18 research outputs found

    Kurikulum Pendidikan Islam Para Sahabat: Satu Sorotan

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    Kurikulum mempunyai pelbagai definisi mengikut pemikiran dan tafsiran para sarjana pendidikan. Definisi ini boleh dibahagikan kepada beberapa kategori. Antara kategorinya ialah berasaskan rancangan di peringkat sekolah, pendidikan, objektif, luas atau sempit, dan sebagainya. Walaubagaimanapun jangan kita lupa sejarah kedatangan Islam membawa satu kurikulum yang sangat lengkap dalam setiap aspek kehidupan. Kurikulum al-Quran, Hadis, Zaman Para Sahabat,  Zaman Abbasiah, Zaman Umayyah, Zaman Fatimiyah hingga Uthmaniyah, dan pelbagai contoh kurikulum daripada pelbagai sarjana Islam. Kertas kerja ini membincangkan mengenai “Kurikulum Pendidikan Islam Zaman Sahaba

    Pembinaan hubungan di antara guru dengan pelajar

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    This article explains the relationship between teachers and students. The elements of a healthy relationship based on intimacy, safely and trustworthy are emphasised in this discussion. This topic has put emphasis on the theory of effective quality relationship as its theoretical perspective, models of social supports, and the theory of self-determination. To conclude, a few guidelines suggested by scholars in education have been inserted together with the discussion to analyse the practical aspects and the development of teacher-students relationship that can be useful to all educators

    Self-regulated Learning: Motivation and Learning Strategies in the Islamic Education Course among Premier Polytechnic Students in Malaysia Based on Demographic Information

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    This study aims to identify the differences of the level of academic self-regulation (or self-regulated learning strategies) in the Islamic Education course based on students' academic information. On the basis of a self-reported questionnaire, the data were obtained from 341 students, who have taken the Islamic Education course at three premier polytechnics in Malaysia. Statistical Software for Social Sciences (SPSS) Version 19.0 was used to analyze the data. The study found that male students and students who have actively involved in the co-curricular activities have shown to have higher level of motivation. Regardless of the demographic background, the utilization of learning strategies is equal, except the control of test anxiety and the time study environmental management. Both learning strategies are found to be highly utilized by the students who obtained grade-A in the Islamic Education subject (in SPM) than students who obtained grade-B and grade-C

    [Competency and Professionalism Practice among Polytechnic Islamic Education Lecturers in Effective Teaching and Learning] Amalan Kompetensi dan Profesionalisme Pensyarah Pendidikan Islam Politeknik dalam Membantu Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran (PdP) Berkesa

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    The circulation of time has demanded educators to be at a higher level than the present. Meanwhile, students nowadays have more access to technology and they have easy access towards any information. Therefore, as educators, including the Islamic Education Lecturers, should equip themselves with the practice of competencies and the value of professionalism in making the TnL process can be carried out effectively. Therefore, this paper discusses the practice of competencies and the value of professionalism required by a lecturer, especially the Islamic Education Lecturer. This paper focuses on three elements of competencies and the value of professionalism as essential elements for an educator, which are; mastering the field of expert, the value of professionalism, and classroom management. Overall, these three practices meet the requirements as the efforts of creating an effective TnL process. Peredaran zaman telah menuntut para pendidik berada pada tahap yang lebih tinggi berbanding sedia ada. Para pelajar hari ini pula mempunyai lebih akses kepada teknologi dan mereka mudah mencapai sebarang maklumat. Justeru, sebagai pendidik termasuk Pensyarah Pendidikan Islam haruslah mempunyai amalan kompetensi dan nilai profesionalisme dalam diri bagi menjadikan proses PdP dapat dijalankan secara berkesan. Oleh itu, makalah ini membincangkan amalan kompetensi dan nilai profesionalisme yang diperlukan oleh seorang pensyarah khususnya Pensyarah Pendidikan Islam. Makalah ini memfokuskan kepada tiga elemen kompetensi dan nilai profesionalisme sebagai elemen-elemen penting bagi seorang pendidik, iaitu penguasaan dalam bidang, nilai profesionalisme dan pengurusan kelas. Secara keseluruhannya, tiga amalan ini menepati keperluan sebagai usaha  mewujudkan proses PdP yang berkesan.  &nbsp

