5 research outputs found

    Práticas de marketing educacional nas escolas públicas

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    O presente trabalho tem como objetivo identificar práticas de Marketing Educacional nas escolas públicas. Tendo por base razões pessoais, profissionais, teóricas e legais que justificam estudos sobre as práticas de Marketing Educacional nas escolas públicas, revê-se a literatura sobre a evolução do marketing (geral) até à emergência do marketing societal e do Marketing Educacional. Partindo dos normativos legais e da literatura, exploram-se as fontes de informação, a autonomia das escolas, a accountability, o planeamento estratégico e evidências dessas práticas associadas ao Marketing Educacional. Para o efeito, optou-se, metodologicamente, por realizar uma pesquisa quantitativa através de um inquérito por questionário realizado junto dos(as) diretores(as) dos agrupamentos de escolas e escolas não agrupadas de Portugal Continental. No que respeita aos principais resultados obtidos, é possível concluir que, apesar de haver evidências de predominar a orientação da gestão para a “produção” do serviço educativo, há práticas de Marketing Educacional nas escolas públicas. Contudo, as escolas têm ainda uma consciência míope do que é o Marketing Educacional, pois há défice na identificação e na implementação dessas práticas. Verifica-se que as escolas fazem estudos de suporte a decisões sobre oferta formativa, de avaliação institucional e de satisfação junto dos alunos e restante comunidade educativa. Definem e implementam estratégias não só para cumprir os normativos legais, mas também adequar os serviços aos alunos, tornando-os parte ativa da coprodução do serviço educativo. Com base nas conclusões e nas opções de concordância do(a)s diretores(as), foi delineado um plano de ação de intervenção de Marketing Educacional.This project aims to identify educational marketing practices in state schools. Based on personal, professional, theoretical and legal reasons that justify studies on Educational Marketing practices in state schools, we'll be reviewing the literature on the evolution of marketing, and of general marketing until the emergence of Educational Marketing. Starting from legal requirements and literature, we will explore information sources, school autonomy, accountability, strategic and practical evidence associated with Educational Marketing. For this purpose, it was decided, as far as methodology is concerned, to carry out a quantitative research through a survey with the School Directors/headmasters of the school groupings and schools in mainland Portugal. Concerning the main results obtained, it is possible to conclude that, although there is evidence of a predominant management orientation towards the “production” of the educational service, it is undeniable that there are Educational Marketing practices in state schools. However, schools still have a short-sighted awareness of what Educational Marketing is, as there is a deficit in identifying and implementing these practices. In fact, schools carry out surveys that support decisions on training courses, institutional assessment and satisfaction among students and the rest of the educational community. They define and implement strategies not only to comply with legal regulations, but also to adapt services to students, making them an active part of the co-production of the educational service. Based on the headmasters' conclusions and agreement options, an Educational Marketing action plan was outlined. KEYWORDS: Educational Marketing

    Rotation Curve of Galaxies by the Force Induced by Mass of Moving Particles

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    We suggest that there is a novel force which is generated by the mass of relatively moving particles. The new force which we named Mirinae Force is a counterpart of the magnetic force operating between electrically charged moving particles. Instead of using the conventional dark matter, we applied the mirinae force to a particular model system of the spiral galaxy in which most of the galaxy's mass is located within the central region where some portion of the inner mass is in revolving motion at a relativistic speed. The calculation yielded three important results that illustrate the existence of mirinae force and validate the proposed model: First, the mirinae force in this model explains why most of the matters in the galactic disk are in the circular motion which is similar to cycloid. Second, the mirinae force well explains not only the flat rotation curve but also the varied slope of the rotation curve observed in the spiral galaxies. Third, at the flat velocity of 220 Km/s, the inner mass of the Milky Way calculated by using the proposed model is 6.0\times10^11 M\odot, which is very close to 5.5\times10^11 M\odot (r <50 Kpc, including Leo I) estimated by using the latest kinematic information. This means that the mirinae force well takes the place of the dark matter of the Milky Way

    Aggressive management of orbital meningeal melanocytoma

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