1,440 research outputs found

    The stellar population structure of the Galactic disk

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    The spatial structure of stellar populations with different chemical abundances in the Milky Way contains a wealth of information on Galactic evolution over cosmic time. We use data on 14,699 red-clump stars from the APOGEE survey, covering 4 kpc <~ R <~ 15 kpc, to determine the structure of mono-abundance populations (MAPs)---stars in narrow bins in [a/Fe] and [Fe/H]---accounting for the complex effects of the APOGEE selection function and the spatially-variable dust obscuration. We determine that all MAPs with enhanced [a/Fe] are centrally concentrated and are well-described as exponentials with a scale length of 2.2+/-0.2 kpc over the whole radial range of the disk. We discover that the surface-density profiles of low-[a/Fe] MAPs are complex: they do not monotonically decrease outwards, but rather display a peak radius ranging from ~5 kpc to ~13 kpc at low [Fe/H]. The extensive radial coverage of the data allows us to measure radial trends in the thickness of each MAP. While high-[a/Fe] MAPs have constant scale heights, low-[a/Fe] MAPs flare. We confirm, now with high-precision abundances, previous results that each MAP contains only a single vertical scale height and that low-[Fe/H], low-[a/Fe] and high-[Fe/H], high-[a/Fe] MAPs have intermediate (h_Z~300 to 600 pc) scale heights that smoothly bridge the traditional thin- and thick-disk divide. That the high-[a/Fe], thick disk components do not flare is strong evidence against their thickness being caused by radial migration. The correspondence between the radial structure and chemical-enrichment age of stellar populations is clear confirmation of the inside-out growth of galactic disks. The details of these relations will constrain the variety of physical conditions under which stars form throughout the MW disk.Comment: Code available at https://github.com/jobovy/apogee-map

    CGRaBS: An All-Sky Survey of Gamma-Ray Blazar Candidates

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    We describe a uniform all-sky survey of bright blazars, selected primarily by their flat radio spectra, that is designed to provide a large catalog of likely gamma-ray AGN. The defined sample has 1625 targets with radio and X-ray properties similar to those of the EGRET blazars, spread uniformly across the |b| > 10 deg sky. We also report progress toward optical characterization of the sample; of objects with known R < 23, 85% have been classified and 81% have measured redshifts. One goal of this program is to focus attention on the most interesting (e.g., high redshift, high luminosity, ...) sources for intensive multiwavelength study during the observations by the Large Area Telescope (LAT) on GLAST.Comment: 18 pages, 6 figures, 1 machine-readable table available at http://astro.stanford.edu/CGRaBS/ ; accepted for publication in ApJ

    The Blue Tip of the Stellar Locus: Measuring Reddening with the SDSS

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    We present measurements of reddening due to dust using the colors of stars in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS). We measure the color of main sequence turn-off stars by finding the "blue tip" of the stellar locus: the prominent blue edge in the distribution of stellar colors. The method is sensitive to color changes of order 18, 12, 7, and 8 mmag of reddening in the colors u-g, g-r, r-i, and i-z, respectively, in regions measuring 90' by 14'. We present maps of the blue tip colors in each of these bands over the entire SDSS footprint, including the new dusty southern Galactic cap data provided by the SDSS-III. The results disfavor the best fit O'Donnell (1994) and Cardelli et al. (1989) reddening laws, but are well described by a Fitzpatrick (1999) reddening law with R_V = 3.1. The SFD dust map is found to trace the dust well, but overestimates reddening by factors of 1.4, 1.0, 1.2, and 1.4 in u-g, g-r, r-i, and i-z, largely due to the adopted reddening law. In select dusty regions of the sky, we find evidence for problems in the SFD temperature correction. A dust map normalization difference of 15% between the Galactic north and south sky may be due to these dust temperature errors.Comment: 18 pages, 22 figure

