446 research outputs found

    The prevalence and properties of cold gas inflows and outflows around galaxies in the local Universe

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    We perform a stacking analysis of the neutral \nad\,λλ\lambda\lambda5889,5895\,\AA\ ISM doublet using the SDSS DR7 spectroscopic data set to probe the prevalence and characteristics of cold (T\,≲\lesssim\,104^{4}\,K) galactic-scale gas flows in local (0.025⩽z⩽\leqslant z\leqslant0.1) inactive and AGN-host galaxies across the SFR-M∗_{*} plane. We find low-velocity outflows to be prevalent in regions of high SFRs and stellar masses (10 ≲\lesssimlog M∗_{*}/M⊙_{\odot} ≲\lesssim 11.5), however we do not find any detections in the low mass (log M∗_{*}/M⊙_{\odot} ≲\lesssim 10) regime. We also find tentative detections of inflowing gas in high mass galaxies across the star-forming population. We derive mass outflow rates in the range of 0.14-1.74\,M⊙_{\odot}yr−1^{-1} and upper limits on inflow rates <1\,M⊙_{\odot}yr−1^{-1}, allowing us to place constraints on the mass loading factor (η\eta=M˙out\dot{M}_{\text{out}}/SFR) for use in simulations of the local Universe. We discuss the fate of the outflows by comparing the force provided by the starburst to the critical force needed to push the outflow outward, and find the vast majority of the outflows unlikely to escape the host system. Finally, as outflow detection rates and central velocities do not vary strongly with the presence of a (weak) active supermassive black hole, we determine that star formation appears to be the primary driver of outflows at z∼z\sim0.Comment: Accepted in MNRAS. 36 pages, 15 figure

    Kinematics of molecular gas in star-forming galaxies with large-scale ionized outflows

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    We investigate the kinematics of the molecular gas in a sample of seven edge-on (i &amp;gt; 60°) galaxies identified as hosting large-scale outflows of ionized gas, using ALMA CO(1–0) observations at ∼1 kpc resolution. We build on Hogarth et al., where we find that molecular gas is more centrally concentrated in galaxies which host winds than in control objects. We perform full three-dimensional kinematic modelling with multiple combinations of kinematic components, allowing us to infer whether these objects share any similarities in their molecular gas structure. We use modelling to pinpoint the kinematic centre of each galaxy, in order to interpret their minor- and major-axis position velocity diagrams (PVDs). From the PVDs, we find that the bulk of the molecular gas in our galaxies is dynamically cold, tracing the rotation curves predicted by our symmetric, rotation-dominated models, but with minor flux asymmetries. Most notably, we find evidence of radial gas motion in a subset of our objects, which demonstrate a characteristic ‘twisting’ in their minor-axis PVDs generally associated with gas flow along the plane of a galaxy. In our highest S/N object, we include bi-symmetric radial flow in our kinematic model, and find (via the Bayesian Information Criterion) that the presence of radial gas motion is strongly favoured. This may provide one mechanism by which molecular gas and star formation are centrally concentrated, enabling the launch of massive ionized gas winds. However, in the remainder of our sample, we do not observe evidence that gas is being driven radially, once again emphasizing the variety of physical processes that may be powering the outflows in these objects, as originally noted in H21

    Galaxy pairs in the SDSS - XIII. The connection between enhanced star formation and molecular gas properties in galaxy mergers.

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    This article has been accepted for publication in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society © 2018 The Author(s). Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society. All rights reserved.We investigate the connection between star formation and molecular gas properties in galaxy mergers at low redshift (z ≤ 0.06). The study we present is based on IRAM 30-m CO(1-0) observations of 11 galaxies with a close companion selected from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS). The pairs have mass ratios ≤4, projected separations r p ≤ 30 kpc and velocity separations ΔV ≤ 300 km s -1, and have been selected to exhibit enhanced specific star formation rates (sSFRs). We calculate molecular gas (H 2) masses, assigning to each galaxy a physically motivated conversion factor αCO, and we derive molecular gas fractions and depletion times. We compare these quantities with those of isolated galaxies from the extended CO Legacy Data base for the GALEX Arecibo SDSS Survey sample (xCOLDGASS; Saintonge et al.) with gas quantities computed in an identical way. Ours is the first study which directly compares the gas properties of galaxy pairs and those of a control sample of normal galaxies with rigorous control procedures and for which SFR and H 2 masses have been estimated using the same method. We find that the galaxy pairs have shorter depletion times and an average molecular gas fraction enhancement of 0.4 dex compared to the mass matched control sample drawn from xCOLDGASS. However, the gas masses (and fractions) in galaxy pairs and their depletion times are consistent with those of non-mergers whose SFRs are similarly elevated. We conclude that both external interactions and internal processes may lead to molecular gas enhancement and decreased depletion times.Peer reviewe

    The Arecibo Legacy Fast ALFA Survey: VI. Second HI Source Catalog of the Virgo Cluster Region

