34 research outputs found

    Management Accountant's Role and Functions in the Enterprise Resource Planning Environment - Author's Own Research into Enterprises in Poland

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    This article seeks to answer whether the implementation of an ERP system has an effect on the management accountant's tasks and functions, especially in the field of performance measurement and internal reporting. The ERP impacts on the controller's role in the organization will be evaluated using field studies on six enterprises owned by multinational corporations. The question that should be asked here is whether controller's functions and tasks will also be unaffected.Celem badania jest próba odpowiedzi na pytanie czy zastosowanie zintegrowanego systemu informatycznego w przedsiębiorstwie zmienia zadania i funkcje specjalisty do spraw rachunkowości zarządczej. Na podstawie studium przypadku sześciu przedsiębiorstw będących częścią koncernów międzynarodowych zostaje dokonana ocena wpływu zastosowania ERP na rolę kontrolera w organizacji. Autor odpowiada również na pytanie czy w funkcjach i zadaniach kontrolera nie zaobserwowane zostaną zmiany w związku z implementacją ERP

    Phase III Randomized Non-Inferiority Study of OSS Versus PEG + Electrolyte Colonoscopy Preparation in Adolescents

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    Objectives: Many protocols and preparations are used for bowel cleansing before pediatric colonoscopy but few are based on scientific evidence. We evaluated efficacy, safety, tolerability, and patient preference of oral sulfate solution (OSS) at 75% of the adult dose versus polyethylene glycol (PEG)-electrolyte solution in adolescents presenting for diagnostic colonoscopy. Methods: Phase III, randomized, evaluator-blinded, non-inferiority study of OSS and PEG in adolescents aged 12-17 years. OSS and PEG were administered in 2 doses on the day before colonoscopy. Primary endpoint included proportion of patients with successful overall preparation (4-point scale). Secondary endpoints included overall and segmental bowel cleansing (Boston Bowel Preparation Scale; BBPS), completed colonoscopies, duration of examination, time to cecal intubation, proportion of nasogastric tubes (NGTs), adverse events (AEs) and acceptability. Results: Successful cleansing was achieved in 71.4% and 79.0% of patients receiving OSS and PEG, respectively [adjusted difference -7.61 (95% confidence interval, CI, -18.45 to 3.24); P = 0.0907]. Segmental BBPS score for the left and transverse colon were similar between treatment groups, but better for the right colon with PEG than OSS [2.2 (95% CI, 2.0-2.4) and 1.9 (95% CI, 1.7-2.1), respectively; P = 0.0015]. Significantly fewer OSS patients needed NGT placement to ingest the whole solution [9/125 (7.2%)] than PEG patients [36/116 (31.0%); P < 0.0001]. Treatment acceptability was significantly higher with OSS than PEG ( P < 0.0001). Duration of examination, completed colonoscopies, and time to cecal intubation were similar between preparations. Gastrointestinal AEs including nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and distension were similar in both groups but more patients receiving PEG had AEs assessed as incapacitating. Conclusions: Non-inferiority of OSS to PEG was not demonstrated, but OSS was associated with a lower requirement for NGT, better acceptability, and less frequent severe AEs than with PEG

    Individual and ethnic aspects of preoperative planning for posttraumatic rhinoplasty

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    The aim of this study was to compare the aesthetic results of post traumatic rhinoplasty among Europeans with populations of healthy Caucasians described in earlier reports, and to collate correct parameters of nasal shape in healthy representatives of both sexes and various races for improvement in aesthetic results of surgery. 3-D scanning of the face was performed in 54 patients after posttraumatic septorhinoplasty. Analysis of 3D model was based on two indices of the nasal proportions and four angles of the region from 18 anthropological points. Parameters of the nasal shape in addition to gender were compared to average values of healthy Caucasian population, described before. Normal characteristics of the nose among individuals of three races from previous studies were also compared to one another. In females, mean height and width of the nose as well as length of both nostrils was smaller. Neither were there any significant differences in width of the nostrils and length of the nasal pyramid nor nasal prominence. Nasal proportions were similar in both sexes. Some of the nasal angles differed in addition to gender. Posttraumatic rhinoplasty resulted in correct shape of the nose similar to the healthy Caucasian population. The aesthetic nose differ among healthy individuals of the three races analysed. While preoperative planning is important, knowledge of the normal values of parameters characterising shape in both genders is equally important as the individual differences in relation to the whole face

