10 research outputs found

    L\u2019Immunit\ue0 negli Invertebrati

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    L'articolo tratta l'evoluzione del sistema immunitario, evidenziandone le affinit\ue0 e le differenze nei vari Phyla animali

    Monticazione ovi-caprina nelle Alpi Orobie e rischi sanitari per il patrimonio faunistico

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    Sheep and goats alpine summer grazing and sanitary risk for wildlife- A three-years survey was carried out in sheep and goats during summer pasturing in the Orobie Alps (North Italy) within an Interreg III A project aimed to recovering tetraonids habitat. Selected pathogens of zoonotic and wildlife importance were tested. Antibodies against to Tick-Borne Encephalitis Virus (TBEV) and Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (MAP) were not detected. Two among 266 goats and one among 182 sheep resulted seropositive for Q-fever. A prevalence of 4% and 10,9% for Pestivirus was detected respectively in goats and sheep, with only adult animals affected and no seroconvertion through three years. Antibodies against Bovine respiratory syncitial virus (BRSV) were detected in young and adult animals with seroprevalences of 19,6 in goats and 79,1% in sheep and no seroconvertion through three years. The role of the above pathogens are discussed in an alpine sustainable land use perspective

    Synthesis, characterization and application of gold nanoparticles capped by RGD fuctionalised peptides

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    Biocompatible gold nanoparticles (AuNPs), stabilised by RGD-(GC)2 and (GC)2 peptides, were obtained by reduction of tetrachloroaurate aqueous solutions. RGD-(GC)2 peptide encompasses a RGD motif, chosen as a targeting ligand for \u3b1v f3 integrin receptor generally recognised to be a tumor and angiogenesis marker and a GC motif to stabilise the gold nanoparticles. The peptides were prepared ad hoc by Fmoc synthesis. The colloidal systems have been characterised by UV-visible, ATR-FTIR, mono and bidimensional NMR techniques and Confocal and TEM microscopies. The cellular uptake of Au@RGD-(GC)2 and Au@(GC)2 gold particles into U87 cells (human glioblastoma cell), were investigated by confocal microscopy. A quantitative determination of the uptaken nanoparticles has been carried out by measuring the brightness of the images of both systems that highlighted the importance of the RGD termination of the peptide. In order to understand if the receptor-mediated entrance could be favourite, TEM experiments with Au@RGD-(GC)2 and Au@(GC)2 nanoparticles were carried out. Only Au@RGD-(GC)2 nanoparticles were accumulated in the cells. Further phenomena occurred inside the cell as we observed Au NPs free in the cytosol, in the nucleus and nucleolus

    The effects of doxorubicin on embryonic spinal motoneurons cultured in vitro: cytoskeletal response

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    The interaction of doxorubicin with tubulin in spinal motoneuronal cells cultured in vitro has been examined by laser scan microscopy with an immunocytological double staining technique, and by biochemical analysis. Results obtained by laser scan microscopy indicate that doxorubicin (2 x 10(-8) M) was able to induce fragmentation or disappearance of microtubules in motoneuronal cells. Motoneurons were identified by their positivity to anti-CAT antibody. This observation was then studied by biochemical analysis on purified calf brain tubulin. Even treatment with a high dose of doxorubicin (1.2 x 10(-5) M) does not impair tubulin polymerization. The finding supports the possibility that doxorubicin interacts with MAPs or other polypeptides present in the cytomatrix that coassemble with tubulin and are necessary for microtubule formation

    Neural System Rearrangement during the Metamorphosis of the Hydroid Clava multicornis

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    The planula larva of the hydroid Clava multicornis has a complex nervous system. It is characterized by the presence of distinct populations of neural elements concentrated at the anterior end representing the sensory pole of this life stage. The neurons can be identified by the presence of different neuropeptides: GLWamide positive cells are arranged in a domelike organization in the anterior most region and are followed by a belt of RFamide positive ones, both types being connected to a basiectodermal anterior plexus.1 During the metamorphosis, the larva attaches to the substrate with the anterior end that develops into the basal foot region of the polyp, while the posterior end forms the oral region. In the polyp of the hydrozoan Hydractinia echinata GLWamide and RFamide positive neurons are concentrated around the mouth and in the tentacles, at the opposite side respect to the position occupied in the larva.2 To elucidate the fate of the neural cells in C. multicornis, we investigated the distribution pattern of GLWamide and RFamide positive sensory cells at different stages of metamorphosis. We observed that immunoreactivity is still present at the anterior end of the larva during early settlement, but gradually disappeared through the following stages of metamorphosis. Only in late stages positive cells appeared around the mouth of the newly formed polyp. By TUNEL assay, apoptotic nuclei were identified in the anterior end of the settled larva, in the same region occupied by sensory cells. These results suggest that at least part of the neurons of the larva degenerates during metamorphosis by apoptosis and that at least part of the adult nervous system is formed by de novo differentiation. Understanding how the nervous system is rearranged during the metamorphosis of basal metazoans can help to elucidate mechanisms of neural plasticity in higher metazoan

    Evaluating human basal metabolism: the erroneous and misleading use of so-called "prediction equations"

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    Prediction (regression) equations are widely used, but their reliability as predictive tools is questionable as they provide contradicting results. The key point is that values calculated by regression equations are not precisely defined numbers but lie within a range of possible values in the standard deviation interval, none of which can be considered as the most probable. Ignoring this point leads to illicit/improper calculations, generating wrong results, which may have adverse consequences for human health. To demonstrate this, we applied the equations of Harris and Benedict in a reverse method, i.e. calculating (predicting) the daily energy expenditure in the same subjects used to obtain the equations and comparing values with the original measured data. We used the Bland-Altman and frequency distribution analyses. We found large differences in both individual data and population characteristics, showing that prediction equations are not predictive tools