429 research outputs found

    On the theory of resonant susceptibility of dielectric glasses in magnetic field

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    The anomalous magnetic field dependence of dielectric properties of insulating glasses in the temperature interval 10mK<T<50mK10mK<T<50mK is considered. In this temperature range, the dielectric permittivity is defined by the resonant contribution of tunneling systems. The external magnetic field regulates nuclear spins of tunneling atoms. This regulation suppresses a nuclear quadrupole interaction of these spins with lattice and, thus, affects the dielectric response of tunneling systems. It is demonstrated that in the absence of an external magnetic field the nuclear quadrupole interaction bb results in the correction to the permittivity δχb/T\delta\chi\sim| b| /T in the temperature range of interest. An application of a magnetic field results in a sharp increase of this correction approximately by a factor of two when the Zeeman splitting mm approaches the order of b| b| . Further increase of the magnetic field results in a relatively smooth decrease in the correction until the Zeeman splitting approaches the temperature. This smooth dependence results from tunneling accompanied by a change of the nuclear spin projection. As the magnetic field surpasses the temperature, the correction vanishes. The results obtained in this paper are compared with experiment. A new mechanism of the low temperature nuclear spin-lattice relaxation in glasses is considered.Comment: 9 Pages, 5 Figures, To be submitted to the Physical Review B, please send comment

    Effect of nuclear quadrupole interactions on the dynamics of two-level systems in glasses

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    The standard tunneling model describes quite satisfactorily the thermal properties of amorphous solids at temperatures T<1KT<1K in terms of an ensemble of two-level systems possessing logarithmically uniform distribution over their tunneling amplitudes and uniform distribution over their asymmetry energies. In particular, this distribution explains the observable logarithmic temperature dependence of the dielectric constant. Yet, experiments have shown that at ultralow temperatures T<5mKT<5mK such a temperature behavior breaks down and the dielectric constant becomes temperature independent (plateau effect). In this letter we suggest an explanation of this behavior exploiting the effect of the nuclear quadrupole interaction on tunneling. We show that below a temperature corresponding to the characteristic energy of the nuclear quadrupole interaction the effective tunneling amplitude is reduced by a small overlap factor of the nuclear quadrupole ground states in the left and right potential wells of the tunneling system. It is just this reduction that explains the plateau effect . We predict that the application of a sufficiently large magnetic field B>10TB>10T should restore the logarithmic dependence because of the suppression of the nuclear quadrupole interaction.Comment: To appear in the Physical Review Letter

    Efeito do ataque de insetos na germinação de sementes de pau-jacaré (Piptadenia gonoacantha).

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    Organizado por Patricia Póvoa de Mattos, Celso Garcia Auer, Rejane Stumpf Sberze, Katia Regina Pichelli e Paulo César Botosso

    Low temperature breakdown of coherent tunneling in amorphous solids induced by the nuclear quadrupole interaction

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    We consider the effect of the internal nuclear quadrupole interaction on quantum tunneling in complex multi-atomic two-level systems. Two distinct regimes of strong and weak interactions are found. The regimes depend on the relationship between a characteristic energy of the nuclear quadrupole interaction λ\lambda_{\ast} and a bare tunneling coupling strength Δ0\Delta_{0}. When Δ0>λ\Delta_{0}>\lambda_{\ast}, the internal interaction is negligible and tunneling remains coherent determined by Δ0\Delta_{0}. When Δ0<λ\Delta_{0}<\lambda_{\ast}, coherent tunneling breaks down and an effective tunneling amplitude decreases by an exponentially small overlap factor η1\eta^{\ast}\ll1 between internal ground states of left and right wells of a tunneling system. This affects thermal and kinetic properties of tunneling systems at low temperatures T<λT<\lambda_{*}. The theory is applied for interpreting the anomalous behavior of the resonant dielectric susceptibility in amorphous solids at low temperatures T5T\leq 5mK where the nuclear quadrupole interaction breaks down coherent tunneling. We suggest the experiments with external magnetic fields to test our predictions and to clarify the internal structure of tunneling systems in amorphous solids.Comment: To appear in the Physical Review


