20 research outputs found

    Culture as an attribute of digital transformation

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    The article comprehends the concept of digital culture that appeared with the beginning of the information/digital era at the end of the last century. The paper considers digital culture from the point of view of the general resource of the knowledge society and as a new social ecology that determines the experience and capabilities of people at the present time, when the digital network environment has brought new practices, opportunities and threats. Speaking about culture in the context of information and communication technologies, the authors emphasize that its influence is even more significant, since the way it is used can affect the change in the essence of our communication and cultural models and become a support for the digital transformation of organizations. Digital culture is understood as the way that society uses to receive and process information. It is required to comprehend and create a new digital culture as a guarantor of the implementation and adoption of changes in the context of widespread digitalization and rethinking of business processes, distribution channels and relations with consumers, leading, in turn, to a change in the value proposition and the consumer segments themselves. Based on the analysis, the authors formulate and substantiate five main reasons why building a digital culture should become a key problem for the successful development of any organization: 1) digital transformation will not be complete without the development of a thriving digital culture; 2) insufficient organizational culture is detrimental to success in the digital age; 3) a strong digital culture is a competitive advantage for an organization; 4) a strong digital culture is the key to business longevity; 5) using a digital culture can increase employee engagement in the work process

    Investigation of 14.1 MeV neutrons interaction with C, Mg, Cr

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    This paper is dedicated to n+12C, n+24Mg, n+52Cr -reactions investigation at 14.1 MeV neutron energy. Characteristics of these reactions have been calculated using TALYS code to estimate perspectives of using of this code in data interpretation in the TANGRA project. This project is performed in Frank Laboratory of Neutron Physics (FLNP JINR) to investigate properties of (n,xγ)-type reactions, important for fundamental and practical applications

    Investigation of 14.1 MeV neutrons interaction with C, Mg, Cr

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    358-362This paper is dedicated to n+12C, n+24Mg, n+52Cr -reactions investigation at 14.1 MeV neutron energy. Characteristics of these reactions have been calculated using TALYS code to estimate perspectives of using of this code in data interpretation in the TANGRA project. This project is performed in Frank Laboratory of Neutron Physics (FLNP JINR) to investigate properties of (n,xγ)-type reactions, important for fundamental and practical applications

    Непосредственные и отдаленные результаты лечения рака прямой кишки

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    The purpose of the study was to analyze rectal resection outcomes in patients with rectal cancer.Material and Methods. A retrospective analysis of treatment outcomes of 251 patients with stage cT3–4aN0–2M0 rectal cancer, who underwent transperitoneal resections of the rectum with mesorectumectomy from 2015 to 2020, was carried out. The age of the patients ranged from 27 to 90 years. Considering the extent of rectal tumor spread, 143 (56.9 %) patients underwent neoadjuvant prolonged conformal radiation therapy or chemoradiotherapy.Results. The failure of the colorectal anastomosis was observed in 11 (4.4 %) patients, repeated surgery was performed in 8 (72.7 %) patients (Grade C). During the follow-up, disease progression was detected in 58 (23.1 %) patients, tumor recurrence in the rectum occurred in 2 (0.8 %) patients, and distant metastases were found in 56 (22.3 %) patients. Statistical analysis showed that the parameters, such as the age, localization of the tumor in the rectum, tumor grade and T stage did not significantly affect the disease progression. A statistically significant relationship between the disease progression and pN2 stage was revealed. Patients with pN2 stage were 4.1 times more likely to have disease progression. The 75th percentile survival time was51.2 months. Patients with pN2 stage had a 3.6-fold increase in the risk of lethal outcome.Conclusion. The study demonstrated good oncological and surgical outcomes in the treatment of stage II–III rectal cancer with high survival rates. Resection of the rectum in patients with rectal cancer is a safe and predictable surgical procedure accompanied by a low incidence of anastomotic leaks and disease recurrence. The pN2 stage in rectal cancer patients significantly worsened the oncologic outcomes and survival of patients.Цель исследования ‒ изучить результаты резекции прямой кишки при раке.Материал и методы. Проведен ретроспективный анализ результатов лечения 251 больного раком прямой кишки (РПК) стадии сT3–4аN0–2M0, которым выполнены чрезбрюшинные резекции прямой кишки с мезоректумэктомией в ФГБУ «НМИЦ онкологии» МЗ РФ с 2015 по 2020 г. Возраст больных составил 27–90 лет. Учитывая распространенность опухоли, 143 (56,9 %) больным проведена неоадъювантная пролонгированная конформная лучевая терапия или химиолучевая терапия.Результаты. Несостоятельность колоректального анастомоза развилась у 11 (4,4 %) больных, повторные оперативные вмешательства выполнены 8 (72,7 %) больным (Grade С). Прогрессирование заболевания выявлено у 58 (23,1 %) больных, рецидив опухоли в прямой кишке – у 2 (0,8 %), отдаленные метастазы – у 56 (22,3 %) пациентов. Статистический анализ показал, что такие показатели, как возраст, локализация опухоли в прямой кишке, степень дифференцировки опухоли и стадия Т, значимо не влияли на прогрессирование заболевания. Выявлена значимая зависимость прогрессирования заболевания от стадии рN2, которая увеличивала риски рецидива заболевания в 4,1 раза. 75 % выживаемость больных составила 51,2 мес. Выявлено значимое ухудшение выживаемости больных при стадии рN2, которая увеличивала риски летального исхода в 3,6 раза.Заключение. Проведенное исследование продемонстрировало хорошие онкологические и хирургические результаты лечения РПК II–III стадии с высокими показателями выживаемости. Резекция прямой кишки является безопасным и прогнозируемым оперативным вмешательством, сопровождающимся малой частотой несостоятельности анастомоза и рецидивов заболевания. В условиях современной терапии РПК значимым прогностическим фактором стала патоморфологическая стадия рN2, которая значимо ухудшила онкологические результаты лечения и выживаемость больных

