5,723 research outputs found

    Magnetic shielding and vacuum test for passive hydrogen masers

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    Vibration tests on high permeability magnetic shields used in the SAO-NRL Advanced Development Model (ADM) hydrogen maser were made. Magnetic shielding factors were measured before and after vibration. Preliminary results indicate considerable (25%) degradation. Test results on the NRL designed vacuum pumping station for the ADM hydrogen maser are also discussed. This system employs sintered zirconium carbon getter pumps to pump hydrogen plus small ion pumps to pump the inert gases. In situ activation tests and pumping characteristics indicate that the system can meet design specifications

    The Rapidly Fading Afterglow from the Gamma-Ray Burst of 1999 May 6

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    We report on the discovery of the radio afterglow from the gamma-ray burst (GRB) of 1999 May 6 (GRB 990506) using the Very Large Array (VLA). The radio afterglow was detected at early times (1.5 days), but began to fade rapidly sometime between 1 and 5 days after the burst. If we attribute the radio emission to the forward shock from an expanding fireball, then this rapid onset of the decay in the radio predicts that the corresponding optical transient began to decay between 1 and 5 minutes after the burst. This could explain why no optical transient for GRB 990506 was detected in spite of numerous searches. The cause of the unusually rapid onset of the decay for the afterglow is probably the result of an isotropically energetic fireball expanding into a low density circumburst environment. At the location of the radio afterglow we find a faint (R ~ 24 mag) host galaxy with a double morphology.Comment: in press at ApJ Letters, 13 page LaTeX document includes 2 postscript figure

    PSR J1909-3744, a Binary Millisecond Pulsar with a Very Small Duty Cycle

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    We report the discovery of PSR J1909-3744, a 2.95 millisecond pulsar in a nearly circular 1.53 day orbit. Its narrow pulse width of 43 microseconds allows pulse arrival times to be determined with great accuracy. We have spectroscopically identified the companion as a moderately hot (T = 8500 K) white dwarf with strong absorption lines. Radial velocity measurements of the companion will yield the mass ratio of the system. Our timing data suggest the presence of Shapiro delay; we expect that further timing observations, combined with the mass ratio, will allow the first accurate determination of a millisecond pulsar mass. We have measured the timing parallax and proper motion for this pulsar which indicate a transverse velocity of 140 (+80/-40) km/s. This pulsar's stunningly narrow pulse profile makes it an excellent candidate for precision timing experiments that attempt to detect low frequency gravitational waves from coalescing supermassive black hole binaries.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figures. Accepted for publication in ApJ

    Evaluation and Management of Sleep Disorders in the Hand Surgery Patient.

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    Despite posing a significant public health threat, sleep disorders remain poorly understood and often underdiagnosed and mismanaged. Although sleep disorders are seemingly unrelated, hand surgeons should be mindful of these because numerous conditions of the upper extremity have known associations with sleep disturbances that can adversely affect patient function and satisfaction. In addition, patients with sleep disorders are at significantly higher risk for severe, even life-threatening medical comorbidities, further amplifying the role of hand surgeons in the recognition of this condition

    Measurement of Orbital Decay in the Double Neutron Star Binary PSR B2127+11C

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    We report the direct measurement of orbital period decay in the double neutron star pulsar system PSR B2127+11C in the globular cluster M15 at the rate of (3.95±0.13)×1012(-3.95 \pm 0.13) \times 10^{-12}, consistent with the prediction of general relativity at the 3\sim 3 % level. We find the pulsar mass to be mp=(1.358±0.010)Mm_p = (1.358 \pm 0.010) M_\odot and the companion mass mc=(1.354±0.010)Mm_c = (1.354 \pm 0.010) M_\odot. We also report long-term pulse timing results for the pulsars PSR B2127+11A and PSR B2127+11B, including confirmation of the cluster proper motion.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ

    Discovery of Five Recycled Pulsars in a High Galactic Latitude Survey

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    We present five recycled pulsars discovered during a 21-cm survey of approximately 4,150 deg^2 between 15 deg and 30 deg from the galactic plane using the Parkes radio telescope. One new pulsar, PSR J1528-3146, has a 61 ms spin period and a massive white dwarf companion. Like many recycled pulsars with heavy companions, the orbital eccentricity is relatively high (~0.0002), consistent with evolutionary models that predict less time for circularization. The four remaining pulsars have short spin periods (3 ms < P < 6 ms); three of these have probable white dwarf binary companions and one (PSR J2010-1323) is isolated. PSR J1600-3053 is relatively bright for its dispersion measure of 52.3 pc cm^-3 and promises good timing precision thanks to an intrinsically narrow feature in its pulse profile, resolvable through coherent dedispersion. In this survey, the recycled pulsar discovery rate was one per four days of telescope time or one per 600 deg^2 of sky. The variability of these sources implies that there are more millisecond pulsars that might be found by repeating this survey.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Computer Evaluation of Real-Time X-Ray and Acoustic Images

