6,799 research outputs found

    Descriptions of three new and a known species of Prismatolaimus de Man 1880 (nematoda: Enoplida) from fresh water habitats in India

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    Three new and a known species of Prismatolaimus de Man, 1880 are described and illustrated. Prismatolaimus lacustris sp. n. and P. amphidialis sp. n. are monovarial species without males in the population. P. lacustris sp. n. (L= 0.68-0.80, a= 35.1-47.1, b= 3.7-4.2, c= 3.6-3.9) is characterised by having single jointed outer labial setae; large stoma with prominent dorsal tooth and denticulate ridges; relatively posterior amphids; moderately long post-uterine sac; vagina with refractive pieces; and long, ventrad curved tail with a minute dorsal mucro. P. amphidialis sp. n. (L= 0.58-0.68, a= 37-44, b= 4.0-5.4, c= 3.9-4.3) is characterised by its short stoma with inconspicuous stegostom, almost indiscernible dorsal tooth and absence of denticulate ridges; prominent sensillar pouches of amphids; small post-uterine sac; and long filiform tail ventrad curved, with undemarcated mucro. P. macrostomus sp. n. (L= 1.02-1.21, a= 51.2-55.0, b= 4.6-5.2, c= 3.2-3.3) is characterised by being large-sized, diovarial females having sparse 4-5 µm long somatic setae; long,.articulate, cephalic, setae; large barrel-shaped stoma with a massive dorsal tooth and rows of inconspicuous subventral denticles; pre-equatorial vulva; and long filiform tail with a pointed dorsal hook. P. andrassyi Khera & Chaturvedi, 1977 has been redescribed with morphometrics of populations from four localities

    Re-description of two species of Pelodera (nematoda: Rhabditidae) from India

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    Two species of Pelodera Schneider, 1866, reported for the first time from India, have been redescribed and illustrated. Pelodera teres Schneider, 1866 is characterised by oviparous females having prominent, separate lips; heavily cuticularised, refractive labial margins with fine bristles in inter-labial grooves; three setose denticles on each metastegostomal plate; cupola-shaped tail in females and males with crystalline needle-like structures in vas deferens; distally fused spicules and an open peloderan bursa with three pre-cloacal and seven post-cloacal bursal papillae. Pelodera icosiensis (Maupas, 1916) Dougherty, 1955 is characterised by ovoviviparous females having wider and offset lip region, swollen pharyngeal corpus and hemispheroid tail of nearly half anal body diameter, males with distally-fused spicules having bicuspid capitula, and a short, expanded, semicircular, anteriorly-closed, peloderan bursa with lobes and ten paired bursal papillae

    Description of two new species of Myctolaimus Cobb, 1920 (Nematoda: Cylindrocorporidae) from Northern India

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    This paper deals with description of two new species of Myctolaimus Cobb, 1920 obtained from ditch samples from Kishtwar, Jammu and Kashmir, India. M. neolongistoma sp, n. is characterized by its medium-sized body (L= 0:60-0.67; a= 217-26.1;b- 4.8-5.1;c= 4.8-5.3, c'= 6.9-7.0; V= 48.2-51.3) with fine longitudinal striations, petalloid cheiforhabdions, isthmus equal or slightly smaller than basal bulb, and males with 20-24 µm long spicules and ten pairs of genital papillae. The other species, M. kishtwarensis sp. n., is characterized by its large body (L= 0.86-1.14; a= 25.1-30.9; b= 5.5-6.8; c= 4.4-5.9; d = 7.2-10.2; V= 43.1-47.8), six radiating cheilorhabdial arms, isthmus larger than basal bulb and males with 24-28 µm long spicules, and nine pairs of genital papillae

    Spectral Evidence for Emergent Order in Ba1x_{1-x}Nax_xFe2_2As2_2

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    We report an angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy study of the iron-based superconductor family, Ba1x_{1-x}Nax_xFe2_2As2_2. This system harbors the recently discovered double-Q magnetic order appearing in a reentrant C4_4 phase deep within the underdoped regime of the phase diagram that is otherwise dominated by the coupled nematic phase and collinear antiferromagnetic order. From a detailed temperature-dependence study, we identify the electronic response to the nematic phase in an orbital-dependent band shift that strictly follows the rotational symmetry of the lattice and disappears when the system restores C4_4 symmetry in the low temperature phase. In addition, we report the observation of a distinct electronic reconstruction that cannot be explained by the known electronic orders in the system

