616 research outputs found
A New Family of Integrable Extended Multi-band Hubbard Hamiltonians
We consider exactly solvable 1d multi-band fermionic Hamiltonians, which have
affine quantum group symmetry for all values of the deformation. The simplest
Hamiltonian is a multi-band t-J model with vanishing spin-spin interaction,
which is the affinization of an underlying XXZ model. We also find a multi-band
generalization of standard t-J model Hamiltonian.Comment: 8 pages, LaTeX file, no figure
Supersymmetry on Jacobstahl lattices
It is shown that the construction of Yang and Fendley (2004 {\it J. Phys. A:
Math.Gen. {\bf 37}} 8937) to obtainsupersymmetric systems, leads not to the
open XXZ chain with anisotropy but to systems having
dimensions given by Jacobstahl sequences.For each system the ground state is
unique. The continuum limit of the spectra of the Jacobstahl systems coincide,
up to degeneracies, with that of the invariant XXZ chain for
. The relation between the Jacobstahl systems and the open XXZ
chain is explained.Comment: 6 pages, 0 figure
Non-contractible loops in the dense O(n) loop model on the cylinder
A lattice model of critical dense polymers is considered for the
finite cylinder geometry. Due to the presence of non-contractible loops with a
fixed fugacity , the model is a generalization of the critical dense
polymers solved by Pearce, Rasmussen and Villani. We found the free energy for
any height and circumference of the cylinder. The density of
non-contractible loops is found for and large . The
results are compared with those obtained for the anisotropic quantum chain with
twisted boundary conditions. Using the latter method we obtained for any
model and an arbitrary fugacity.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:0810.223
Spin Chain Hamiltonians with Affine symmetry
We construct the family of spin chain Hamiltonians, which have affine
guantum group symmetry. Their eigenvalues coincides with the eigenvalues of the
usual spin chain Hamiltonians which have non-affine quantum group
symmetry, but have the degeneracy of levels, corresponding to affine .
The space of states of these chaines are formed by the tensor product of the
fully reducible representations.Comment: 10 pages, LATE
The raise and peel model of a fluctuating interface
We propose a one-dimensional nonlocal stochastic model of adsorption and
desorption depending on one parameter, the adsorption rate. At a special value
of this parameter, the model has some interesting features. For example, the
spectrum is given by conformal field theory, and the stationary non-equilibrium
probability distribution is given by the two-dimensional equilibrium
distribution of the ice model with domain wall type boundary conditions. This
connection is used to find exact analytic expressions for several quantities of
the stochastic model. Vice versa, some understanding of the ice model with
domain wall type boundary conditions can be obtained by the study of the
stochastic model. At the special point we study several properties of the
model, such as the height fluctuations as well as cluster and avalanche
distributions. The latter has a long tail which shows that the model exhibits
self organized criticality. We also find in the stationary state a special
phase transition without enhancement and with a crossover exponent .
Furthermore, we study the phase diagram of the model as a function of the
adsorption rate and find two massive phases and a scale invariant phase where
conformal invariance is broken.Comment: LaTeX, 34 pages, 23 Postscript figure
A refined Razumov-Stroganov conjecture II
We extend a previous conjecture [cond-mat/0407477] relating the
Perron-Frobenius eigenvector of the monodromy matrix of the O(1) loop model to
refined numbers of alternating sign matrices. By considering the O(1) loop
model on a semi-infinite cylinder with dislocations, we obtain the generating
function for alternating sign matrices with prescribed positions of 1's on
their top and bottom rows. This seems to indicate a deep correspondence between
observables in both models.Comment: 21 pages, 10 figures (3 in text), uses lanlmac, hyperbasics and epsf
Raise and Peel Models of fluctuating interfaces and combinatorics of Pascal's hexagon
The raise and peel model of a one-dimensional fluctuating interface (model A)
is extended by considering one source (model B) or two sources (model C) at the
boundaries. The Hamiltonians describing the three processes have, in the
thermodynamic limit, spectra given by conformal field theory. The probability
of the different configurations in the stationary states of the three models
are not only related but have interesting combinatorial properties. We show
that by extending Pascal's triangle (which gives solutions to linear relations
in terms of integer numbers), to an hexagon, one obtains integer solutions of
bilinear relations. These solutions give not only the weights of the various
configurations in the three models but also give an insight to the connections
between the probability distributions in the stationary states of the three
models. Interestingly enough, Pascal's hexagon also gives solutions to a
Hirota's difference equation.Comment: 33 pages, an abstract and an introduction are rewritten, few
references are adde
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