3 research outputs found

    The Effectiveness of Ethanol Extract Botto’-Botto’ Leaves (Chromolaena Odorata L.) in Transdermal Patch Formulation as Medication in Wound Healing

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    Botto'-botto' plant (Chromolaena odorata L.) is a native Indonesian plant that belongs to the Asteraceae family and is known to have a high flavonoid content and antioxidant activity that can slow down the oxidation process to prevent infection while accelerating wound healing. botto'-botto' is designed as a patch to make it easier to use and provide the most effective treatment. The purpose of this study was to make a patch preparation and to investigate its effects on wound healing. The patch was formulated and then tested for physical properties (organoleptic, superficial pH, moisture loss, thickness, weight uniformity, and folding endurance test) and their activity against wounds experimentally using rabbits as an animal test with 4 (four) treatment groups, namely the control group, botto'-botto’ patch 10%, 20%, and 30%. Wounds were made with an area of 2 cm and 0.1 cm deep. The wound was plastered with a patch and observed for 18 days. Data were analyzed statistically using ANOVA. The results showed that the patch formulation of leaves extract botto'-botto’ affects for wound healing in rabbits significantly, with p<0.05. Furthermore, the patch formulation of ethanol extract botto’-botto’ with a concentration of 30% had the best and fastest healing effect among all formulas. KEYWORDS: Botto’-botto’, wound healing, transdermal patc


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    β-laktamase spektrum luas (ESBL) merupakan suatu kelompok enzim laktamase yang bertanggungjawab terhadap sebagian besar kasus resisten bakteri yang sebagian besar merupakan bakteri gram negatif, terhadap antibiotika β-laktam generasi baru yang kini telah teridentifikasi dalam jumlah besar di seluruh dunia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk Memperoleh data prevalensi dari resistensi antibiotika golongan sefalosporin pada bakteri Pseudomonas aeruginosa dan Mengetahui frekuensi kejadian Extended Spectrum Beta Lactamase (ESBL) pada 25 spesimen klinis di RSUP Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo Makassar selama periode April – Juli 2017. Pengujian yang dilakukan meliputi uji sensitivitas antimikroba yang dilakukan dengan mengguakan metode difusi agar Kirby-Bauer dan uji produksi ESBL dengan menggunakan metode double disc synergy test (DDST) dan phenotypic confirmatory test. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa bakteri Pseudomonas aeruginosa berhasil diisolasi dari semua sampel dengan tingkat keakuratan sebesar (90% - 99%). Pada uji sensitivitas antimikroba ditemukan bahwa dari 25 sampel klinik yang diuji terhadap antibiotika sefalosporin, yang telah mengalami resistensi secara berurutan dari yang terbesar adalah cefotaxime 19 sampel (76%), ceftriaxone 16 sampel (64%), dan ceftazidime 7 sampel (28%). Pada uji produksi ESBL ditemukan 21 sampel (84%) positif ESBL pada antibiotika cefotaxime+as. klavulanat, 21 sampel (84%) positif ESBL pada antibiotika ceftriaxone+as.klavunalat, dan 16 sampel (64%) positif ESBL pada antibiotika ceftriaxone

    Aktivitas Antibakteri Kokristal Sefiksim-Nikotinamida Menggunakan Agar Diffusion dan Broth Dilution Test: Antibacterial Activity of Cocrystals of Cefixime with Nicotinamide Using Agar Diffusion and Broth Dilution Test

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    Cefixime has been formulated in cocrystal form with nicotinamide (coformer). SEF-NIK cocrystals were prepared at a mole ratio of 1:1 using a liquid-assisted grinding method. The cocrystals were characterized using DSC, FTIR, SEM, and PXRD. The characterization results showed that cocrystals were formed between cefixime and nicotinamide. The results of the solubility test, dissolution rate and permeability of the SEF-NIK cocrystal showed a significant increase compared to pure cefixime. Based on these results, the SEF-NIK cocrystal was continued for pharmacodynamic studies with in vitro antibacterial activity studies. This study aims to determine the effect of cocrystallization techniques on the antibacterial activity of cefixime. The test was carried out using two methods, namely the Agar Diffusion Test and the Broth Dilution Test. The results showed that cocrystallization of cefixime with nicotinamide did not inhibit its effectiveness against Escherichia coli bacteria, but its effectiveness was better than pure cefixime. In the agar diffusion method, the inhibition zones of cefixime and SEF-NIK cocrystals against Escherichia coli bacteria were 6.2 mm and 8.6 mm, respectively. On the fifth day of the broth dilution test method, the OD values of Escherichia coli bacteria in the cefixime and SEF-NIK cocrystals were 1.330 and 1.064, respectively.   Keywords:          cefixime, liquid-assisted grinding, antibacterial activity   Abstrak Sefiksim telah berhasil dibuat dalam bentuk kokristal dengan nikotinamida (koformer). Kokristal SEF-NIK dibuat dengan perbandingan mol 1:1 menggunakan metode liquid-assisted grinding­. Kokristal dikarakterisasi menggunakan DSC, FTIR, SEM, dan PXRD. Hasil karakterisasi menunjukkan bahwa terbentuk kokristal antara sefiksim dan nikotinamida. Hasil uji kelarutan, laju disolusi, dan permeabilitas kokristal SEF-NIK menunjukkan peningkatan yang signifikan dibandingkan dengan sefiksim murni. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian tersebut, kokristal SEF-NIK dilanjutkan ke tahap uji farmakodinamik yakni uji aktivitas antibakteri secara in vitro. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh dari teknik kokristalisasi terhadap aktvitas antibakteri sefiksim. Pengujian dilakukan menggunakan dua metode yakni Agar Diffusion Method (difusi agar) dan Broth Dilution Method (dilusi cair). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kokristalisasi sefiksim dengan nikotinamida tidak menghambat efektivitasnya terhadap bakteri Escherichia coli, akan tetapi efektivitasnya lebih baik dibandingkan sefiksim murni. Pada metode difusi agar, zona hambat sefiksim terhadap bakteri Escherichia coli sebesar 6,2 mm sedangkan kokristal SEF-NIK lebih besar yakni 8,6 mm. Pada metode dilusi cair, hasil pengukuran OD bakteri Escherichia coli hari kelima pada sefiksim sebesar 1,330 sedangkan pada kokristal SEF-NIK sebesar 1,064. Kata Kunci:         sefiksim, liquid-assisted grinding, aktivitas antibakter