400 research outputs found

    Refined multilayered beam, plate and shell elements based on Jacobi polynomials

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    In this paper, theories of structures based on hierarchical Jacobi expansions are explored for the static analysis of multilayered beams, plates and shells. They belong to the family of classical orthogonal polynomials. This expansion is employed in the framework of the Carrera Unified Formulation (CUF), which allows to generate finite element stiffness matrices in a straightforward way. CUF allows also to employ both layer-wise and equivalent single layer approaches in order to obtain the desired degree of precision and computational cost. In this work, CUF is exploited for the analysis of one-dimensional beams and two-dimensional plates and shells, and several case studies from the literature are analysed. Displacements, in-plane, transverse and shear stresses are shown. In particular, for some benchmarks, the shear stresses are calculated using the constitutive relations and the stress recovery technique. The obtained results clearly show the convenience of using equivalent single layer models when calculating displacements, in-plane stresses and shear stresses recovered by three-dimensional indefinite equilibrium equations. On the other hand, layer-wise models are able to accurately predict the structural behaviour, even though higher degrees of freedom are needed

    Use of Lagrange polynomials to build refined theories for laminated beams, plates and shells

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    This paper proposes an equivalent single-layer approach for modeling laminated structures, where the number layers to be considered as a single one is chosen a priori by the user. Lagrange points are set to locate and, eventually, join equivalent single-layer and layer-wise tenchiques by imposing displacement continuity in the thickness direction. The Finite Element (FE) method is applied to provide numerical solutions whereas the Carrera Unified Formulation (CUF) is used to generate the related stiffness matrices in a compact and straightforward way. The approach is employed using one-dimensional beam and two-dimensional plate and shell models and several case studies, taken from well-known examples in the literature, are analyzed. Results clearly show the advantages and superiority of the present approach to completely capture the displacements and the distribution of the axial stress components, whereas local values of the shear stresses can be obtained by opportunely chosing the Lagrange points pattern opportunely

    Epigenetic mechanisms in oral cancer: new diagnostic and therapeutic strategies

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    Complexity and heterogeneity are frequently present during the development and progression of carcinogenesis and, in the last 15 years, significant progress made in clinical research underlines the role of some epigenetic mechanisms. The most important characteristics of the epigenetic concept are that these events are reversible, not related to modifications in the structure of DNA and may drive fundamental cell signaling alterations1. Among these systems of communication in normal and pathological conditions, also microbiome and staminal cells2 seem to be important. These new profiles of pathological communication develop novel diagnostic, prognostic and therapeutic tool

    Insight into susceptibility genes associated with bipolar disorder: A systematic review

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    Objective: Bipolar disorder (BD) is a severe disorder, and it is associated with an increased risk of mortality. About 25% of patients with BD have attempted and 11% have died by suicide. All these characteristics suggest that the disorders within the bipolar spectrum are a crucial public health problem. With the development of molecular genetics in recent decades, it was possible to more easily detect risk genes associated with this disorder. This study aimed at summarizing the findings of systematic reviews and meta-analyses on the topic and assessing the quality of the available evidence. Materials and Methods: PubMed/Medline and Web of Science were searched to identify systematic reviews and meta-analyses published during 2013-2019. Standard methodology was applied to synthesize and assess the retrieved literature. Results: This systematic review identifies a number of potential risk genes associated with bipolar disorder whose mechanism of action has yet to be confirmed. They are divided into several groups: 1) a list of the most significant susceptibility genetic factors associated with BD; 2) the implication of the ZNF804A gene in BD; 3) the role of genes involved in calcium signaling in BD; 4) DNA methylation in BD; 5) BD and risk suicide genes; 6) susceptibility genes for early-onset BD; 7) candidate genes common to both BD and schizophrenia; 8) genes involved in cognitive status in BD cases; 9) genes involved in structural alteration in BD brain tissue; 10) genes involved in lithium response in BD. Conclusions: Future research should concentrate on molecular mechanisms by which genetic variants play a major role in BD. Supplemental research is needed to replicate the applicable results

    The effects of robotic assistance on upper limb spatial muscle synergies in healthy people during planar upper-limb training

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    Background Robotic rehabilitation is a commonly adopted technique used to restore motor functionality of neurological patients. However, despite promising results were achieved, the effects of human-robot interaction on human motor control and the recovery mechanisms induced with robot assistance can be further investigated even on healthy subjects before translating to clinical practice. In this study, we adopt a standard paradigm for upper-limb rehabilitation (a planar device with assistive control) with linear and challenging curvilinear trajectories to investigate the effect of the assistance in human-robot interaction in healthy people. Methods Ten healthy subjects were instructed to perform a large set of radial and curvilinear movements in two interaction modes: 1) free movement (subjects hold the robot handle with no assistance) and 2) assisted movement (with a force tunnel assistance paradigm). Kinematics and EMGs from representative upper-limb muscles were recorded to extract phasic muscle synergies. The free and assisted interaction modes were compared assessing the level of assistance, error, and muscle synergy comparison between the two interaction modes. Results It was found that in free movement error magnitude is higher than with assistance, proving that task complexity required assistance also on healthy controls. Moreover, curvilinear tasks require more assistance than standard radial paths and error is higher. Interestingly, while assistance improved task performance, we found only a slight modification of phasic synergies when comparing assisted and free movement. Conclusions We found that on healthy people, the effect of assistance was significant on task performance, but limited on muscle synergies. The findings of this study can find applications for assessing human-robot interaction and to design training to maximize motor recovery