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    The article presents the results of the study of the corrosion resistance of austenitic and austenitic-ferritic steels in the environments of the sulfate department of PJSC “Zaporozhkoks”. Now in the coking industry, the problem of corrosion protection of welded joints in the equipment of sulfate sections is most acute. Aggressive medium sulfate compartments are mother liquors, which include: sulfuric acid, ammonium sulfate, chlorides. In the mother solution with the acidity of 3-6%, the following ions are present, g/l: sulfates – 400-450; chlorides – 0.2-2.8; cyanides – 0.065-0.16; rodanid – 0.1-1.2; total iron – 0,002-0,05; pyridine bases – 10-20. The presence of pyridine bases in the working solutions of the sulfate separation somewhat reduces the aggressiveness of the solutions. However, at a concentration of 10-20 g/l in 6-10% H2SO4 at 60°C, their protective effect does not exceed 50-60%. According to researchers, the content in process solutions of mineral salts and in coke oven gas with the almost complete absence of O2 makes it difficult to form protective passive films on the surface of nickel-chromium steels, leading to the occurrence of local types of corrosion damage (ulcers and pitting). In addition, the occurrence of corrosion processes stimulates increased temperature and velocity of movement of the solutions.It has been established that the corrosion resistance of materials depends on the acidity of the mother liquor and when applying strong sulfuric acid in these zones, it is necessary to use lined materials, enameled pipes or steels of alloy type 943 (0Х23Н28М3Д3Т) capable of withstanding increased acidity (10-15%) of the mother liquor. Avesta 254 SMO stainless austenitic steel containing slightly more than 6% molybdenum (Mo) – (АКС 254 SMO (X20Н18AM6D) shows the highest corrosion resistance in sulphate separation environments.В статье приведены результаты исследования коррозионной стойкости аустенитных и аустенитно-ферритных сталей в средах сульфатного отделения ПАО «Запорожкокс». Сейчас в коксохимической промышленности наиболее остро стоит проблема защиты от коррозии сварных соединений в аппаратуре сульфатных отделений. Агрессивной средой сульфатных отделений являются маточные растворы, в состав которых входят: серная кислота, сульфат аммония, хлориды. В маточном растворе при кислотности 3-6% присутствуют следующие ионы, г/л: сульфаты – 400-450; хлориды – 0,2-2,8; цианиды – 0,065-0,16; роданид – 0,1-1,2; общее железо – 0,002-0,05; пиридиновые основания – 10-20. Наличие в рабочих растворах сульфатного отделения пиридиновых оснований несколько снижает агрессивность растворов. Однако при концентрации их 10-20 г/л в 6-10% Н2SO4 при 60°С защитное действие их не превышает 50-60%. По данным исследователей, содержание в технологических растворах минеральных солей и  в коксовом газе при практически полном отсутствии О2 затрудняет образование защитных пассивных пленок на поверхности хромоникелевых сталей, приводит к протеканию локальных видов коррозионных разрушений (язвы и питтинга). Кроме того, протекание коррозионных процессов стимулирует повышенная температура и скорость движения растворов.Установлено, что коррозионная стойкость материалов зависит от кислотности маточного раствора и при подаче крепкой серной кислоты в этих зонах необходимо использовать футерованные материалы, эмалированные трубы или стали типа сплава 943 (0Х23Н28М3Д3Т), способные выдерживать повышенную кислотность (10-15%) маточного раствора. Наибольшую коррозионную стойкость в средах сульфатного отделения проявляет нержавеющая аустенитная сталь Avesta 254 SMO, содержащая чуть больше чем 6% молибдена (Мо) – (АКС 254 SMO (X20Н18AM6D).У статті наведено результати дослідження корозійної стійкості аустенітних і аустенітно-феритних сталей в середовищах сульфатного відділення ПАТ «Запоріжкокс». Нині в коксохімічній промисловості найбільш гострою є проблема захисту від корозії зварних з’єднань в апаратурі сульфатних відділень. Агресивним середовищем сульфатних відділень є маткові розчини, до складу яких входять: сірчана кислота, сульфат амонію, хлориди, , HCN. У матковому розчині при кислотності 3-6% є присутніми наступні іони, г/л: сульфати–400-450; хлориди–0,2-2,8; ціаніди – 0,065-0,16; роданід – 0,1-1,2; загальне залізо , – 0,002-0,05; піридинові підстави – 10-20. Наявність в робочих розчинах сульфатного відділення піридинових підстав дещо знижує агресивність розчинів. Проте при концентрації їх 10-20 г/л в 6-10% Н2SO4 при 60°С захисна дія їх не перевищує 50-60%. За даними дослідників вміст в технологічних розчинах мінеральних солей і  в коксовому газі при прак-тично повній відсутності О2 утрудняє утворення захисних пасивних плівок на поверхні хромонікелевих сталей, що призводить до протікання локальних видів корозійних руйнувань (виразки і пітинга). Крім того, протікання корозійних процесів стимулює підвищена температура і швидкість руху розчинів.Встановлено, що корозійна стійкість матеріалів залежить від кислотності маткового розчину і при поданні міцної сірчаної кислоти в цих зонах необхідно використати футеровані матеріали, емальовані труби або сталі типу сплаву 943 (0Х23Н28М3Д3Т), здатні витримувати підвищену кислотність (10-15%) маткового розчину. Найбільшу корозійну стійкість в середовищах сульфатного відділення проявляє нержавіюча аустенітна сталь Avesta 254 SMO, що містить трохи більше ніж 6% молібдену (Мо) – (АКС 254 SMO (X20Н18AM6D)

