30 research outputs found

    Utilisation of co-streams in the Norwegian food processing industry

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    Food losses occur throughout the entire food chain, from primary production via postharvest handling and storage, to food processing, distribution, retailing and consumption. Globally, food losses account for about one third of the total food produced for human consumption. The aim of this report was to map the production and utilisation of co-streams in the food processing industry in Norway and to discuss possibilities for alternative utilisation based on qualitative aspects of the co-streams, and current legislation. This report is produced by work package 3 in the CYCLE project (2013-2016), “Total utilisation of raw materials in the supply chain for food with a bio-economical perspective”. The CYCLE project aims to improve resource utilisation in the Norwegian food chain by developing sustainable eco-friendly bio-processes and novel technology, in close relationship with food industry partners. Inputs and outputs of organic materials were roughly mapped at selected food processing plants presenting three Norwegian food chains: 1) Vegetables and potatoes; 2) white and pelagic fish; and 3) poultry. Data was collected during plant visits in June 2013, and later checked by staff from the described plants. The report describes the qualitative properties of co-streams, and their current utilisation as feed, fertiliser and as substrate for bioenergy production. We also present relevant regulations in EU and Norway regarding processing and utilisation of co-streams, and discuss alternative utilisation. Altogether, the food processing plants had significant market shares in Norway within fresh potatoes (38%), lettuce (17%), poultry meat (24%) and white and pelagic fish, where export makes up a large proportion. Generally, a large proportion of the raw materials were utilised as food and feed. On average for all plants, 75% of the raw material was utilised in food products, 21% in feed products, 1% in fertiliser and bioenergy production and 3% was deposited in landfill. The plants used in average 8.6 tonnes of process water per tonne of food produced, but the amount varied considerably between the plants. Possible improvements in the utilisation of raw materials and co-streams include a higher degree of utilisation in food products, and developing new or improved feed components from co-streams with increased nutritional value. Due to the current high degree of utilisation in food and feed applications with high economic values, the potential for bioenergy and fertiliser production is limited to certain risk materials. Feed potatoes and vegetables and feathers, bones, blood, viscera and skin from fish or poultry have considerable potential for better utilisation for food or feed. Relevant processing methods for these co-streams are fractionation, hydrolysis, fermentation and drying

    Четверта міжнародна наукова-практична конференція «Комп’ютерне моделювання в хімії і технологіях та системах сталого розвитку»

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    У статті представлено результати діючого українсько-норвезького проекту EURASIA, головним напрямком якого є навчання магістрів за спеціальністю «Сталий виробництво». Представлені основні методики і засоби навчання. Викладено досвід дворічної роботи українських студентів і викладачів НТУУ «КПІ» з університетською коледжем м.Йовік (Норвегія).The article presents the results of the current Ukrainian-Norwegian project EURASIA, the main focus of which is to train master's degree on "sustainable production". The basic teaching methodologies and resources are presented. There is the experience of two years of work Ukrainian students and teachers of NTUU "KPI" with Gjovik University College (Norway).В статье представлены результаты действующего украинско-норвежского проекта EURASIA, главным направлением которого является обучение магистров по специальности «Устойчивое производство». Представлены основные методики и средства обучения. Изложен опыт двухлетней работы украинских студентов и преподавателей НТУУ «КПИ» с университетским колледжем г.Йовик (Норвегия)

    Vitamin E and selenium plasma concentrations in weanling pigs under field conditions in Norwegian pig herds

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    BACKGROUND: The status of α-tocopherol (vit E) and selenium (Se) has been shown to influence disease resistance in pigs, and may be important for the health of weanling pigs. METHODS: Plasma levels of both vit E and Se were followed in weanling pigs under field conditions in six Norwegian pig herds. Plasma vit E and Se were measured in 3 sows from each herd and 4 piglets in the litter of each sow at the day before weaning (day -1); and in the same piglets at days 4, 8 and 18 after weaning. RESULTS: Mean plasma vit E was 4.0 μg/ml in the sows and 2.6 μg/ml in the piglets at day -1, fell to 1.6 μg/ml in the weanling pigs at day 4, and remained low. Mean plasma Se was 0.22 μg/g in the sows and 0.08 μg/g in the piglets at day -1, rose to 0.10 μg/g in the weanlings at day 4, and continued rising. CONCLUSION: The results suggest that vit E and Se supplementation to piglets and weanling pigs in Norway may still be suboptimal, but that levels of the two nutrients partially compensate for each other in the weaning period