1,564 research outputs found

    Quantum Monte Carlo Study of electrons in low dimensions

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    We report on a diffusion Monte Carlo investigation of model electron systems in low dimensions, which should be relevant to the physics of systems obtainable nowadays in semiconductor heterostructures. In particular, we present results for a one dimensional electron gas, at selected values of the coupling strength and confinement parameter, briefly analyzing the pair correlations and relating them to predictions by Schulz for a Luttinger liquid with long-range interactions. We find no evidence of the the Bloch instability yielded by approximate treatments such as the STLS and DFT schemes.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures. To appear in the proceedings of the 1999 International Conference on Strongly Coupled Coulomb Systems, Saint-Malo, Franc

    The Lagrangian-space Effective Field Theory of Large Scale Structures

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    We introduce a Lagrangian-space Effective Field Theory (LEFT) formalism for the study of cosmological large scale structures. Unlike the previous Eulerian-space construction, it is naturally formulated as an effective field theory of extended objects in Lagrangian space. In LEFT the resulting finite size effects are described using a multipole expansion parameterized by a set of time dependent coefficients and organized in powers of the ratio of the wavenumber of interest kk over the non-linear scale kNLk_{\rm NL}. The multipoles encode the effects of the short distance modes on the long-wavelength universe and absorb UV divergences when present. There are no IR divergences in LEFT. Some of the parameters that control the perturbative approach are not assumed to be small and can be automatically resummed. We present an illustrative one-loop calculation for a power law universe. We describe the dynamics both at the level of the equations of motion and through an action formalism.Comment: 38+13 pages. 3 figures. Minor changes. Version to appear in JCA

    BiOCuS: A new superconducting compound with oxypnictide - related structure

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    The discovery of about 50 K superconductivity in the tetragonal Fe-based pnictides has stimulated the search for superconductivity in a wide class of materials with similar structure. Copper forms compounds isostructural to LaOFeAs. Single phase BiOCuS can be prepared by a solid state reaction at temperature lower than 500 C from a mixture of Bi2O3, Bi2S3 and Cu2S. The samples have been characterized by means of EDX analysis, X-ray diffraction, magnetic and electrical measurements. The cell parameters are a = 3.8708 A, c = 8.565 A. Charge carrier doping can be realized either by F substitutions for O, or by Cu off-stoichiometry. The latter doping route leads to the occurrence of superconductivity below Tc = 5.8 K

    Strong improvement of the transport characteristics of YBa2_\textrm{2}Cu3_\textrm{3}O7-x_\textrm{7-x} grain boundaries using ionic liquid gating

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    For more than 30 years, the remarkable superconducting properties of REBa2_\textrm{2}Cu3_\textrm{3}O7-x_\textrm{7-x} (RE = rare earth) compounds have triggered research studies across the world. Accordingly, significant progresses have been made both from a basic understanding and a fabrication processes perspective. Yet, today, the major technological bottleneck towards the spread of their practical uses remains the exponential decay of their critical current with grain misorientation in polycrystalline samples. In this work, we used an ionic liquid to apply extremely high transverse electric fields to YBa2_\textrm{2}Cu3_\textrm{3}O7-x_\textrm{7-x} thin films containing a single well-defined low-angle grain boundary. Our study shows that this technique is very effective to tune the IV characteristics of these weak-links. In-magnetic field measurements allow us to discuss the type of the vortices present at the grain boundary and to unveil a large variation of the local depairing current density with gating. Comparing our results with the ones obtained on chemically-doped grain boundaries, we discuss routes to evaluate the role of local strain in the loss of transparency at cuprates low-angle grain boundaries. In short, this study offers a new opportunity to discuss scenarios leading to the reduced transport capabilities of grain boundaries in cuprates

    The consistency condition for the three-point function in dissipative single-clock inflation

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    We generalize the consistency condition for the three-point function in single field inflation to the case of dissipative, multi-field, single-clock models. We use the recently introduced extension of the effective field theory of inflation that accounts for dissipative effects, to provide an explicit proof to leading (non-trivial) order in the generalized slow roll parameters and mixing with gravity scales. Our results illustrate the conditions necessary for the validity of the consistency relation in situations with many degrees of freedom relevant during inflation, namely that there is a preferred clock. Departures from this condition in forthcoming experiments would rule out not only single field but also a large class of multi-field models.Comment: 26+11 page

    Hierarchy from Baryogenesis

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    We study a recently proposed mechanism to solve the hierarchy problem in the context of the landscape, where the solution of the hierarchy problem is connected to the requirement of having baryons in our universe via Electroweak Baryogenesis. The phase transition is triggered by the fermion condensation of a new gauge sector which becomes strong at a scale Lambda determined by dimensional transmutation, and it is mediated to the standard model by a new singlet field. In a ``friendly'' neighborhood of the landscape, where only the relevant operators are ``scanned'' among the vacua, baryogenesis is effective only if the higgs mass m_h is comparable to this low scale Lambda, forcing m_h to be of order Lambda, and solving the hierarchy problem. A new CP violating phase is needed coupling the new singlet and the higgs field to new matter fields. We study the constraints on this model given by baryogenesis and by the electron electric dipole moment (EDM), and we briefly comment on gauge coupling unification and on dark matter relic abundance. We find that next generation experiments on the EDM will be sensitive to essentially the entire viable region of the parameter space, so that absence of a signal would effectively rule out the model.Comment: 28 pages, 4 figures. v2: Added comments and references. Corrected one typo in eq.(81). Conclusions unaltere

