2 research outputs found

    An implementation of an aeroacoustic prediction model for broadband noise from a vertical axis wind turbine using a CFD informed methodology

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    This paper presents an enhanced method for predicting aerodynamically generated broadband noise produced by a Vertical Axis Wind Turbine (VAWT). The method improves on existing work for VAWT noise prediction and incorporates recently developed airfoil noise prediction models. Inflow-turbulence and airfoil self-noise mechanisms are both considered. Airfoil noise predictions are dependent on aerodynamic input data and time dependent Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) calculations are carried out to solve for the aerodynamic solution. Analytical ow methods are also benchmarked against the CFD informed noise prediction results to quantify errors in the former approach. Comparisons to experimental noise measurements for an existing turbine are encouraging. A parameter study is performed and shows the sensitivity of overall noise levels to changes in inflow velocity and inflow turbulence. Noise sources are characterised and the location and mechanism of the primary sources is determined, inflow-turbulence noise is seen to be the dominant source. The use of CFD calculations is seen to improve the accuracy of noise predictions when compared to the analytic ow solution as well as showing that, for inflow-turbulence noise sources, blade generated turbulence dominates the atmospheric inflow turbulence

    A Nondifferentiable Optimization Approach to Ratio-Cut Partitioning

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    We propose a new method for finding the minimum ratio-cut of a graph. Ratio-cut is NP-hard problem for which the best previously known algorithm gives an O(log n)-factor approximation by solving its dually related maximum concurrent flow problem. We formulate the minimum ratio-cut as a certain nondifferentiable optimization problem, and show that the global minimum of the optimization problem is equal to the minimum ratio-cut. Moreover, we provide strong symbolic computation based evidence that any strict local minimum gives an approximation by a factor of 2. We also give an efficient heuristic algorithm for finding a local minimum of the proposed optimization problem based on standard nondifferentiable optimization methods and evaluate its performance on several families of graphs. We achieve O(n^1'6) experimentally obtained running time on these graphs