1,521 research outputs found

    High-precision molecular dynamics simulation of UO2-PuO2: pair potentials comparison in UO2

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    Our series of articles is devoted to high-precision molecular dynamics simulation of mixed actinide-oxide (MOX) fuel in the approximation of rigid ions and pair interactions (RIPI) using high-performance graphics processors (GPU). In this first article 10 most recent and widely used interatomic sets of pair potentials (SPP) are assessed by reproduction of solid phase properties of uranium dioxide (UO2) - temperature dependences of the lattice constant, bulk modulus, enthalpy and heat capacity. Measurements were performed with 1K accuracy in a wide temperature range from 300K up to melting points. The best results are demonstrated by two recent SPPs MOX-07 and Yakub-09, which both had been fitted to the recommended thermal expansion in the range of temperatures 300-3100K. They reproduce the experimental data better than the widely used SPPs Basak-03 and Morelon-03 at temperatures above 2500K.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figures, 4 table

    Electronic structure of FeSe monolayer superconductors

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    We review a variety of theoretical and experimental results concerning electronic band structure of superconducting materials based on FeSe monolayers. Three type of systems are analyzed: intercalated FeSe systems A_xFe_2Se_{2-x}S_x and [Li_{1-x}Fe_xOH]FeSe as well as the single FeSe layer films on SrTiO_3 substrate. We present the results of detailed first principle electronic band structure calculations for these systems together with comparison with some experimental ARPES data. The electronic structure of these systems is rather different from that of typical FeAs superconductors, which is quite significant for possible microscopic mechanism of superconductivity. This is reflected in the absence of hole pockets of the Fermi surface at \Gamma-point in Brillouin zone, so that there are no "nesting" properties of different Fermi surface pockets. LDA+DMFT calculations show that correlation effects on Fe-3d states in the single FeSe layer are not that strong as in most of FeAs systems. As a result, at present there is no theoretical understanding of the formation of rather "shallow" electronic bands at M points. LDA calculations show that the main difference in electronic structure of FeSe monolayer on SrTiO_3 substrate from isolated FeSe layer is the presence of the band of O-2p surface states of TiO_2 layer on the Fermi level together with Fe-3d states, which may be important for understanding the enhanced T_c values in this system. We briefly discuss the implications of our results for microscopic models of superconductivity.Comment: 21 pages, 13 figures, minor typos correcte

    On Microscopic Origin of Integrability in Seiberg-Witten Theory

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    We discuss microscopic origin of integrability in Seiberg-Witten theory, following mostly the results of hep-th/0612019, as well as present their certain extension and consider several explicit examples. In particular, we discuss in more detail the theory with the only switched on higher perturbation in the ultraviolet, where extra explicit formulas are obtained using bosonization and elliptic uniformization of the spectral curve.Comment: 24 pages, 1 figure, LaTeX, based on the talks at 'Geometry and Integrability in Mathematical Physics', Moscow, May 2006; 'Quarks-2006', Repino, May 2006; Twente conference on Lie groups, December 2006 and 'Classical and Quantum Integrable Models', Dubna, January 200

    First Principle Electronic Model for High-Temperature Superconductivity

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    Using the structural data of the La2CuO4 compound both in the low temperature tetragonal phase and in the isotropic phase we have derived an effective t-J model with hoppings t and superexchange interactions J extended up to fourth and second neareast neighbors respectively. By numerically studying this hamiltonian we have then reproduced the main experimental features of this HTc compound: d-wave superconductivity is stabilized at small but finite doping delta>6% away from the antiferromagnetic region and some evidence of dynamical stripes is found at commensurate filling 1/8.Comment: 4 pages including 4 figures and 2 table

    Quantum Foam and Topological Strings

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    We find an interpretation of the recent connection found between topological strings on Calabi-Yau threefolds and crystal melting: Summing over statistical mechanical configuration of melting crystal is equivalent to a quantum gravitational path integral involving fluctuations of Kahler geometry and topology. We show how the limit shape of the melting crystal emerges as the average geometry and topology of the quantum foam at the string scale. The geometry is classical at large length scales, modified to a smooth limit shape dictated by mirror geometry at string scale and is a quantum foam at area scales g_s \alpha'.Comment: 55 page