    Penekanan Visi dan Misi Pensyarah Cemerlang Pendidikan Islam dalam Pelaksanaan Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran

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    This article discusses the importance of vision and mission of the Islamic Education Lecturers (IELs) in teaching and learning (TnL). This study was fully conducted through qualitative method via case study. Six IELs were selected as participants and willing to be interviewed, and the data from the interview were supported by three Heads of Islamic Education Unit, 12 lecturers and 12 students. The data were triangulated with the data obtained through observation and document analysis. The data were analysed through N’Vivo software to generate a pattern of themes and characteristics of the vision and mission in TnL. The result found that there were six elements of vision and mission emphasized by the IELs in TnL. Five of them had formed a pattern. That five elements were; students receiving and appreciating, TnL objective achieved, spreading da’wah, moulding students attidtude and thinking, and achieving success in the world and the hereafter. Therefore, a model which is named as Model of the Vision and Mission Practice for the Excellent Islamic Education Lecturers was deloped. From the overall view, the emphasis on achieving mission and vision helps the IELs to successfully conduct TnL inside and outside classroom

    A preliminary study of basic vocal training methods among Malaysian young qari

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    Reading the Quran with tarannum (in particular intonation) is encouraged in Islam. However, it requires the mastery of various skills, including vocal skills. This preliminary study focuses on exploring vocal training methods practised by young Malaysian qari and qariah in improving their tarannum al-Quran skill. This qualitative study utilised data collected from semi-structured interviews. Two participants from Tangkak District, Johor, participated in this study. The data obtained were transcribed and analysed to produce themes, subthemes and a matrix table. The findings showed that there were six elements of vocal training practised by the participants, namely 1) Self -consistent training, 2) Vocal warm-up training, 3) Tone training, 4) Burdah training, 5) Vocal control technique, and 6) Selecting the right tarannum. These six elements formed a model called the “The Young Qari Basic Vocal Training Method Model”. The findings of this preliminary study indicated that the participants have implemented diverse and integrated vocal training methods to improve the quality of their vocal skills to recite the Quran. The result provides an initial overview of the vocal techniques practised by the young qari and serves as a guide to the actual study

    Elemen Pengurusan Kelas Pensyarah Cemerlang Pendidikan Islam di Politeknik

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    Artikel ini membincangkan elemen pengurusan kelas yang dimiliki oleh Pensyarah Cemerlang Pendidikan Islam (PCPI) sebagai seorang pendidik di politeknik. Pendekatan kajian ini menggunakan sepenuhnya kajian kualitatif menerusi kaedah kajian kes. Seramai enam orang Pensyarah Cemerlang Pendidikan Islam dipilih sebagai peserta kajian temu bual ini dan disokong oleh tiga orang Ketua Unit Pendidikan Islam, 12 orang rakan pensyarah, dan 12 orang pelajar. Seterusnya data temu bual ini ditriangulasikan dengan dapatan data yang dikumpul dari pemerhatian dan analisis dokumen. Analisis kajian ini menggunakan perisian N’Vivo 7.0 bagi menghasilkan tema dan ciri pengurusan kelas Pensyarah Cemerlang Pendidikan Islam di politeknik sehinggalah membentuk pola. Hasil kajian menunjukkan terdapat 13 elemen pengurusan kelas yang dimiliki oleh Pensyarah Cemerlang Pendidikan Islam di politeknik. Semua elemen ini dimiliki oleh sebahagian besar PCPI dan mencapai tahap pola, iaitu mengingati dan memanggil nama pelajar,mengaitkan pelajar dengan PdP, memahami keadaan pelajar, tegas pada tempat, memberi teguran secara berhikmah, mendekatkan diri dengan pelajar, meninggikan suara, pensyarah datang awal, mencari penyelesaian, menggunakan unsur jenaka, penekanan adab belajar, tidak menekankan hukuman dan tidak mengabaikan pelajar bukan Islam. Kata kunci: Pengurusan Kelas, Pensyarah Cemerlang Pendidikan Islam, Politeknik

