20,402 research outputs found

    Effect of the foam embellishments on the pedestrian safety of the vehicle front protection systems

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    Pedestrian safety related compliance requirements are very important in case of design and development of the vehicle front protection systems. Computer aided engineering impact simulations were carried out to evaluate Head Injury Criterion (HIC) of a typical bullbar impacting it with an adult headform and correlated with experimental results. Impact simulations were carried out on the same bullbar covered with semi‐rigid polyurethane foam to study the effect of foam embellishments on the pedestrian safety. Results obtained from the impact simulations were presented in this paper

    Structural evaluation of concrete expanded polystyrene sandwich panels for slab applications

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    Sandwich panels are being extensively and increasingly used in building construction because they are light in weight, energy efficient, aesthetically attractive and can be easily handled and erected. This paper presents a structural evaluation of Concrete-Expanded Polystyrene (CEPS) sandwich panels for slab applications using finite element modeling approach. CEPS panels are made of expanded polystyrene foam sandwiched between concrete skins. The use of foam in the middle of sandwich panel reduces the weight of the structure and also acts as insulation against thermal, acoustics and vibration. Applying reinforced concrete skin to both sides of panel takes the advantages of the sandwich concept where the reinforced concrete skins take compressive and tensile loads resulting in higher stiffness and strength and the core transfers shear loads between the faces. This research uses structural software Strand7, which is based on finite element method, to predict the load deformation behaviour of the CEPS sandwich slab panels. Non linear static analysis was used in the numerical investigations. Predicted results were compared with the existing experimental results to validate the numerical approach used

    InGaAsP p-i-n photodiodes for optical communication at the 1.3-µm wavelength

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    The preparation and properties of Cd-diffused p-n homojunction InGaAsP photodiodes designed specifically for operation at the 1.3-µm wavelength are described. At a reverse bias of 10 V, the dark current of these diodes was as low as 15 pA. The peak responsivity at 1.3-µm wavelength was 0.7 A/W. An impulse response (full width at half maximum) of 60 ps and a 3-dB bandwidth of 5.5 GHz were achieved.

    Coordination-driven magnetic-to-nonmagnetic transition in manganese doped silicon clusters

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    The interaction of a single manganese impurity with silicon is analyzed in a combined experimental and theoretical study of the electronic, magnetic, and structural properties of manganese-doped silicon clusters. The structural transition from exohedral to endohedral doping coincides with a quenching of high-spin states. For all geometric structures investigated, we find a similar dependence of the magnetic moment on the manganese coordination number and nearest neighbor distance. This observation can be generalized to manganese point defects in bulk silicon, whose magnetic moments fall within the observed magnetic-to-nonmagnetic transition, and which therefore react very sensitively to changes in the local geometry. The results indicate that high spin states in manganese-doped silicon could be stabilized by an appropriate lattice expansion

    The relation between gas density and velocity power spectra in galaxy clusters: qualitative treatment and cosmological simulations

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    We address the problem of evaluating the power spectrum of the velocity field of the ICM using only information on the plasma density fluctuations, which can be measured today by Chandra and XMM-Newton observatories. We argue that for relaxed clusters there is a linear relation between the rms density and velocity fluctuations across a range of scales, from the largest ones, where motions are dominated by buoyancy, down to small, turbulent scales: (δρk/ρ)2=η12(V1,k/cs)2(\delta\rho_k/\rho)^2 = \eta_1^2 (V_{1,k}/c_s)^2, where δρk/ρ\delta\rho_k/\rho is the spectral amplitude of the density perturbations at wave number kk, V1,k2=Vk2/3V_{1,k}^2=V_k^2/3 is the mean square component of the velocity field, csc_s is the sound speed, and η1\eta_1 is a dimensionless constant of order unity. Using cosmological simulations of relaxed galaxy clusters, we calibrate this relation and find η11±0.3\eta_1\approx 1 \pm 0.3. We argue that this value is set at large scales by buoyancy physics, while at small scales the density and velocity power spectra are proportional because the former are a passive scalar advected by the latter. This opens an interesting possibility to use gas density power spectra as a proxy for the velocity power spectra in relaxed clusters, across a wide range of scales.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, submitted to ApJ Letter

