8,082 research outputs found

    Collaborative Development and Evaluation of Text-processing Workflows in a UIMA-supported Web-based Workbench

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    Challenges in creating comprehensive text-processing worklows include a lack of the interoperability of individual components coming from different providers and/or a requirement imposed on the end users to know programming techniques to compose such workflows. In this paper we demonstrate Argo, a web-based system that addresses these issues in several ways. It supports the widely adopted Unstructured Information Management Architecture (UIMA), which handles the problem of interoperability; it provides a web browser-based interface for developing workflows by drawing diagrams composed of a selection of available processing components; and it provides novel user-interactive analytics such as the annotation editor which constitutes a bridge between automatic processing and manual correction. These features extend the target audience of Argo to users with a limited or no technical background. Here, we focus specifically on the construction of advanced workflows, involving multiple branching and merging points, to facilitate various comparative evalutions. Together with the use of user-collaboration capabilities supported in Argo, we demonstrate several use cases including visual inspections, comparisions of multiple processing segments or complete solutions against a reference standard, inter-annotator agreement, and shared task mass evaluations. Ultimetely, Argo emerges as a one-stop workbench for defining, processing, editing and evaluating text processing tasks

    Repeatable method of thermal stress fracture test of brittle materials

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    Method heats specimens slowly and with sufficient control so that the critical temperature gradient in the specimens cannot occur before temperature equilibrium is reached

    Counter-intuitive moral judgement following traumatic brain injury

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    Several neurological patient populations, including Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), appear to produce an abnormally ‘utilitarian’ pattern of judgements to moral dilemmas; they tend to make judgements that maximise the welfare of the majority, rather than deontological judgements based on the following of moral rules (e.g., do not harm others). However, this patient research has always used extreme dilemmas with highly valued moral rules (e.g., do not kill). Data from healthy participants, however, suggests that when a wider range of dilemmas are employed, involving less valued moral rules (e.g., do not lie), moral judgements demonstrate sensitivity to the psychological intuitiveness of the judgements, rather than their deontological or utilitarian content (Kahane et al., 2011). We sought the moral judgements of 30 TBI participants and 30 controls on moral dilemmas where content (utilitarian/deontological) and intuition (intuitive/counterintuitive) were measured concurrently. Overall TBI participants made utilitarian judgements in equal proportions to controls; disproportionately favouring utilitarian judgements only when they were counterintuitive, and deontological judgements only when they were counterintuitive. These results speak against the view that TBI causes a specific utilitarian bias, suggesting instead that moral intuition is broadly disrupted following TBI

    Firewood, food and niche construction : the potential role of Mesolithic hunter-gatherers in actively structuring Scotland's woodlands.

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    Over the past few decades the potential role of Mesolithic hunter–gatherers in actively constructing their own niches, through the management of wild plants, has frequently been discussed. It is probable that Mesolithic hunter–gatherers systematically exploited specific woodland resources for food and fuel and influenced the ‘natural’ abundance or distribution of particular species within Mesolithic environments. Though there has been considerable discussion of the pollen evidence for potential small-scale human-woodland manipulation in Mesolithic Scotland, the archaeobotanical evidence for anthropogenic firewood and food selection has not been discussed in this context. This paper assesses the evidence for the active role of Mesolithic hunter–gatherer communities in systematically exploiting and managing woodlands for food and fuel in Scotland. While taphonomic factors may have impacted on the frequency of specific species in archaeobotanical assemblages, it is suggested that hunter–gatherers in Mesolithic Scotland were systematically using woodland plants, and in particular hazel and oak, for food and fuel. It is argued that the pollen evidence for woodland management is equivocal, but hints at the role of hunter–gatherers in shaping the structure of their environments, through the maintenance or creation of woodland clearings for settlement or as part of vegetation management strategies. It is proposed that Mesolithic hunter–gatherers may have actively contributed to niche construction and that the systematic use of hazel and oak as a fuel may reflect the deliberate pruning of hazel trees to increase nut-yields and the inadvertent – or perhaps deliberate – coppicing of hazel and oak during greenwood collection

    SUSY Without Prejudice at the 7 and 8 TeV LHC: Gravitino LSPs

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    We have examined the capability of the LHC, running at both 7 and 8 TeV, to explore the 19(20)-dimensional parameter space of the pMSSM with neutralino(gravitino) LSPs and soft masses up to 4 TeV employing the ATLAS SUSY analysis suite. Here we present some preliminary results for the gravitino model set, following the ATLAS analyses whose data were publically available as of mid-September 2012. We find that the impact of the reduced MET, resulting from models with gravitino LSPs on sparticle searches is more than off-set by the detectability of the many possible long-lived NLSPs.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures; contibution to ICHEP 201

    To Err is Human

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    There are many kinds of mistakes. One kind-a rational, well-intended act or decision resulting in unanticipated, negative consequences-was the focus of Allan Farnsworth\u27s previous foray into the realm of legal angst. Another kind-an act or decision prompted by an inaccurate, incomplete, or uninformed mental state and resulting in unanticipated, negative consequences- is the subject of the present book. Like its predecessor, Alleviating Mistakes does not confine itself to contract law, Farnsworth\u27s home turf; it explores criminal, tort, restitution, and other areas of substantive law as well. As such, it paints on too large a canvas to capture its entirety in these relatively few pages. I will try to trace the outlines of the discussion, rearrange and synthesize elements to make the tableau easier to comprehend, and enhance certain aspects with supplemental material-all the while understanding that, just as a description of a painting is no substitute for seeing the original, this review is no substitute for reading Farnsworth\u27s book

    Teaching strategies in mathematics: differences in sign language use

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    Problem: The proposed project addresses a critical problem facing most schools serving Deaf students in grades Kindergarten through college- insufficient clarity of sign communication by teachers due to wide variation in sign abilities. Today a very small number of teachers of the Deaf use American Sign Language in the classroom. Most teachers use other variations of sign language such as (1) Pidgin Signed English, (2) Signed English, (3) Simultaneous Communication, (4) Total Communication. Clear and effective communication is critically important to both students\u27 learning in school and their success in future careers. Proposed Project Activities: This project will develop and implement a lesson plan for instruction of three different mathematical concepts. Three teachers who are each proficient in using one of three different varieties of sign language (native ASL, nonnative ASL, and Signed English) will be selected to teach the same math lesson to selected students. Sample problems will be selected that could vary conceptually in the instructional presentation due to different sign language methods. This project will examine these research issues using first-year deaf students on the Gallaudet and NTID college campuses. Intended Outcomes: The target outcome is to indicate which mode of sign language is the most instructionally clear and effective for use in the mathematics classroom. From this information, instructional implications and recommendations will be developed to educate current teachers of the Deaf and teacher preparation programs for educating the Deaf throughout the country about the most clear and effective mode of sign language that can be used in the mathematics classroom
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