445 research outputs found

    Integrasi SMOTE Dan Information Gain Pada Naive Bayes Untuk Prediksi Cacat Software

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    Perangkat lunak banyak memainkan yang peran penting. Oleh karena itu, kewajiban untuk memastikan kualitas, seperti pengujian perangkat lunak dapat dianggap mendasar dan penting. Tapi di sisi lain, pengujian perangkat lunak adalah pekerjaan yang sangat mahal, baik dalam biaya dan waktu penggunaan. Oleh karena itu penting untuk sebuah Perusahaan pengembangan perangkat lunak untuk melakukan pengujian kualitas perangkat lunak dengan biaya minimum. Naive Bayes pada prediksi cacat perangkat lunak telah menunjukkan kinerja yang baik dan menghsilkan probabilitas rata-rata 71 persen. Selain itu juga merupakan classifier yang sederhana dan waktu yang dibutuhkan dalam proses belajar mengajar lebih cepat dari algoritma pembelajaran mesin lainnya. NASA adalah dataset yang sangat populer digunakan dalam pengembangan model prediksi cacat software, umum dan dapat digunakan secara bebas oleh para peneliti. Dari penelitian yang dilakukan sebelumnya ada dua isu utama pada prediksi cacat perangkat lunak yaitu noise attribute dan imbalance class. Penerapan teknik SMOTE (Minority Synthetic Over-Sampling Technique) menghasilkan hasil yang baik dan efektif untuk menangani ketidakseimbangan kelas pada teknik oversampling untuk memproses kelas minoritas (positif). Dan Information Gain digunakan dalam pemilihan atribut untuk menangani kemungkinan noise attribute. Setelah dilakukan percobaan bahwa penerapan model SMOTE dan Information Gain terbukti menangani imbalance class dan noise attribute untuk prediksi cacat software

    Motivasi Rusia Menerapkan Kebijakan Customs Union Terhadap Ekspor Ikan Dari Indonesia Tahun 2013

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    This study is a qualitative research which describes Russia motivation applying temporary restriction of fish products exported from Indonesia to Russia dealing with Customs Union policy on July 1, 2013. The restriction applied was based on the result of joint inspection done by Customs Union and Rosselkhoznadzor Russia to some fish companies in Indonesia which found that the companies did not meet the requirements and standard of Customs Union and Rosselkhoznadzor. From the result of the inspection it was found that some problems on fish productions process and lack of certification and documents.Finally, after more than one year of hard effort an negotiation done with Russia authority, the restriction can be released on September 17, 2014. The most important thing for Customs Union and Rosselkhoznadzor is that for Indonesian fish companies to do some improvements and meet the requirements and standard of export agreed by the two parties, such as healthy and safety control and documents.The data were collected from many sources like books, journals, and websites that can support this research. In this research, the researcher uses merkantilism perspective to describe the Russia motivation on temporary restriction of fish products exported from Indonesia

    Analisis Diskriminan Sebagai Alat Manajemen Risiko Pembiayaan Pada Lembaga Keuangan Mikro Syariah, KBMT Wihdatul Ummah

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    Sebagai lembaga keuangan mikro syariah, yang kegiatannya melakukan pembiayaan, tidak dapat dipisahkan dari pembiayaan risiko. Risiko pembiayaan dinilai oleh rasio Non Performing Financing (NPF). Trend NPF di Koperasi Baitul Maal wa Tamwil (BMT)-Wihdatul Ummah cenderung menurun, namun menunjukkan perbaikan dalam peramalan 3 tahun berikutnya. Diperlukan evaluasi dalam menilai kelayakan debitur untuk risiko pembiayaan yang dapat dikendalikan. Mengevaluasi kelayakan debitur memperoleh faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi sistem penilaian tingkat risiko pembiayaan melalui analisis diskriminan. Faktor-faktor ini adalah pendekatan variabel karakter dan persyaratan dari BMT

    Project-based Learning in Chinese Classroom: A Way to Stimulate Students

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    Learning Mandarin as a foreign language not only emphasize the importance of pronunciation and mastery of vocabulary or grammar, but also the importance of understanding of the context, therefore students are able to apply when communicate using Mandarin. Project-based Learning (PjBL) is one of the learning models which help students in applying what they learnt in real context. In this study, researchers apply PjBL on XI graders in two different high schools in Indonesia, which are Senior High School 5 Malang and Senior High School Taruna Nala Jawa Timur. The researcher asked Senior High School 5 Malang students’ to create a three minute video about visiting a sick friend. Meanwhile, the task that given to Senior High School Taruna Nala Jawa Timur students’ is to create a 3D school’s map. As a result, PjBL implementation in Mandarin classroom proved to gives an opportunity for students to apply what they have learnt in a real context so it can stimulate students in developing their language skills (listening, speaking, reading, and writing) and improve their 4Cs competencies (critical thinking, collaborative, communicative, and creative). Learning Mandarin is similar with learning any other foreign language, it requires considerable exposure thus students are able to get the chance to apply what they have already learnt thoroughly. In addition, learning Mandarin as a foreign language not only emphasize the importance of pronunciation and mastery of vocabulary or grammar, but also the importance of understanding of the context, therefore students are able to apply when communicate using Mandarin. Project-based Learning (PjBL) is one of the learning models which help students in applying what they learnt in real context. In this study, researchers apply PjBL on XI graders in two different high schools, Senior High School Taruna Nala Jawa Timur and Senior High School 5 Malang. The researcher asked Senior High School Taruna Nala Jawa Timur students’ to create a 3D school’s map. Meanwhile, the task that given to Senior High School 5 Malang students’ is to create a three minute video about visiting a sick friend. As a result, PBL implementation in Mandarin classroom can stimulate students in developing their language skills (listening, speaking, reading, and writing) and 4C competencies (critical thinking, Collaborative, Communicative, and Creative). Besides, PBL also gives an opportunity for students to apply what they have learnt in a real context.     Keywords: Pjbl, Mandarin Classroom, High School Students, Language Skills, 4cs Competencies     Keywords: Project Based Learning, Mandarin classroom, high school students, vide