    Assessment criterions for journey planners in public transport

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    Analiza zaproponowanych kryteriów oceny planerów podróży podzielonych na trzy grupy odpowiadające podstawowym modułom wyszukiwarek komunikacyjnych: interfejs użytkownika, model danych, algorytm wyszukiwania.The analysis of proposed assessment criterions for journey planners divided into three groups that refer to basic modules of transport search engines: user interface, model of data, search algorithm

    Applications of fractional calculus in modelling of the transducers used in pneumatics

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    Dynamiczny rozwój badań w ostatnich latach nad zastosowaniem rachunku różniczkowo-całkowego niecałkowitych rzędów do analizy układów dynamicznych, skłonił autorów artykułu do podjęcia próby jego zastosowania w analizie i modelowaniu przetworników stosowanych w układach pneumatycznych. Przetworniki pneumatyczne znajdują szerokie zastosowanie w pojazdach autobusach, np. w układach hamulcowych. W artykule przedstawiono model matematyczny przetwornika pneumatycznego, pobudzonego stałym wymuszeniem, opisany rachunkiem różniczkowo-całkowym niecałkowitego rzędu oraz jego analizę czasową za pomocą charakterystyk skokowych, wykonanych za pomocą oprogramowania MATLAB.Dynamic development of recent research into the use of fractional calculus for the dynamic system analysis encouraged the authors of this paper to attempt the use of it for the analysis and modelling of transducers used in pneumatics. The paper presents a mathematical model of pneumatic transducer described the fractional calculus. The results of time analysis of transducer have shown. Tests are executed in the MATLAB programme

    Genetic evaluation of the Iberian lynx ex situ conservation programme

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    Ex situ programmes have become critical for improving the conservation of many threatened species, as they establish backup populations and provide individuals for reintroduction and reinforcement of wild populations. The Iberian lynx was considered the most threatened felid species in the world in the wake of a dramatic decline during the second half of the 20th century that reduced its numbers to around only 100 individuals. An ex situ conservation programme was established in 2003 with individuals from the two well-differentiated, remnant populations, with great success from a demographic point of view. Here, we evaluate the genetic status of the Iberian lynx captive population based on molecular data from 36 microsatellites, including patterns of relatedness and representativeness of the two remnant genetic backgrounds among founders, the evolution of diversity and inbreeding over the years, and genetic differentiation among breeding facilities. In general terms, the ex situ population harbours most of the genetic variability found in the two wild populations and has been able to maintain reasonably low levels of inbreeding and high diversity, thus validating the applied management measures and potentially representing a model for other species in need of conservation

    Data from a genetic evaluation of the Iberian lynx ex situ conservation programme

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    Ex situ programmes have become critical for improving the conservation of many threatened species, as they establish backup populations and provide individuals for reintroduction and reinforcement of wild populations. The Iberian lynx was considered the most threatened felid species in the world in the wake of a dramatic decline during the second half of the 20th century that reduced its numbers to around only 100 individuals. An ex situ conservation programme was established in 2003 with individuals from the two well-differentiated, remnant populations, with great success from a demographic point of view. Here we evaluate the genetic status of the Iberian lynx captive population based on molecular data from 36 microsatellites, including patterns of relatedness and representativeness of the two remnant genetic backgrounds among founders, the evolution of diversity and inbreeding over the years, and genetic differentiation among breeding facilities. In general terms, the ex situ population harbours most of the genetic variability found in the two wild populations and has been able to maintain reasonably low levels of inbreeding and high diversity, thus validating the applied management measures, and potentially representing a model for other species in need of conservationPeer reviewe