91 research outputs found

    Kesadaran Mahasiswa Akuntansi Stienu Jepara Mengenai Etika Dalam Audit Internal

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    The ability of internal auditors in the future, namely current students, to recognize and reactappropriately to the ethical dilemma is a problem that gets the attention of the accountingprofession. Based on this thinking it needs a study to measure the ethical awareness of thestudents when they are presented with the dilemma of internal audit situation, where they have tomake decisions based on ethical considerations. The aim of this study was to examine differencesin the accounting student awareness of ethical decision-making between men and women auditand examine differences in ethical awareness in decision making audit between students whohave taken courses with the auditing yet. Ethical decision-making variables broken down intosix scenarios. Scenario odd number (1, 3, 5) is an ethical action while the scenario is even (2, 4, 6) is an unethical act. The study population was a sample of accounting students with students who are auditing the class I / II. Methods of data collection by questionnaires distributed directlyto students while in class. The analytical method used is a different test for non-parametric datadistribution is not normal. The conclusion is the first, students have the awareness of the ethicaldecision-making, but for ethical decision-making is not only one of the three scenarios scenariowas realized. Second, in general women are more able to take unethical decisions than men.Women are able to feel such an action is unethical than men. As for ethical decision-making nodistinction between men and women. Third, there was no difference in ethical decision makingas well as unethical among students who have attended the courses who have not followed theauditing auditing

    Determinan Status Gizi pada Siswa Sekolah Dasar

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     Malnutrition has been still a central issue. Some  factors cause become complex. This study analiyzed the determinants of nutritional status at 4th, 5th, and 6th grade students of   Elementary School 02 Ngesrep, Banyumanik, Semarang. It was a cross-sectional study. Purposive sampling was applied and taken on 62 students of the 64 population students. Data was colected by interviewing, observing, and documentation. Nutritional status was measured by anthropometry method (BB/U). Chi Square Test was used to analyze the data. Mother’s knowledge level (p=0,0001), mother’s education level (p=0,0001), family income (p=0,0001), communicable diseases (p=0,001), energy consumption level (p=0,0001), and protein consumption level (p=0,0001) had significant association to nutritional status. There was no association between the number of family and nutritional status (p=0,074).

    Comparison of Volume Fraction of Carbon Tow/Epoxy Composites Between Vacuum Infusion Manufacturing and Filament Winding Methods

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    Several methods can be applied in composite manufacturing, including the vacuum infusion and filament winding methods. In order to apply this method in the manufacture of composites, it is necessary to know which produces composites with a good target ratio of fiber and resin, namely 60%/40%. The aim of this research is to compare the manufacturing methods that produce the distribution of fibers and resins that are close to the target. The composites in this study used a carbon tow reinforcement material with a matrix, namely araldite LY5052 epoxy resin and aradur 5052 CH hardener. In composite manufacturing, there are three stages, namely molding preparation, process manufacturing, and demolding. Then SEM photo observations were made on the specimen pieces from the composite results with three different locations. Of the two methods, vacuum infusion produces SEM photos with denser fiber distribution than filament winding and voids produced in the filament winding manufacturing method. The volume fraction of the test on the vacuum infusion sample with an average yield of 56.79% and 54.01% for filament winding


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    Boiling is one of the main factors that determine the success of the palm oil production process. Palm oil processing mills obtain Crude Palm Oil (CPO) through a boiling process at the sterilizer station to separate loose fruit and empty fruit, which will then be pressed into CPO. Boiling at the sterilizer station used is saturated steam with a pressure of 1.5-3 bar which is injected from the back pressure vessel (BPV). The selected boiling system is always adjusted to the ability to provide steam at the boiler station that produces steam. In this case, the supply of steam is considered sufficient, so that the boiling system used is the Triple Peak system, and the boiling time is ± 90 minutes

    Upaya Meningkatkan Ketuntasan Belajar Siswa Dengan Menggunakan Metode Outbound Training Dalam Pembelajaran Matematika Pada Siswa Kelas VIII Mts Negeri Karang Sembung