    Biochemical markers of vital biodestruction in common oak (Quercus robur)

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    The wood of the common oak (Quercus robur L.) has high mechanical strength, elasticity and resistance to fracture. However, constitutional stability is not always able to provide the plants with reliable protection from wood-decay fungi, and the initial stages of biodegradation are difficult to determine. Therefore, this study concerns research on appropriate biochemical markers for early diagnostics of wood defects. The total content of phenolic compounds in leaves and wood was determined by a spectrophotometer Optizen Pop using Folin &amp; Ciocalteu’s phenol reagent; the flavonoid content in leaves – by adding solutions of aluminum chloride and sodium acetate to methanolic extracts; catechins content – by the reaction with vanillin reagent; the concentration of phenolic antioxidants – by Brand Williams; chlorophyll and carotenoids’ contents in leaves – by the formula for methanol extracts; the qualitative composition of phenolic compounds – by high performance liquid chromatography and highly effective thin-layer chromatography. During the planned felling of oak trees on the territory of the Boyar Forest Research Station, trees were found with signs of brown streak and biodestruction of wood. Brown streak in wood is caused by a polycondensation of phenolic compounds, which are deposited on the internal surfaces of tracheal elements. In cases of an increase in the total amount of oxidized polyphenols, the cell walls are also stained. Active oxidation processes in wood have a systemic nature for the plants and affect the physiological state of the assimilation apparatus. We determined that in leaves of the trees with signs of brown streak the total phenol content increases in comparison with the control by 1.6 times, as well as flavonoid and catechin content. Our research has shown that the complex of plastid pigments in common oak leaves does not significantly change in the early stages of destructive processes. Increase of brown streak and appearance of rot in wood are associated with slight increase in chlorophyll a to b ratio in leaves. Chromatographic profiling of the leaves showed that the presence of brown streak changes the content of individual phenolic compounds. The trees with brown rot have more substances with UV spectrum characteristic for kaempferol glycosides compared to the control. The results have shown that the biochemical profiles of the trees with signs of brown streak and brown rot differ from the control by the composition of low and medium polar compounds. The absence or presence of some individual phenolic components and their ratio in the leaves are considered as biochemical markers of hidden wood defects