225 research outputs found

    Identification of Internet Addiction of Online Gamers and Non-gamers in Jakarta Internet Cafés Through the Hybrid of Ethnographic Approach and Genetic Algorithm Method

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    The aims of this Hybrid approach are to analyse and predict types of internet users in Indonesia. This study uses online-based participant observation method to collect its primary data and then proceed to assess it with the genetic algorithm analysis method. The data of ethnographic approach was analysed using thematic analysis. Findings were corroborated by the algorithm analysis. Through the combination of Ethnographic approach and Genetic Algorithm analysis, the results of this study show that internet addiction significantly influences by the types of internet users.     Keywords: Genetic Algorithm, Ethnographic, internet-based analysi

    Pengembangan Drainase Sistem Polder Sungai Sringin Kota Semarang

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    Banjir yang terjadi di Kawasan Sungai Sringin khususnya Kawasan Industri Terboyo dan Kawasan permukiman Dukuh Ngilir Kelurahan Trimulyo Kecamatan Genuk diakibatkan oleh genangan pasang surut air laut (rob) serta limpasan air hujan. Daerah hilir Sungai Sringin mempunyai elevasi lahan lebih rendah dari muka air pasang, hal ini mengakibatkan air sungai tidak mampu mengalir secara gravitasi sehingga penanganan banjir yang tepat untuk kawasan Sungai Sringin adalah menggunakan sistem polder (non-gravitasi). Sistem polder adalah sistem penanganan drainase perkotaan dengan cara mengisolasi daerah yang dilayani (catchment area) terhadap masuknya air dari luar sistem. Komponen sistem polder meliputi tanggul, kolam retensi, sistem pompa dan pintu, serta perbaikan drainase saluran induk Sungai Sringin. Luas kolam retensi 17,795 hektar dengan kedalaman 3,5 meter. Jenis pompa yang digunakan adalah gate pump berjumlah 8 buah, terdiri dari empat buah masing-masing 10 m3/detik dan empat buah masing-masing 2,5 m3/detik. Gate pump yang digunakan adalah pintu tipe sliding gate berjumlah enam buah pintu dengan lebar masing-masing pintu tiga meter. Perbaikan penampang sungai dengan rencana lebar sungai 30 meter pada hilir saluran dan 28 meter pada hulu saluran. Perkuatan dinding sungai direncanakan dengan dinding penahan tanah pasangan batu kali. Dinding laut (revetment) direncanakan di garis pantai untuk mengisolasi air laut agar tidak masuk ke dalam sistem polder. Total rencana anggaran biaya yang diperlukan dalam Pengembangan Drainase Sistem Polder Sungai Sringin adalah Rp. 230.210.000,00 (Dua ratus tiga puluh milyar dua ratus sepuluh juta rupiah) dengan lama pekerjaan 22 minggu

    Metakognisi Dan Penyesuaian Diri Siswa Akselerasi

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    Metacognition is the ability to regulate and control the thought process. With this ability a person capable of controlling the thought processes going on yourself. Thought to be the basis of an individual to behave. By having a good metacognitive skills then the individual will be able to adjust themselves well with their social environment. This is quite important for each individual, especially for students who have the acceleration constraints in terms of adjustment. Students acceleration has tremendous potential and would be very unfortunate if potential students have hampered the acceleration due to adjustment problems with the surrounding environment. By having a good metacognition acceleration then students can control his thoughts and also can control every thing was going to do, including in terms of adjusting to. The population in this study were senior high school students are accelerated in the city of Malang as many as 177 students. The sample in this study is the accelerated student who was in class XI as many as 94 students. That used research bottom is the Purposive Sampling. The process of data analysis used were asumption test, both are normality testing and linierity testing. From linierity testing were found result linier line with equation Y = 1,29 + 0,52X, which indicates that there is a positive relationship between metacognition with self-adjustment, so that the working hypothesis (Ha) which states there is a connection with the adjustment received metacognition
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