621 research outputs found

    The effects of training on hormonal concentrations in young soccer players

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    To test the hypothesis that football training would be accompanied by physiological adaptations and hormonal changes, we analyzed the effects of a whole football season on physical fitness and hormonal concentrations in youth football players. Male football players (n = 29, age 16.51 ± 0.7 years) in a regional professional league and male healthy control subjects (n = 30, age 17.1 ± 1 years) participated to the study. Blood cortisol, testosterone, and growth hormone (hGH) concentrations were assayed before the beginning of the training period (T0), just after the training period (T1), at the middle of the season (T2), and at the end of the season (T3). In each period physical tests and anthropometric measurements were also performed. Results showed significant differences in basal values of cortisol, testosterone, and growth hormone (hGH) in the four time points evaluated (P < 0.01). In addition, the concentrations of hGH were higher in the soccer players group than in control subjects (P < 0.001). Between the start of the training period and the end of the football season significant differences were observed in the anthropometric characteristics and in the physical form of the football players. Furthermore, the hormonal status was significantly correlated with the indicators of the lower limb power (squat-jump [SqJ], and counter-movement-jump [CMJ]) and those of aerobic performance (Yo–Yo intermittent recovery test level 1 (YYIRT1) and maximal oxygen consumption (VO2max)).These data underscore the importance of establishing training protocols that present the potential to promote positive adaptations without, at the same time, provoking overtraining of young players

    Correlation between mesio-distal teeth diameters and arch width

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    Objective: To verify the existence of a correlation between the mesio-distal size of teeth and the arch width by analyzing the data separately for maxillary and mandibular arch in patients with ideal occlusion. Material and Methods: 58 patients with ideal occlusion were studied, for a total of 276 files analyzed. Dental casts were then scanned using a professional scanner (Epson Perfection v 330) and images were obtained in TIFF format at 600 dpi. All single teeth measurements were carried out for all teeth of both arches using the VAM software (Vectra, Canfield Scientific, Fairfield, NJ, USA). The repeatability and reproducibility of the measurement method were evaluated using the Gauge R&amp;R method. In case a correlation between tooth size and arch size is found to be significant, a linear regression analysis can be applied through the following statistical relationship: y=a+b*x, where y is the result (inter-molar distance “AvgB66” or inter-canine distance “Cusp 33”), and x the specific tooth. The a and b respectively represent the intercept (point of intersection between the line and the y axis) and the slope of the line that describes the regression ratio. Results: The statistical analysis highlights a significant correlation (p&lt;1%) between the results of the mesio-distal measurements of each tooth and the two variables considered to define the size of each arch (“AvgB66” and “Cusp 33”). Based on these results, a numerical relationship "y=a+b*x" has been extrapolated. Thus, it is possible to calculate the estimated inter-molar or inter canine distance necessary to have the teeth aligned. Conclusion: The inter-canine and inter-molar distances can be estimated starting from measuring the mesio-distal diameter of a single tooth

    Technical measures without enforcement tools: is there any sense? A methodological approach for the estimation of passive net length in small scale fisheries

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    Passive nets are currently among the most important fishing gears largely used along the Mediterranean coasts by the small scale fisheries sector. The fishing effort exerted by this sector is strongly correlated with net dimensions. Therefore, the use of passive nets is worldwide managed by defining net length and net drop. The EC Reg. 1967/2006 reports that the length of bottom-set and drifting nets may be also defined considering their weight or volume; however, no practical suggestions for fisheries inspectors are yet available. Consequently,  even if such technical measures are reasonable from a theoretical viewpoint, they are hardly suitable as a management tool, due to the difficulties in harbour control. The overall objective of this paper is to provide a quick methodological approach for the gross estimation of passive net length (by net type) on the basis of net volume. The final goal is to support fisheries managers with suitable advice for enforcement and control purposes. The results obtained are important for the management of the fishing effort exerted by small scale fisheries. The methodology developed in this study should be considered as a first attempt to tackle the tangled problem of net length estimation that can be easily applied in other fisheries and areas in order to improve the precision of the models developed herein
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