7,541 research outputs found

    Coolant side heat transfer with rotation: User manual for 3D-TEACH with rotation

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    This program solves the governing transport equations in Reynolds average form for the flow of a 3-D, steady state, viscous, heat conducting, multiple species, single phase, Newtonian fluid with combustion. The governing partial differential equations are solved in physical variables in either a Cartesian or cylindrical coordinate system. The effects of rotation on the momentum and enthalpy calculations modeled in Cartesian coordinates are examined. The flow of the fluid should be confined and subsonic with a maximum Mach number no larger than 0.5. This manual describes the operating procedures and input details for executing a 3D-TEACH computation

    Error reduction program: A progress report

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    Five finite differences schemes were evaluated for minimum numerical diffusion in an effort to identify and incorporate the best error reduction scheme into a 3D combustor performance code. Based on this evaluated, two finite volume method schemes were selected for further study. Both the quadratic upstream differencing scheme (QUDS) and the bounded skew upstream differencing scheme two (BSUDS2) were coded into a two dimensional computer code and their accuracy and stability determined by running several test cases. It was found that BSUDS2 was more stable than QUDS. It was also found that the accuracy of both schemes is dependent on the angle that the streamline make with the mesh with QUDS being more accurate at smaller angles and BSUDS2 more accurate at larger angles. The BSUDS2 scheme was selected for extension into three dimensions

    Reducing numerical diffusion for incompressible flow calculations

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    A number of approaches for improving the accuracy of incompressible, steady-state flow calculations are examined. Two improved differencing schemes, Quadratic Upstream Interpolation for Convective Kinematics (QUICK) and Skew-Upwind Differencing (SUD), are applied to the convective terms in the Navier-Stokes equations and compared with results obtained using hybrid differencing. In a number of test calculations, it is illustrated that no single scheme exhibits superior performance for all flow situations. However, both SUD and QUICK are shown to be generally more accurate than hybrid differencing

    Sanctuary in the Midst of Crisis? a Look Into Shariah Indices Using Multivariate GARCH DCC

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    Islamic Finance has evolved over the past few decades, and stands at over a trilliondollars today. At the foundations of Islamic finance lay the concept of risk sharing, and the purest forms of it in the modern day finance is equity investments. The evidence of Islamic investors pursing equity investments in reality is thin. Multitude of reasons are attributed to this low participation, mainly revolving around lack of empirical proof of Islamic investments being a reliable and steady return alternative. This study is an attempt to study the volatilities and correlations with the conventional global equity indices utilizing Multivariate GARCH Dynamic Conditional Correlations (MGARCH DCC) method. The findings provide an interesting angleto our study, where there is a significant downwards trend in the correlations during the crisis era. This provides substance to the argument that Islamic investors would experience lesser downside in economic crisis. This study further dwells into the linkage of Islamic indices with global financial indices to study if financial sector exclusion from Islamic indices benefits theinvestors. The findings are positive, with lower correlations and that to reducing in the recent global crisis. Islamic finances core philosophy is equity based investments and this study is a humble attempt to empirically substantiate its benefits

    Polo like kinase 2 tumour suppressor and cancer biomarker: new perspectives on drug sensitivity/resistance in ovarian cancer

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    The polo-like kinase PLK2 has recently been identified as a potential theranostic marker in the management of chemotherapy sensitive cancers. The methylation status of the PLK2 CpG island varies with sensitivity to paclitaxel and platinum in ovarian cancer cell lines. Importantly, extrapolation of these in vitro data to the clinical setting confirms that the methylation status of the PLK2 CpG island predicts outcomes in patients treated with carboplatin and paclitaxel chemotherapy. A second cell cycle regulator, p57Kip2, is also subject to epigenetic silencing in carboplatin resistance in vitro and in vivo, emphasising that cell cycle regulators are important determinants of sensitivity to chemotherapeutic agents and providing insights into the phenomenon of collateral drug sensitivity in oncology. Understanding the mechanistic basis and identification of robust biomarkers to predict collateral sensitivity may inform optimal use of chemotherapy in patients receiving multiple lines of treatment
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