    Distance and the pattern of intra-European trade

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    Given an undirected graph G = (V, E) and subset of terminals T ⊆ V, the element-connectivity κ ′ G (u, v) of two terminals u, v ∈ T is the maximum number of u-v paths that are pairwise disjoint in both edges and non-terminals V \ T (the paths need not be disjoint in terminals). Element-connectivity is more general than edge-connectivity and less general than vertex-connectivity. Hind and Oellermann [21] gave a graph reduction step that preserves the global element-connectivity of the graph. We show that this step also preserves local connectivity, that is, all the pairwise element-connectivities of the terminals. We give two applications of this reduction step to connectivity and network design problems. • Given a graph G and disjoint terminal sets T1, T2,..., Tm, we seek a maximum number of elementdisjoint Steiner forests where each forest connects each Ti. We prove that if each Ti is k element k connected then there exist Ω( log hlog m) element-disjoint Steiner forests, where h = | i Ti|. If G is planar (or more generally, has fixed genus), we show that there exist Ω(k) Steiner forests. Our proofs are constructive, giving poly-time algorithms to find these forests; these are the first non-trivial algorithms for packing element-disjoint Steiner Forests. • We give a very short and intuitive proof of a spider-decomposition theorem of Chuzhoy and Khanna [12] in the context of the single-sink k-vertex-connectivity problem; this yields a simple and alternative analysis of an O(k log n) approximation. Our results highlight the effectiveness of the element-connectivity reduction step; we believe it will find more applications in the future

    New variables, the gravitational action, and boosted quasilocal stress-energy-momentum

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    This paper presents a complete set of quasilocal densities which describe the stress-energy-momentum content of the gravitational field and which are built with Ashtekar variables. The densities are defined on a two-surface BB which bounds a generic spacelike hypersurface Σ\Sigma of spacetime. The method used to derive the set of quasilocal densities is a Hamilton-Jacobi analysis of a suitable covariant action principle for the Ashtekar variables. As such, the theory presented here is an Ashtekar-variable reformulation of the metric theory of quasilocal stress-energy-momentum originally due to Brown and York. This work also investigates how the quasilocal densities behave under generalized boosts, i. e. switches of the Σ\Sigma slice spanning BB. It is shown that under such boosts the densities behave in a manner which is similar to the simple boost law for energy-momentum four-vectors in special relativity. The developed formalism is used to obtain a collection of two-surface or boost invariants. With these invariants, one may ``build" several different mass definitions in general relativity, such as the Hawking expression. Also discussed in detail in this paper is the canonical action principle as applied to bounded spacetime regions with ``sharp corners."Comment: Revtex, 41 Pages, 4 figures added. Final version has been revised and improved quite a bit. To appear in Classical and Quantum Gravit

    Impact of Assimilated and Interactive Aerosol on Tropical Cyclogenesis

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    This article investigates the impact 3 of Saharan dust on the development of tropical cyclones in the Atlantic. A global data assimilation and forecast system, the NASA GEOS-5, is used to assimilate all satellite and conventional data sets used operationally for numerical weather prediction. In addition, this new GEOS-5 version includes assimilation of aerosol optical depth from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS). The analysis so obtained comprises atmospheric quantities and a realistic 3-d aerosol and cloud distribution, consistent with the meteorology and validated against Cloud-Aerosol Lidar and Infrared Pathfinder Satellite Observation (CALIPSO) and CloudSat data. These improved analyses are used to initialize GEOS-5 forecasts, explicitly accounting for aerosol direct radiative effects and their impact on the atmospheric dynamics. Parallel simulations with/without aerosol radiative effects show that effects of dust on static stability increase with time, becoming highly significant after day 5 and producing an environment less favorable to tropical cyclogenesis

    A millimeter-wave antireflection coating for cryogenic silicon lenses

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    We have developed and tested an antireflection (AR) coating method for silicon lenses at cryogenic temperatures and millimeter wavelengths. Our particular application is a measurement of the cosmic microwave background. The coating consists of machined pieces of Cirlex glued to the silicon. The measured reflection from an AR coated flat piece is less than 1.5% at the design wavelength. The coating has been applied to flats and lenses and has survived multiple thermal cycles from 300 to 4 K. We present the manufacturing method, the material properties, the tests performed, and estimates of the loss that can be achieved in practical lenses