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    The weakest link in the inspection process is the subjective interpretation of data by inspectors. To overcome this troublesome fact computer based analysis systems have been developed. In the field of nondestructive evaluation (NDE) there is a large class of inspections that can benefit from computer analysis. X-ray images (both film and fluoroscopic) and acoustic images lend themselves to automatic analysis as do the one-dimensional signals associated with ultrasonic, eddy current and acoustic emission testing. Computer analysis can enhance and evaluate subtle details. Flaws can be located and measured, and acceptance decisions made by computer in a consistent and objective manner. This paper describes the interactive, computer-based analysis of real-time x-ray images and acoustic images of graphite/epoxy adhesively bonded structures

    The Circumstellar Extinction of Planetary Nebulae

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    We analyze the dependence of circumstellar extinction on core mass for the brightest planetary nebulae (PNe) in the Magellanic Clouds and M31. We show that in all three galaxies, a statistically significant correlation exists between the two quantities, such that high core mass objects have greater extinction. We model this behavior, and show that the relation is a simple consequence of the greater mass loss and faster evolution times of high mass stars. The relation is important because it provides a natural explanation for the invariance of the [O III] 5007 planetary nebula luminosity function (PNLF) with population age: bright Population I PNe are extinguished below the cutoff of the PNLF. It also explains the counter-intuitive observation that intrinsically luminous Population I PNe often appear fainter than PNe from older, low-mass progenitors.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figures, accepted for ApJ, April 10, 199

    The Dwarf Spheroidal Companions to M31: Variable Stars in Andromeda VI

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    We have surveyed Andromeda VI, a dwarf spheroidal galaxy companion to M31, for variable stars using F450W and F555W observations obtained with the Hubble Space Telescope. A total of 118 variables were found, with 111 being RR Lyrae, 6 anomalous Cepheids, and 1 variable we were unable to classify. We find that the Andromeda VI anomalous Cepheids have properties consistent with those of anomalous Cepheids in other dwarf spheroidal galaxies. We revise the existing period-luminosity relations for these variables. Further, using these and other available data, we show that there is no clear difference between fundamental and first-overtone anomalous Cepheids in a period-amplitude diagram at shorter periods, unlike the RR Lyrae. For the Andromeda VI RR Lyrae, we find that they lie close to the Oosterhoff type I Galactic globular clusters in the period-amplitude diagram, although the mean period of the RRab stars, = 0.588 d, is slightly longer than the typical Oosterhoff type I cluster. The mean V magnitude of the RR Lyrae in Andromeda VI is 25.29+/-0.03, resulting in a distance 815+/-25 kpc on the Lee, Demarque, & Zinn distance scale. This is consistent with the distance derived from the I magnitude of the tip of the red giant branch. Similarly, the properties of the RR Lyrae indicate a mean abundance for Andromeda VI which is consistent with that derived from the mean red giant branch color.Comment: 23 pages, including 13 figures and 6 tables, emulateapj5/apjfonts style. Accepted by the Astronomical Journal. We recommend the interested reader to download the preprint with full-resolution figures, which can be found at http://www.noao.edu/noao/staff/pritzl/M31dwarfs.htm

    The Timing of Nine Globular Cluster Pulsars

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    We have used the Robert C. Byrd Green Bank Telescope to time nine previously known pulsars without published timing solutions in the globular clusters M62, NGC 6544, and NGC 6624. We have full timing solutions that measure the spin, astrometric, and (where applicable) binary parameters for six of these pulsars. The remaining three pulsars (reported here for the first time) were not detected enough to establish solutions. We also report our timing solutions for five pulsars with previously published solutions, and find good agreement with past authors, except for PSR J1701-3006B in M62. Gas in this system is probably responsible for the discrepancy in orbital parameters, and we have been able to measure a change in the orbital period over the course of our observations. Among the pulsars with new solutions we find several binary pulsars with very low mass companions (members of the so-called "black widow" class) and we are able to place constraints on the mass-to-light ratio in two clusters. We confirm that one of the pulsars in NGC 6624 is indeed a member of the rare class of non-recycled pulsars found in globular clusters. We also have measured the orbital precession and Shapiro delay for a relativistic binary in NGC 6544. If we assume that the orbital precession can be described entirely by general relativity, which is likely, we are able to measure the total system mass (2.57190(73) M_sun) and companion mass (1.2064(20) M_sun), from which we derive the orbital inclination [sin(i) = 0.9956(14)] and the pulsar mass (1.3655(21) M_sun), the most precise such measurement ever obtained for a millisecond pulsar. The companion is the most massive known around a fully recycled pulsar.Comment: Published in ApJ; 33 pages, 5 figures, 7 table