    Research on the impact of digital platforms on the business model of an organization

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    The area of research presented in the article are digital platforms. The platform approach, the platform economy, which primarily ensures the interaction of market participants, is gaining an increasing number of participants and is becoming more widespread in various industries: from trade to the hotel business and education.The article analyses the impact of the platform approach on the business model of the organization, namely, on the ability to create consumer value and deliver it to its customers, using the advantages of this approach. The ongoing transformation is more based on information technology, human capital, analytical decision-making tools, and business process flexibility. The paper also analyses the experience related to the implementation of the platforms in various countries and organizations.The study gives a possible business model of a platform organization and a University that has implemented platform solutions. The authors note that the mistakes made during the implementation of the platform are mostly due to the human factor: employees may not be ready for changes or are not technically educated enough. The indifference of managers also plays a role, because the risks arising from this are neutralized worse than others. To reduce the risks, the authors defined the directions of further research

    New Silica Laser-Optimized Multimode Optical Fibers with Extremely Enlarged 100-μm Core Diameter for Gigabit Onboard and Industrial Networks

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    We present new type of silica graded index laser-optimized multimode optical fibers (LOMF) with extremely enlarged core diameter up to 100 μm and “typical” “telecommunication” cladding diameter 125 μm. This optical fiber was designed for harsh environment Gigabit onboard cable systems and industrial networks. It differs by special optimized graded refractive index profile, providing low differential mode delay (DMD) for selected guided modes. We present some results of tests, performed for manufactured pilot 520 m length of described LOMF 100/125, concerned with its geometry properties as well as key transmission parameters—attenuation and DMD map

    Inelastic scattering of 14.1 MeV neutrons on iron

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    An investigation of inelastic scattering of 14.1 MeV neutrons on an iron sample was carried out using an improved TANGRA (TAgged Neutron and Gamma RAys) setup at JINR (Dubna). The yields of the occurring γ\gamma -transitions and anisotropy of the emitted γ\gamma -rays were measured using the tagged neutron method. The setup with a high-purity germanium (HPGe) detector was used to obtain the energy spectrum of γ\gamma -rays. The setup with 18 BGO scintillation detectors positioned in a circle around the sample was used to obtain angular distributions of γ\gamma -rays. A detailed γ\gamma -spectrum for (n,Xγ)(n,X\gamma ) reactions was obtained and the γ\gamma -ray angular distribution was measured for the 847 keV and 1238 keV γ\gamma -transitions. The distribution was fitted by Legendre polynomials up to fourth order and the angular distribution coefficients a2a_2, a4a_4 were extracted. A comparison with other published experimental results is given. Model calculations using computer code TALYS 1.9 were performed. The results of calculations are discussed in comparison with the obtained experimental data