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    Hasil observasi awal diketemukan bahwa kriteria ketuntasan minimal di MTs Negeri Karang Sembung belum mencapaiideal sehingga perlu adanya inovasi dalam meningkatkan ketuntasan belajar siswa kelas VIII MTs Negeri KarangSembung. Metode outbound training dalam pembelajaran matematika menjadi alternatif pola pengajaran matematikayang lebih aktif, menyenangkan dan dapat meningkatkan ketuntasan belajar siswa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan bagaimana ketuntasan belajar siswa setelah penerapan metode outboundtraining. Tujuan lainnya untuk membuktikan bagaimana respon siswa terhadap penerapan metode outbound trainingdalam pembelajaran matematika. Metode outbound training merupakan kegiatan pembelajaran yang dilakukan di alam terbuka, yang tediri dariserangkaian permainan (games), tantangan (challenge), dimana masing-masing permainan memiliki tujuan danhikmah tertentu.dalam pembelajaran matematika menjadi alternatif pola pengajaran matematika yang lebih aktif danmenyenangkan, dengan penerapan metode ini ketuntasan belajar siswa meningkat. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode outbound training. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalahseluruh siswa kelas VIII MTs Negeri Karang Sembung tahun ajaran 2010-2011 yang berjumlah 267 siswa.Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan pertimbangan guru-guru matematika MTs Negeri Karang Sembung yangdijadikan sampel adalah kelas VIII-A. Tes dan Angket disebarkan setelah satu siklus. Keberhasilan penelitian ini dilihatdari hasil belajar apabila mencapai ketuntasan belajar minimal 85% dari jumlah siswa serta ketuntasan individudengan nilai≥ 63. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian tindakan kelas (PTK) yang dilaksanakan dalam tiga siklus. Ketuntasan belajar siswa pada materi bangun ruang sisi datar di kelas VIII-A MTs Negeri Karang Sembung yangmenggunakan model pembelajaran matematika dengan metode Outbound Training meningkat, terlihat pada kuis Iadalah sebesar 87,18% dari 39 siswa. Sementara KKM yang ditetapkan oleh guru sebesar 63, berarti ada 34 siswayang nilainya lebih dari 63 dan 5 siswa nilainya kurang dari 63. Pada kuis II terjadi peningkatan ketuntasan belajarsebanyak 2,56% sehingga ketuntasan pada kuis II menjadi 89,74%. Pada kuis III terjadi peningkatan ketuntasanbelajar sebanyak 2,57% sehingga ketuntasan mencapai 92,31%. Berarti pada kuis III terdapat 36 siswa yang nilainyalebih dari 63 dan 3 siswa yang nilainya kurang dari 63. Respon siswa terhadap penerapan model pembelajaranmatematika dengan metode outbound training adalah positif. Siswa beranggapan bahwa metode ini merupakan halyang baru, senang mengikuti pembelajaran tersebut, membuat siswa semakin aktif, game-game sangat menarik,berminat mengikutinya lagi, tertantang, proses pembelajaran lebih menyenangkan, setuju agar metode pembelajaranserupa diterapkan dalam proses pembelajaran mata pelajaran lain

    Loss of Guide Vane Disposition on Francis Turbine of Unit 6 of the Hydroelectric Power Plant PLTA

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    Hydropower is a power plant (PLTA) that is very environmentally friendly because it is clean and does not pollute the environment compared to other plants. PLTA, one of which is located in Bengkulu Province, is a power plant that utilizes the potential energy of water. Where the source of the water propulsion produced for the process of generating electricity is from the Tes lake which is sourced from the Air Ketahun river and the Air Pauh river, Lebong Bengkulu. Where this PLTA uses a Francis type turbine with a horizontal position. PLTA has 7 turbine units, with units 1 and 2 being old units producing 2 x 600 KW of power, while units 3 – 7 producing 5 x 4400 KW of power, so the total installed power is 23,200 KW. One of the problems that often occurs in PLTA is the occurrence of disposition of the guide vane on the turbine, where this time we will find out the cause of the disposition and how to overcome it so that there is no disposition and find out the loss of disposition of the guide vane on the Francis unit 6 turbine at PLTA. With this research done, the disposition occurs, it is necessary to take corrective action so that the unit will stop operating and can affect the level of profitability of the company. So that the results of the unit's work if it operates 24 hours are approximately 82 million rupiah, repairs are carried out for 16 hours with a loss of approximately 55 million rupiah. The occurrence of disposition is caused by damage to the transrack so that large waste enters the turbine section. In order to prevent disposition, it is necessary to repair or replace the transrack at the inlet
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