    Impact of Akhlaq Self-Regulation and Self-Regulated Learning on Performance in Islamic Education Course Among Premier Polytechnic Students

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    The literature suggests that religion fosters self-regulation producing a person who possesses magnificent akhlaq. This study aims to identify the self-regulation aptitude in the context of behavior (akhlaq self-regulation, AS) and academic (self-regulated learning, SRL), and the relationship between these two constructs and academic performance in the Islamic Education course among premier polytechnic students in Malaysia. On the basis of a self reported questionnaire, the data were obtained from 341 students studying Islamic Education course at the three premier polytechnics in Malaysia. The questionnaire consists of demographic information of the students, AS and SRL. Statistical Software for Social Sciences (SPSS) Version 19.0 was used to quantitatively analyse the students' responses to the constructs. The results of the research show that the levels of AS in personal, social, and religious affairs are high with the overall mean score of 3.89, 3.91 and 4.27 consecutively, while the levels of SRL in in terms of motivation is high with the overall mean score of 3.77 and learning strategies is average with the overall mean score of 3.40. The level of academic performance in the Islamic Education course is shown to be at the average with the overall mean score of 2.62. The results show that AS in personal affairs, organization, time study environmental management have weak positive relationships with academic performance in the Islamic Education course (rs ranged between .111 to .137), and control of learning beliefs and test anxiety have weak negative relationships with academic performance in the Islamic Education course (rs ranged between -.110 to -.167). The findings demonstrate low to very strongly relationships between the constructs of AS and the constructs of SRL (rs ranged between -.110 to .841). Overall, students who observe the AS in personal affairs, have moderate control of learning beliefs and anxiety, academically organized and able to manage time and study environment are relatively able to perform higher than other students who don't. Even though the impact of akhlaq and academic self regulation on academic performance is shown to be low, the increase of students' AS leads to an increase of SRL, thus it implies that the more students behave according to the akhlaq imposed in the Quran, the more students able to control the way they learn the Islamic Education course. The study concludes with a discussion of practical and theoretical implications of the findings along with suggestions for future research

    Elemen pengetahuan pensyarah cemerlang Unit Pendidikan Islam dan Moral di Politeknik Premier: satu kajian rintis

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    This paper is aimed at discussing the type of knowledge acquired by Outstanding Lecturers of Islamic Education (PCPI) in premier polytechnics. This pilot study involved interviews with a PCPI in one of the premier polytechnics. Interviews were then analyzed through N'Vivo version 7.0 to produce themes and matrix tables related to the types of knowledge implemented during teaching and learning (T&L) both inside and outside classroom. The findings show that several types of knowledge that can be practiced during the T&L in polytechnics, such as the concept of knowledge, content knowledge, pedagogical knowledge, pedagogical content knowledge, knowledge on polytechnic’s learning goal, basic knowledge about students’ program, psychological knowledge and knowledge on current issues. Keywords: Knowledge, Outstanding Lecturer of Islamic Education, Polytechnic

    Akhlaq self-regulation and students' performance in the Islamic education course among premier polytechnic students in Malaysia

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    The literature suggests that religion fosters self-regulation producing a person who possesses magnificent akhlaq. As the study concerns with students and the way they behave, especially within the outrages community showered with social problems, this study aims to identify the self regulation aptitude and the impact of akhlaq self regulation on academic performance in Islamic Education course. On the basis of a self reported questionnaire, the data were obtained from 341 students, who have taken the Islamic Education course at the three premier polytechnics in Malaysia. Statistical Software for Social Sciences (SPSS) Version 19.0 was used to analyse the data. The results show that the levels of AS in personal, social dan religious affairs are high with the overall mean score of 3.89, 3.91 and 4.27 consecutively. The level of academic performance in the Islamic Education course is shown to be at the average (mean score=2.62). The result shows that AS in personal affairs has weak positive relationship with academic performance in the Islamic Education course (rs=.137). The study concludes that the premier polytechnic students have high level of akhlaq self-regulation in personal, social and religious affairs, however, only akhlaq self regulation in personal affairs have little impact on academic performance in Islamic Education course