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    We present the third installment of HI sources extracted from the Arecibo Legacy Fast ALFA extragalactic survey. This dataset continues the work of the Virgo ALFALFA catalog. The catalogs and spectra published here consist of data obtained during the 2005 and 2006 observing sessions of the survey. The catalog consists of 578 HI detections within the range 11h 36m < R.A.(J2000) < 13h 52m and +08 deg < Dec.(J2000) < +12 deg, and cz_sun < 18000 km/s. The catalog entries are identified with optical counterparts where possible through the examination of digitized optical images. The catalog detections can be classified into three categories: (a) detections of high reliability with S/N > 6.5; (b) high velocity clouds in the Milky Way or its periphery; and (c) signals of lower S/N which coincide spatially with an optical object and known redshift. 75% of the sources are newly published HI detections. Of particular note is a complex of HI clouds projected between M87 and M49 that do not coincide with any optical counterparts. Candidate objects without optical counterparts are few. The median redshift for this sample is 6500 km/s and the cz distribution exhibits the local large scale structure consisting of Virgo and the background void and the A1367-Coma supercluster regime at cz_sun ~7000 km/s. Position corrections for telescope pointing errors are applied to the dataset by comparing ALFALFA continuum centroid with those cataloged in the NRAO VLA Sky Survey. The uncorrected positional accuracy averages 27 arcsec ~(21 arcsec ~median) for all sources with S/N > 6.5 and is of order ~21 arcsec ~(16 arcsec ~median) for signals with S/N > 12. Uncertainties in distances toward the Virgo cluster can affect the calculated HI mass distribution.Comment: 25 pages, 1 Table, 8 figures, Accepted by the Astronomical Journa

    The cosmic abundance of cold gas in the local Universe

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    We determine the cosmic abundance of molecular hydrogen (H2) in the local universe from the xCOLD GASS survey. To constrain the H2 mass function at low masses and correct for the effect of the lower stellar mass limit of 10^9 Msun in the xCOLD GASS survey, we use an empirical approach based on an observed scaling relation between star formation rate and gas mass. We also constrain the HI and HI+H2 mass functions using the xGASS survey, and compare it to the HI mass function from the ALFALFA survey. We find the cosmic abundance of molecular gas in the local Universe to be Omega_H2=(5.34+/-0.47)x10^-5 h^-1. Molecular gas accounts for 19.6 +/- 3.9% of the total abundance of cold gas, Omega_HI+H2=(4.66+/-0.70)x10^-4 h^-1. Galaxies with stellar masses in excess of 10^9 Msun account for 89% of the molecular gas in the local Universe, while in comparison such galaxies only contain 73% of the cold atomic gas as traced by the HI 21cm line. The xCOLD GASS CO, molecular gas and cold gas mass functions and Omega_H2 measurements provide constraints for models of galaxy evolution and help to anchor blind ALMA and NOEMA surveys attempting to determine the abundance of molecular gas at high redshifts

    Galaxy morphology in the rich cluster Abell 2390

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    We have analysed images of the field of A2390 obtained with the CFHT and HST. The analysis fits models to bulge and disk components to several hundred galaxies, with about equal samples from the cluster and field. We also have assessed and graded asymmetries in the images. The cluster galaxies are compared in different cluster locations and also compared with field galaxies. We find that the central old population galaxies are bulge-dominated, while disk systems have young populations and are found predominantly in the outer cluster. S0 and bulgy disk galaxies are found throughout, but concentrate in regions of substructure. Disks of cluster blue galaxies are generally brighter and smaller than those in the field. We find that the cluster members have a higher proportion of interacting galaxies than the field sample. Interactions in the cluster and in the field, as well as cluster infall, appear to inhibit star-formation in galaxies.Comment: 20 pages including 10 of tables, plus 7 figures; To appear in the Astronomical Jorurna

    De-noising of galaxy optical spectra with autoencoders

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    Optical spectra contain a wealth of information about the physical properties and formation histories of galaxies. Often though, spectra are too noisy for this information to be accurately retrieved. In this study, we explore how machine learning methods can be used to de-noise spectra and increase the amount of information we can gain without having to turn to sample averaging methods such as spectral stacking. Using machine learning methods trained on noise-added spectra - SDSS spectra with Gaussian noise added - we investigate methods of maximising the information we can gain from these spectra, in particular from emission lines, such that more detailed analysis can be performed. We produce a variational autoencoder (VAE) model, and apply it on a sample of noise-added spectra. Compared to the flux measured in the original SDSS spectra, the model values are accurate within 0.3-0.5 dex, depending on the specific spectral line and S/N. Overall, the VAE performs better than a principle component analysis (PCA) method, in terms of reconstruction loss and accuracy of the recovered line fluxes. To demonstrate the applicability and usefulness of the method in the context of large optical spectroscopy surveys, we simulate a population of spectra with noise similar to that in galaxies at z = 0.1 observed by the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI). We show that we can recover the shape and scatter of the MZR in this ‘DESI-like’ sample, in a way that is not possible without the VAE-assisted de-noising

    De-noising of galaxy optical spectra with autoencoders

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    Optical spectra contain a wealth of information about the physical properties and formation histories of galaxies. Often though, spectra are too noisy for this information to be accurately retrieved. In this study, we explore how machine learning methods can be used to de-noise spectra and increase the amount of information we can gain without having to turn to sample averaging methods such as spectral stacking. Using machine learning methods trained on noise-added spectra - SDSS spectra with Gaussian noise added - we investigate methods of maximising the information we can gain from these spectra, in particular from emission lines, such that more detailed analysis can be performed. We produce a variational autoencoder (VAE) model, and apply it on a sample of noise-added spectra. Compared to the flux measured in the original SDSS spectra, the model values are accurate within 0.3-0.5 dex, depending on the specific spectral line and S/N. Overall, the VAE performs better than a principle component analysis (PCA) method, in terms of reconstruction loss and accuracy of the recovered line fluxes. To demonstrate the applicability and usefulness of the method in the context of large optical spectroscopy surveys, we simulate a population of spectra with noise similar to that in galaxies at z=0.1z = 0.1 observed by the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI). We show that we can recover the shape and scatter of the MZR in this "DESI-like" sample, in a way that is not possible without the VAE-assisted de-noising.Comment: 14 pages, 10 figures, 6 tables, accepted for publication in MNRA
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