of the docking chemistry and, most importantly, without modifying the SAM-ambient interface

    Exchange Reactions between Alkanethiolates and Alkaneselenols on Au{111}

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    When alkanethiolate self-assembled monolayers on Au{111} are exchanged with alkaneselenols from solution, replacement of thiolates by selenols is rapid and complete, and is well described by perimeter-dependent island growth kinetics. The monolayer structures change as selenolate coverage increases, from being epitaxial and consistent with the initial thiolate structure to being characteristic of selenolate monolayer structures. At room temperature and at positive sample bias in scanning tunneling microscopy, the selenolate-gold attachment is labile, and molecules exchange positions with neighboring thiolates. The scanning tunneling microscope probe can be used to induce these place-exchange reactions

    Concept of Embedded Dipoles as a Versatile Tool for Surface Engineering

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    [Image: see text] Controlling the physical and chemical properties of surfaces and interfaces is of fundamental relevance in various areas of physical chemistry and a key issue of modern nanotechnology. A highly promising strategy for achieving that control is the use of self-assembled monolayers (SAMs), which are ordered arrays of rodlike molecules bound to the substrate by a suitable anchoring group and carrying a functional tail group at the other end of the molecular backbone. Besides various other applications, SAMs are frequently used in organic electronics for the electrostatic engineering of interfaces by controlling the interfacial level alignment. This is usually achieved by introducing a dipolar tail group at the SAM–semiconductor interface. Such an approach, however, also changes the chemical character of that interface, for example, affecting the growth of subsequent layers. A strategy for avoiding this complication is to embed polar groups into the backbones of the SAM-forming molecules. This allows disentangling electronic interface engineering and the nucleation of further layers, such that both can be optimized independently. This novel concept was successfully demonstrated for both aliphatic and aromatic SAMs on different application-relevant substrates, such as gold, silver, and indium tin oxide. Embedding, for example, ester and pyrimidine groups in different orientations into the backbones of the SAM-forming molecules results in significant work-function changes. These can then be fine-tuned over a wide energy range by growing mixed monolayers consisting of molecules with oppositely oriented polar groups. In such systems, the variation of the work function is accompanied by pronounced shifts of the peaks in X-ray photoelectron spectra, which demonstrates that electrostatically triggered core-level shifts can be as important as the well-established chemical shifts. This illustrates the potential of X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) as a tool for probing the local electrostatic energy within monolayers and, in systems like the ones studied here, makes XPS a powerful tool for studying the composition and morphology of binary SAMs. All these experimental observations can be rationalized through simulations, which show that the assemblies of embedded dipolar groups introduce a potential discontinuity within the monolayer, shifting the energy levels above and below the dipoles relative to each other. In molecular and monolayer electronics, embedded-dipole SAMs can be used to control transition voltages and current rectification. In devices based on organic and 2D semiconductors, such as MoS(2), they can reduce contact resistances by several orders of magnitude without adversely affecting film growth even on flexible substrates. By varying the orientation of the embedded dipolar moieties, it is also possible to build p- and n-type organic transistors using the same electrode materials (Au). The extensions of the embedded-dipole concept from hybrid interfaces to systems such as metal–organic frameworks is currently underway, which further underlines the high potential of this approach

    A detailed analysis of the photoemission spectra of basic thioaromatic monolayers on noble metal substrates

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    Analysis of photoemission spectra of complex thioaromatic self-assembled monolayers (SAMs) requires the knowledge and understanding of such spectra for the basic systems. Keeping this goal in mind, synchrotron-based high-resolution X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy was used to characterize SAMs formed from the simplest thioaromatic compounds, namely thiophenol, 1,1′-biphenyl-4-thiol and 1,1′;4′,1″-terphenyl-4-thiol on evaporated Au(1 1 1) and Ag(1 1 1) substrates. The acquired S 2p and C 1s spectra were analyzed in terms of fine structure and initial and final state effects in the photoemission process. The assignment of the individual spectral features was considered in detail. Conclusions on quality and chemical and structural homogeneity of the investigated SAMs were derived
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