    The Effect of Store Display and Store Atmosphere Towards Purchasing Decision at Gramedia Pandanaran Semarang

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    Marketing product in business world have important role which connected to purchase decision. Purchasing decision can be triggered by store display which catch customers first impression. Therefore, create store atmosphere is needed for giving comfort to customers when they are in the store. All these aspects must be mutually support to achieve the purpose of Gramedia Pandanaran.The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of store display and store atmosphere on purchase decision at Gramedia Pandanaran Semarang. This research method is explanatory, with the technique of collecting data through interviews with questionnaires, observation, and study of literature. Accidental sampling and purposive sampling technique was used with a sample of 100 people. The analysis technique used is quantitative and qualitative by validity test, reliability test, simple and multiple regression, correlation coefficient, coefficient of determination (R2), cross-tabulation, and significant test (t test and F test).Results and discussion showed that store display classified as good, but there are still classified as good enough. Store atmosphere classified as good, but there are still classified as bad. Purchasing decision classified as good, but there are still classified as bad. Store display have significant effect towards purchasing decision (16.4 percent). The better store display then the better purchasing decision. Store atmosphere have significant effect towards purchasing decision (16.4 percent). The better store atmosphere then the better purchasing decision.The research conclusion of store display and store atmosphere relatively good, even though have some weak points. Recommendation for management are maintain the neatness of display anytime. Arrange a good scent in the store. Increase innovation and variation product so that customer will make repeat purchases. Then, need for further research by the company or an outside party on the other independent variables such as the effect of live events, price, promotion, advertisement, store image, and store services

    Pengaruh Citra Destinasi, Fasilitas Wisata Dan Experiential Marketing Terhadap Loyalitas Melalui Kepuasan (Studi Pada Pengunjung Domestik Taman Wisata Candi Borobudur)

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    This study is based on the tourism phenomenon developed into a worldwide industry and the developing business industry. The developing tourism business industry creates high competition among tourism destinations. The organizers of tourism destinations are competing to increase the number of tourist visitors. Borobudur Temple Tourism which is the main tourist destination of Central Java, especially Magelang Regency, is prioritized to gain more visitors. However since 2009 until 2012 there was a fluctuation in decline of domestic tourist visitors. The purpose of this research is to find out the influence of destination image, tourism facilities and experiential marketing towards loyalty through satisfaction in Borobudur Temple Tourism. The type of this research is explanatory research, with data collecting technique by questionnaire and interview. The sampling technique of this research use purposive sampling. The sample in this research were 100 respondents who were Borobudur temple\u27s domestic tourists. This research is uses qualitative and quantitative analysis technique. Quantitative analysis use validity test, reliability test, correlation coefficient, simple and multiple regression analysis, the coefficient of determination, a signification test (t test and F test) and path analysis.The result of this research approved that destination image (X1), tourism facilities (X2), and experiential marketing (X3) partially or simultaneously can influenced visitors\u27 satisfaction (Y1) and visitors\u27 loyalty (Y2). According the result of path analysis showed that visitors\u27 satisfaction variable is not intervening variable towards visitors\u27 loyalty in this research

    Pengaruh Kualitas Pelayanan terhadap Kepuasan Pasien di Rumah Sakit Islam Kota Magelang

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    This research purpose to find out influence of service quality on hospitalized patient satisfaction at Islamic Hospital Magelang City. This research included in explanatory. Taked 100 respondents as sample with stratified proportionate random sampling method. Collecting data used questionnaire. Hypotheses tested by correlation coefficient, simple linear regression, multiple linear regression, t test, F test, and determination coefficient. The result of this research show that realibility dimension have significant influence to patient satisfaction, responsiveness dimension have significant influence to patient satisfaction, assurance dimension have significant influence to patient satisfaction, empathy dimension have significant influence to patient satisfaction, tangibles dimension have significant influence to patient satisfaction. Realibility, responsiveness, assurance, empathy, and tangibles dimension in partial and simultaneous have significant influence to patient satisfaction
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