37 research outputs found
Infrared spectra of some sulfides and their analogs of binary composition in the long-wave region
The far infrared spectra (500-60/cm) of some simple sulfides and their analogs were studied. In all, 22 minerals with different structure types were investigated, out of which 14 are sulfides (galena, alabandite, pyrrhotite, sphalerite, wurtzite, cinnabar, realgar, orpiment, getchelite antimonite, molybdenite, pyrite, marcasite and heazlewoodite) 6 arsenides (niccolite, domeykite, arsenopyrite, lollingite, rammelsbergite and skutterudite), one telluride (tetradymite) and native arsenic. The main bands of infrared absorption spectra of the minerals are compared with the relative strength of the interatomic bonds and their interpretation is given
Thermodynamic aspects of materials' hardness: prediction of novel superhard high-pressure phases
In the present work we have proposed the method that allows one to easily
estimate hardness and bulk modulus of known or hypothetical solid phases from
the data on Gibbs energy of atomization of the elements and corresponding
covalent radii. It has been shown that hardness and bulk moduli of compounds
strongly correlate with their thermodynamic and structural properties. The
proposed method may be used for a large number of compounds with various types
of chemical bonding and structures; moreover, the temperature dependence of
hardness may be calculated, that has been performed for diamond and cubic boron
nitride. The correctness of this approach has been shown for the recently
synthesized superhard diamond-like BC5. It has been predicted that the
hypothetical forms of B2O3, diamond-like boron, BCx and COx, which could be
synthesized at high pressures and temperatures, should have extreme hardness