    Strong enhancement of Jc in binary and alloyed in-situ MgB2 wires by a new approach: Cold high pressure densification

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    Cold high pressure densification (CHPD) is presented as a new way to substantially enhance the critical current density of in situ MgB2 wires at 4.2 and 20 K at fields between 5 and 14 T. The results on two binary MgB2 wires and an alloyed wire with 10 wt.% B4C are presented The strongest enhancement was measured at 20K, where cold densification at 1.85 GPa on a binary Fe/MgB2 wire raised both Jcpara and Jcperp by more than 300% at 5T, while Birr was enhanced by 0.7 T. At 4.2K, the enhancement of Jc was smaller, but still reached 53% at 10 T. After applying pressures up to 6.5 GPa, the mass density dm of the unreacted (B+Mg) mixture inside the filaments reached 96% of the theoretical density. After reaction under atmospheric pressure, this corresponds to a highest mass density df in the MgB2 filaments of 73%. After reaction, the electrical resistance of wires submitted to cold densification was found to decrease, reflecting an improved connectivity. A quantitative correlation between filament mass density and the physical properties was established. Monofilamentary rectangular wires with aspect ratios a/b < 1.25 based on low energy ball milled powders exhibited very low anisotropy ratios, Gamma = Jcpara/Jcperp being < 1.4 at 4.2 K and 10T. The present results can be generalized to alloyed MgB2 wires, as demonstrated on a wire with B4C additives. Based on the present data, it follows that cold densification has the potential of further improving the highest Jcpara and Jcperp values reported so far for in situ MgB2 tapes and wires with SiC and C additives. Investigations are under work in our laboratory to determine whether the densification method CHPD can be applied to longer wire or tape lengths.Comment: Submitted to Superconductors Science and Technolog

    Fluctuating geometries, q-observables, and infrared growth in inflationary spacetimes

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    Infrared growth of geometrical fluctuations in inflationary spacetimes is investigated. The problem of gauge-invariant characterization of growth of perturbations, which is of interest also in other spacetimes such as black holes, is addressed by studying evolution of the lengths of curves in the geometry. These may either connect freely falling "satellites," or wrap non-trivial cycles of geometries like the torus, and are also used in diffeomorphism- invariant constructions of two-point functions of field operators. For spacelike separations significantly exceeding the Hubble scale, no spacetime geodesic connects two events, but one may find geodesics constrained to lie within constant-time spatial slices. In inflationary geometries, metric perturbations produce significant and growing corrections to the lengths of such geodesics, as we show in both quantization on an inflating torus and in standard slow-roll inflation. These become large, signaling breakdown of a perturbative description of the geometry via such observables, and consistent with perturbative instability of de Sitter space. In particular, we show that the geodesic distance on constant time slices during inflation becomes non-perturbative a few e-folds after a given scale has left the horizon, by distances \sim 1/H^3 \sim RS, obstructing use of such geodesics in constructing IR-safe observables based on the spatial geometry. We briefly discuss other possible measures of such geometrical fluctuations.Comment: 33 pages, 2 figures, latex; v2: typos corrected, references improve

    Validation of an automated spectrophotometric method to dose SO2 in vinegar

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    Sulfur dioxide and sulfites are considered allergens, and their levels in food are regulated by law. The method used to dose free and total sulfites in vinegar is the Ripper method which consists of a direct titration with iodine using starch as an indicator. The Ripper method involves long and elaborate processes, requires excellent operator skills, and has long analysis times. This work validated an enzymatic method performed by an automatized spectroscopic apparatus. Method linearity, applicability range, minimum detection limit, the limit of quantification, and repeatability were demonstrated. Therefore, the enzymatic method performed by an automatized spectroscopic apparatus can be used to detect SO2 in vinegar

    Galilean symmetry in the effective theory of inflation: new shapes of non-Gaussianity

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    We study the consequences of imposing an approximate Galilean symmetry on the Effective Theory of Inflation, the theory of small perturbations around the inflationary background. This approach allows us to study the effect of operators with two derivatives on each field, which can be the leading interactions due to non-renormalization properties of the Galilean Lagrangian. In this case cubic non-Gaussianities are given by three independent operators, containing up to six derivatives, two with a shape close to equilateral and one peaking on flattened isosceles triangles. The four-point function is larger than in models with small speed of sound and potentially observable with the Planck satellite.Comment: 23 pages, 6 figures. v2: minor changes to match JCAP published versio
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