317 research outputs found

    Non-invasive detection of intracranial pressure in clinical practice (review of literature)

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    The aim of the research was to summarize the results of the researches of preoperative diagnostics of intracranial hypertension using data of modern publications and also to determine possible algorithm of diagnostic measures before planning neurosurgical approach at the treatment of intracranial injuries. We analyzed Russian and foreign literary sources for 30 years using key words and search system PubMed. The analysis shows that the search of methods of non-invasive control of intracranial pressure is still actual because of the risk of severe complications of using invasive methods. The most accurate and clinically valuable method of evaluation and prediction of intracranial hypertension in patients with severe craniocerebral injury amongst all considered non-invasive methods (evaluation of tympanic membrane displacement, cochlear microphonia, evaluation of blood pressure in retinal veins, transcranial Doppler imaging, evaluation of optic nerve diameter etc.) is an evaluation of optic nerve diameter using data of ultrasonography, CT imaging and magnetic resonance tomography. Given the fact of operator-dependence of ultrasonography and known limitation for using magnetic resonance tomography in patients with severe craniocerebral injury, CT-data of the optic nerve diameter more than 5,8 mm available from plain preoperative examination can be considered as a reliable prognostic index of development of intracranial hypertension while planning p operative approach

    Beyond shared signals: The role of downward gaze in the stereotypical representation of sad facial expressions

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    According to the influential shared signal hypothesis, perceived gaze direction influences the recognition of emotion from the face, for example, gaze averted sideways facilitates the recognition of sad expressions because both gaze and expression signal avoidance. Importantly, this approach assumes that gaze direction is an independent cue that influences emotion recognition. But could gaze direction also impact emotion recognition because it is part of the stereotypical representation of the expression itself? In Experiment 1, we measured gaze aversion in participants engaged in a facial expression posing task. In Experiment 2, we examined the use of gaze aversion when constructing facial expressions on a computerized avatar. Results from both experiments demonstrated that downward gaze plays a central role in the representation of sad expressions. In Experiment 3, we manipulated gaze direction in perceived facial expressions and found that sadness was the only expression yielding a recognition advantage for downward, but not sideways gaze. Finally, in Experiment 4 we independently manipulated gaze aversion and eyelid closure, thereby demonstrating that downward gaze enhances sadness recognition irrespective of eyelid position. Together, these findings indicate that (1) gaze and expression are not independent cues and (2) the specific type of averted gaze is critical. In consequence, several premises of the shared signal hypothesis may need revision. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2019 APA, all rights reserved


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    To our mind, the population alcoholization is the one of the major medical-social problems in Irkutsk region. According to official statistics it is established that in recent years the average index of incidence with diagnosis of an alcoholism and alcoholic psychosis established for the first time as a whole was higher in Irkutsk region, than in the Russian Federation and Siberian Federal district -1,7 and 1,5 times respectively. Sociological polls of the population of Irkutsk showed that 10 % of adult population and less than 20 % of youth do not take alcoholic drinks only. Abuse of alcohol makes a particular contribution to increase in number of lethal cases from diseases of system of blood circulation and the external reasons (mechanical trauma, suicides). It is not possible to estimate these indexes according to statistical data. The purpose of the real research was studying of a share of deadly outcomes among the population of Irkutsk, associated with ethyl alcohol. The profound personified analysis of mortality of the population of Irkutsk from the external reasons and some diseases (according to the international classification of diseases of the 10th revision) was carried out according to archive of Irkutsk regional bureau of a forensic medical expertise during 2000-2012, in cases when ethyl alcohol was found in cadaver blood. It was established, that the share of acute poisonings with ethyl alcohol makes about 4 % in structure of common mortality of the population of Irkutsk. The share of persons of young age of the dead as a result of an acute alcoholic poisoning makes nearly 20 % in recentyears. The high level of suicide activity of the population of the city interfaced to alcohol intake was revealed. More than 50 % were in an alcohol intoxication of various degree, among the persons prematurely left life. The share of the lethal mechanical traumas, associated with alcohol intoxication, made about a half from all cases of a mechanical trauma. During the 13-year period the decrease of the share of death resulted from cardiovascular diseases, associated with ethyl alcohol, was observed (with 30 to 16 %). Thus among the persons of young age having diseases of cardiovascular system, more than 50 % were at the time of death approach in an alcohol intoxication. The conducted research shows that the actual"hidden" losses of the population interfaced to alcohol intake, are much higher. The alcoholization of the population influences not only formation of losses from acute alcoholic poisonings, but also from the external reasons and diseases against which there was an abuse of ethyl alcohol