    Gravitational Microlensing Event Statistics for the Zwicky Transient Facility

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    Microlensing surveys have discovered thousands of events with almost all events discovered within the Galactic bulge or toward the Magellanic clouds. The Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF), while not designed to be a microlensing campaign, is an optical time-domain survey that observes the entire northern sky every few nights including the Galactic plane. ZTF observes ∼109\sim10^9 stars in g-band and r-band and can significantly contribute to the observed microlensing population. We predict that ZTF will observe ∼\sim1100 microlensing events in three years of observing within 10∘10^\circ degrees latitude of the Galactic plane, with ∼\sim500 events in the outer Galaxy (ℓ≥10∘\ell \geq 10^\circ). This yield increases to ∼\sim1400 (∼\sim800) events by combining every three ZTF exposures, ∼\sim1800 (∼\sim900) events if ZTF observes for a total of five years, and ∼\sim2400 (∼\sim1300) events for a five year survey with post-processing image stacking. Using the microlensing modeling software PopSyCLE, we compare the microlensing populations in the Galactic bulge and the outer Galaxy. We also present an analysis of the microlensing event ZTF18abhxjmj to demonstrate how to leverage these population statistics in event modeling. ZTF will constrain Galactic structure, stellar populations, and primordial black holes through photometric microlensing.Comment: 19 pages, 13 figures, 5 tables, accepted to ApJ (6/4/2020), microlensing simulation catalogs available at https://portal.nersc.gov/project/uLens/Galactic_Microlensing_Distribution

    Mapping Distances Across the Perseus Molecular Cloud Using CO Observations, Stellar Photometry, and Gaia DR2 Parallax Measurements

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    We present a new technique to determine distances to major star-forming regions across the Perseus Molecular Cloud, using a combination of stellar photometry, astrometric data, and 12CO\rm ^{12} CO spectral-line maps. Incorporating the Gaia DR2 parallax measurements when available, we start by inferring the distance and reddening to stars from their Pan-STARRS1 and 2MASS photometry, based on a technique presented in Green et al. 2014; Green et al. 2015 and implemented in their 3D "Bayestar" dust map of three-quarters of the sky. We then refine the Green et al. technique by using the velocity slices of a CO spectral cube as dust templates and modeling the cumulative distribution of dust along the line of sight towards these stars as a linear combination of the emission in the slices. Using a nested sampling algorithm, we fit these per-star distance-reddening measurements to find the distances to the CO velocity slices towards each star-forming region. This results in distance estimates explicitly tied to the velocity structure of the molecular gas. We determine distances to the B5, IC348, B1, NGC1333, L1448, and L1451 star-forming regions and find that individual clouds are located between ≈275−300\approx 275-300 pc, with typical combined uncertainties of ≈5%\approx 5\%. We find that the velocity gradient across Perseus corresponds to a distance gradient of about 25 pc, with the eastern portion of the cloud farther away than the western portion. We determine an average distance to the complex of 294±17294\pm 17 pc, about 60 pc higher than the distance derived to the western portion of the cloud using parallax measurements of water masers associated with young stellar objects. The method we present is not limited to the Perseus Complex, but may be applied anywhere on the sky with adequate CO data in the pursuit of more accurate 3D maps of molecular clouds in the solar neighborhood and beyond.Comment: Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa

    Photometric Calibration of the First 1.5 Years of the Pan-STARRS1 Survey

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    We present a precise photometric calibration of the first 1.5 years of science imaging from the Pan-STARRS1 survey (PS1), an ongoing optical survey of the entire sky north of declination -30 degrees in five bands. Building on the techniques employed by Padmanabhan et al. (2008) in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS), we use repeat PS1 observations of stars to perform the relative calibration of PS1 in each of its five bands, solving simultaneously for the system throughput, the atmospheric transparency, and the large-scale detector flat field. Both internal consistency tests and comparison against the SDSS indicate that we achieve relative precision of <10 mmag in g, r, and i_P1, and ~10 mmag in z and y_P1. The spatial structure of the differences with the SDSS indicates that errors in both the PS1 and SDSS photometric calibration contribute similarly to the differences. The analysis suggests that both the PS1 system and the Haleakala site will enable <1% photometry over much of the sky.Comment: 16 pages, 9 figures (arxiv version updated to published version
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