    Evaluation of transverse shear stresses in layered beams/plates/shells via stress recovery accounting for various CUF-based theories

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    This paper exploits the stress recovery technique to evaluate the out-of-plane stress components in the static analysis of composite beams, plates and shells. This technique is implemented in the framework of the Carrera Unified Formulation, an approach allowing the implementation of the theories of structures in a compact way. This work uses Taylor, Legendre and Jacobi polynomials with equivalent single-layer and layer-wise approaches. The finite element method is applied to provide numerical solutions. Multi-layered beams, plates and shells subjected to different loading and boundary conditions are studied to validate and assess the proposed technique. The results are compared with those from the literature and show that the stress recovery technique provides reasonable accuracy for the shear stresses, even with lower-order models. Furthermore, results confirm that, when dealing with thick structures, the adoption of layer-wise models is mandatory to obtain accurate results

    Determination of Pesticide Residues in IV Range Artichoke (Cynara cardunculus L.) and Its Industrial Wastes

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    Fourth-range products are those types of fresh fruit and vegetables that are ready for raw consumption or after cooking, and belong to organic or integrated cultivations. These products are subject to mild post-harvesting processing procedures (selection, sorting, husking, cutting, and washing), and are afterwards packaged in packets or closed food plates, with an average shelf life of 5–10 days. Artichokes are stripped of the leaves, stems and outer bracts, and the remaining heads are washed with acidifying solutions. The A LC-MS/MS analytical method was developed and validated following SANTE guidelines for the detection of 220 pesticides. This work evaluated the distribution of pesticide residues among the fraction of artichokes obtained during the industrial processing, and the residues of their wastes left on the field were also investigated. The results showed quantifiable residues of one herbicide (pendimethalin) and four fungicides (azoxystrobin, propyzamide, tebuconazole, and pyraclostrobin). Pendimethalin was found in all samples, with the higher values in leaves 0.046 ± 8.2 mg/kg and in field waste 0.30 ± 6.7 mg/kg. Azoxystrobin was the most concentrated in the outer bracts (0.18 ± 2.9 mg/kg). The outer bracts showed the highest number of residues. The industrial waste showed a significant decrease in the number of residues and their concentration

    Does living in previously exposed malaria or warm areas is associated with a lower risk of severe COVID-19 infection in Italy?

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    Incidence of Covid-19 positivity (21/2/2020-28/3/2020) in provinces of 4 Italian regions whose territory was described as previously exposed to Malaria was compared with those of other provinces of the same regions. The climate of such provinces was compared with the climate of the other provinces in some regions. Previously malarial areas show a lower risk than other provinces of the same regions: Mantua (Lombardy) RR=0.94 (CI95%0.89-0.99); Venice-Rovigo (Veneto) RR=0.61 (CI95%0.58-0.65); Ferrara-Ravenna (Emilia-Romagna) RR=0.37 (CI95%0.35-0.41); CagliariOristano-SouthSardinia (Sardinia) RR=0.25 (0.17-0.31). The maximum temperature in March 2020 in those provinces was higher in mean 1.5° for other provinces. The lower frequency of COVID-19 in the provinces previously exposed to Malaria of four Italian regions does not reveal a causal link. The phenomenon has emerged independently in all the regions investigated. People born between the 1920s and 1950s were those most exposed to malaria years ago and today are the most exposed to the severest forms of COVID-19. A warmer climate seems to be associated with a lower risk of COVID, in line with the evidence highlighted in equatorial states where a lower lethality of the virus has emerged, however this regardless of the presence of Malaria. This may suggest that climate and not Malaria is the real risk factor, though further studies need to determine the role of the association climate / COVID

    The effect of the relative amount of ingredients on the rheological properties of semolina doughs

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    "Pani carasau" is a traditional Sardinian bread, made with re-milled durum wheat semolina, with a long shelf-life. The production process is highly energy consuming, but its automation can make it more energy-efficient and sustainable. This requires a deep knowledge of the rheological parameters of the doughs. This study investigated the rheological properties of doughs-prepared by mixing semolina with water, yeast, and salt-as a function of the relative amount of the ingredients. The rheological measurements were carried out by an Anton Paar MCR 102 rheometer, equipped with a plate-plate fixture. In more detail, frequency sweep and creep tests were performed. It was found that doughs obtained with different amounts of ingredients showed significant differences in the rheological responses. The addition of water led to a significant decrease in the viscosity and improved the deformability of the dough. In addition, the yeast addition produced a viscosity decrease, while the presence of salt produced an improvement of the three-dimensional gluten network characteristics and, consequently, of the strength of the dough. In addition to the production process of pani carasau, this work contributes to improving the general performance of the doughs used in the production of flour-and-semolina-based foods
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