    Dispersion of graphite nanoplates in polypropylene by melt mixing: the effects of hydrodynamic stresses and residence time

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    This work combines experimental and numerical (computational fluid dynamics) data to better understand the kinetics of the dispersion of graphite nanoplates in a polypropylene melt, using a mixing device that consists of a series of stacked rings with an equal outer diameter and alternating larger and smaller inner diameters, thereby creating a series of converging/diverging flows. Numerical simulation of the flow assuming both inelastic and viscoelastic responses predicted the velocity, streamlines, flow type and shear and normal stress fields for the mixer. Experimental and computed data were combined to determine the trade-off between the local degree of dispersion of the PP/GnP nanocomposite, measured as area ratio, and the absolute average value of the hydrodynamic stresses multiplied by the local cumulative residence time. A strong quasi-linear relationship between the evolution of dispersion measured experimentally and the computational data was obtained. Theory was used to interpret experimental data, and the results obtained confirmed the hypotheses previously put forward by various authors that the dispersion of solid agglomerates requires not only sufficiently high hydrodynamic stresses, but also that these act during sufficient time. Based on these considerations, it was estimated that the cohesive strength of the GnP agglomerates is in the range of 5-50 kPa.This research was funded by FCT (Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology) through scholarship SFRH/BPD/100353/2014 and projects UIDB/00013/2020 and UIDP/00013/2020. This work was also funded by FEDER funds through the COMPETE 2020 Programme and National Funds through FCT under the projects UID-B/05256/2020 and UID-P/05256/2020

    Ozone and nitrogen dioxide above the northern Tien Shan

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    The results of systematic perennial measurements of the total ozone (since 1979) and nitrogen dioxide column (since 1983) in the atmosphere in the European-Asian continent center above the mountainmass of the Tien Shan are given. This region is distinguished by a great number of sunny days during a year. The observation station is at the Northern shore of Issyk Kul Lake (42.56 N 77.04 E 1650 m above the sea level). The measurement results are presented as the monthly averaged atmospheric total ozone and NO2 stratospheric column abundances (morning and evening). The peculiarities of seasonal variations of ozone and nitrogen dioxide atmospheric contents, their regular variances with a quasi-biennial cycles and trends have been noticed. Irregular variances of ozone and nitrogen dioxide atmospheric contents, i.e. their positive and negative anomalies in the monthly averaged contents relative to the perennial averaged monthly means, have been analyzed. The synchronous and opposite in phase anomalies in variations of ozone and nitrogen dioxide atmospheric contents were explained by the transport and zonal circulation in the stratosphere (Kamenogradsky et al., 1990)

    Assessment of the training process of cross-crossing persons during the preparation period by the method of medical and pedagogical observation

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    The purpose of the study is to evaluate the training effectiveness of cross-country skiers at the preparatory stage of the training cycle.Цель исследования – оценить тренировочную эффективность у занимающихся лыжными гонками на подготовительном этапе тренировочного цикла

    Dynamic fracture in carbon-fibre composites: Effect of steel and ice projectiles

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    In this study the resultant ballistic dynamic response observed in a 2x2 twill weave T300 carbon fibre/epoxy composite flat-plate specimen is examined, using a combination of non-invasive analysis techniques. The study investigates deformation, damage and fracture following the impacts with both solid (steel) and fragmenting (ice) projectiles travelling with velocities of 70-90 m/s and 300-500 m/s, respectively. Digital image correlation was employed to obtain displacement data for the rear surfaces of the specimens in each experiment, and used to assess the effect of impact velocity and projectile material on the specimen’s response. 3D X-ray computed tomography was used to image and visualize the resultant internal cloud of damage and fracture, initiated by dynamic loading in each specimen. It was shown that solid projectiles led to greater localized deformation and, in some cases, penetration, whereas fragmenting projectiles destroyed on impact resulted in more distributed loading leading to major front-surface damage depending on the depth on indentation before fragmentation

    Direct observation of Levy flight of holes in bulk n-InP

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    We study the photoluminescence spectra excited at an edge side of n-InP slabs and observed from the broadside. In a moderately doped sample the intensity drops off as a power-law function of the distance from the excitation - up to several millimeters - with no change in the spectral shape.The hole distribution is described by a stationary Levy-flight process over more than two orders of magnitude in both the distance and hole concentration. For heavily-doped samples, the power law is truncated by free-carrier absorption. Our experiments are near-perfectly described by the Biberman-Holstein transport equation with parameters found from independent optical experiments.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure