110 research outputs found

    Wave propagation in a strongly disordered 1D phononic lattice supporting rotational waves

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    We investigate the dynamical properties of a strongly disordered micropolar lattice made up of cubic block units. This phononic lattice model supports both transverse and rotational degrees of freedom hence its disordered variant posses an interesting problem as it can be used to model physically important systems like beam-like microstructures. Different kinds of single site excitations (momentum or displacement) on the two degrees of freedom are found to lead to different energy transport both superdiffusive and subdiffusive. We show that the energy spreading is facilitated both by the low frequency extended waves and a set of high frequency modes located at the edge of the upper branch of the periodic case for any initial condition. However, the second moment of the energy distribution strongly depends on the initial condition and it is slower than the underlying one dimensional harmonic lattice (with one degree of freedom). Finally, a limiting case of the micropolar lattice is studied where Anderson localization is found to persist and no energy spreading takes place

    Acoustic characterization of Hofstadter butterfly with resonant scatterers

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    We are interested in the experimental characterization of the Hofstadter butterfly by means of acoustical waves. The transmission of an acoustic pulse through an array of 60 variable and resonant scatterers periodically distribued along a waveguide is studied. An arbitrary scattering arrangement is realized by using the variable length of each resonator cavity. For a periodic modulation, the structures of forbidden bands of the transmission reproduce the Hofstadter butterfly. We compare experimental, analytical, and computational realizations of the Hofstadter butterfly and we show the influence of the resonances of the scatterers on the structure of the butterfly

    Invariant currents in lossy acoustic waveguides with complete local symmetry

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    We implement the concept of complete local symmetry in lossy acoustic waveguides. Despite the presence of losses, the existence of a spatially invariant current is shown theoretically and observed experimentally. We demonstrate how this invariant current leads to the generalization of the Bloch and parity theorems for lossy systems defining a mapping of the pressure field between symmetry related spatial domains. Using experimental data we verify this mapping with remarkable accuracy. For the performed experiment we employ a construction technique based on local symmetries which allows the design of setups with prescribed perfect transmission resonances in the lossless case. Our results reveal the fundamental role of symmetries in restricted spatial domains and clearly indicate that completely locally symmetric devices constitute a promising class of setups, regarding the manipulation of wave propagation.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figure

    Duality of bounded and scattering wave systems with local symmetries

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    We investigate the spectral properties of a class of hard-wall bounded systems, described by potentials exhibiting domain-wise different local symmetries. Tuning the distance of the domains with locally symmetric potential from the hard wall boundaries leads to extrema of the eigenenergies. The underlying wavefunction becomes then an eigenstate of the local symmetry transform in each of the domains of local symmetry. These extrema accumulate towards eigenenergies which do not depend on the position of the potentials inside the walls. They correspond to perfect transmission resonances of the associated scattering setup, obtained by removing the hard walls. We argue that this property characterizes the duality between scattering and bounded systems in the presence of local symmetries. Our findings are illustrated at hand of a numerical example with a potential consisting of two domains of local symmetry, each one comprised of Dirac ? barriers.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure

    Chaos and Anderson Localization in Disordered Classical Chains: Hertzian vs FPUT models

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    International audienceWe numerically investigate the dynamics of strongly disordered 1D lattices under single particle displacements, using both the Hertzian model, describing a granular chain, and the α + β Fermi-Pasta-Ulam-Tsingou model (FPUT). The most profound difference between the two systems is the discontinuous nonlinearity of the granular chain appearing whenever neighboring particles are detached. We therefore sought to unravel the role of these discontinuities in the destruction of Anderson localization and their influence on the system's chaotic dynamics. Our results show that the dynamics of both models can be characterized by: (i) localization with no chaos; (ii) localization and chaos; (iii) spreading of energy, chaos and equipartition. The discontinuous nonlinearity of the Hertzian model is found to trigger energy spreading at lower energies. More importantly, a transition from Anderson localization to energy equipartition is found for the Hertzian chain and is associated with the"propagation" of the discontinuous nonlinearity in the chain. On the contrary, the FPUT chain exhibits an alternate behavior between localized and delocalized chaotic behavior which is strongly dependent on the initial energy excitation

    Perfect and broadband acoustic absorption by critically coupled sub-wavelength resonators

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    International audiencePerfect absorption is an interdisciplinary topic with a large number of applications, the challenge of which consists of broadening its inherently narrow frequency-band performance. We experimentally and analytically report perfect and broadband absorption for audible sound, by the mechanism of critical coupling, with a sub-wavelength multi-resonant scatterer (SMRS) made of a plate-resonator/ closed waveguide structure. In order to introduce the role of the key parameters, we first present the case of a single resonant scatterer (SRS) made of a Helmholtz resonator/closed waveguide structure. In both cases the controlled balance between the energy leakage of the several resonances and the inherent losses of the system leads to perfect absorption peaks. In the case of the SMRS we show that systems with large inherent losses can be critically coupled using resonances with large leakage. In particular, we show that in the SMRS system, with a thickness of λ/12 and diameter of λ/7, several perfect absorption peaks overlap to produce absorption bigger than 93% for frequencies that extend over a factor of 2 in audible frequencies. The reported concepts and methodology provide guidelines for the design of broadband perfect absorbers which could contribute to solve the major issue of noise reduction

    Perfect absorption in mirror-symmetric acoustic metascreens

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    Mirror-symmetric acoustic metascreens producing perfect absorption independently of the incidence side are theoretically and experimentally reported in this work. The mirror-symmetric resonant building blocks of the metascreen support symmetric and antisymmetric resonances that can be tuned to be at the same frequency (degenerate resonances). The geometry of the building blocks is optimized to critically couple both the symmetric and the antisymmetric resonances at the same frequency allowing perfect absorption of sound from both sides of the metascreen. A hybrid analytical model based on the transfer matrix method and the modal decomposition of the exterior acoustic field is developed to analyze the scattering properties of the metascreen. The resulting geometry is 3D printed and experimentally tested in an impedance tube. Experimental results agree well with the theoretical predictions proving the efficiency of these metascreens for the perfect absorption of sound in the ventilation problems
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