    Cabibbo-allowed nonleptonic weak decays of charmed baryons

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    Cabibbo-allowed nonleptonic weak decays of charmed baryons \lamc,~\xin,~\xip and Ωc0\Omega_c^0 into an octet baryon and a pseudoscalar meson are analyzed. The nonfactorizable contributions are evaluated under pole approximation, and it turns out that the ss-wave amplitudes are dominated by the low-lying \halfm resonances, while pp-wave ones governed by the ground-state \halfp poles. The MIT bag model is employed to calculate the coupling constants, form factors and baryon matrix elements. Our conclusions are: (i) ss waves are no longer dominated by commutator terms; the current-algebra method is certainly not applicable to parity-violating amplitudes, (ii) nonfactorizable WW exchange effects are generally important; they can be comparable to and somtimes even dominate over factorizable contributions, depending on the decay modes under consideration, (iii) large-NcN_c approximation for factorizable amplitudes also works in the heavy baryon sector and it accounts for the color nonsuppression of \lamc\ri p\bar{K}^0 relative to \lamc\ri\Lambda\pi^+, (iv) a measurement of the decay rate and the sign of the α\alpha asymmetry parameter of certain proposed decay modes will help discern various models; especially the sign of α\alpha in \lamc\ri\Sigma\pi decays can be used to unambiguously differentiate recent theoretical schemes from current algebra, and (v) pp waves are the dominant contributions to the decays \lamc\ri\Xi^0 K^+ and \xin\ri\Sigma^+ K^-, but they are subject to a large cancellation; this renders present theoretical predictions on these two channels unreliable.Comment: PHYZZX, 31 pages, 3 tables, IP-ASTP-10-93, ITP-SB-93-2

    NeuN-Specific Fluorescent Probe Revealing Neuronal Nuclei Protein and Nuclear Acids Association in Living Neurons under STED Nanoscopy

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    Neuronal nuclei (NeuN) protein is a key RNA-associated protein to guide the transcription of RNA and regulate mRNA splicing in neurons. However, the lack of effective labeling and tracking method has hindered the elucidation of the biological mechanism of NeuN operation in living neurons to understand correlated central nervous system disorders. Here, we report a molecular probe that can be inserted into a neighboring hydrophobic-hydrophilic region in NeuN, which upon binding becomes capable of emitting light in red region. The NeuN specificity enables the probe imaging neuronal cells in primary brain regions including hippocampus, cerebellum, midbrain, and cingulate gyrus. The probes' optical properties are such to enable stimulated emission depletion imaging showing for the first time the 3D structure of RNA tangling into NeuN in a living neuron with tens of nanometer resolution

    Exclusive Nonleptonic Decays of Bottom and Charm Baryons in a Relativistic Three-Quark Model: Evaluation of Nonfactorizing Diagrams

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    Exclusive nonleptonic decays of bottom and charm baryons are studied within a relativistic three-quark model with a Gaussian shape for the momentum dependence of the baryon-three-quark vertex. We include factorizing as well as nonfactorizing contributions to the decay amplitudes. For heavy-to-light transitions Q -> q u d the total contribution of the nonfactorizing diagrams amount up to approximately 60% of the factorizing contributions in amplitude, and up to approximately 30% for b -> c u d transitions. We calculate the rates and the polarization asymmetry parameters for various nonleptonic decays and compare them to existing data and to the results of other model calculations.Comment: 49 pages, LaTeX-fil

    Acquisition of pneumococci specific effector and regulatory Cd4+ T cells localising within human upper respiratory-tract mucosal lymphoid tissue

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    The upper respiratory tract mucosa is the location for commensal Streptococcus (S.) pneumoniae colonization and therefore represents a major site of contact between host and bacteria. The CD4(+) T cell response to pneumococcus is increasingly recognised as an important mediator of immunity that protects against invasive disease, with data suggesting a critical role for Th17 cells in mucosal clearance. By assessing CD4 T cell proliferative responses we demonstrate age-related sequestration of Th1 and Th17 CD4(+) T cells reactive to pneumococcal protein antigens within mucosal lymphoid tissue. CD25(hi) T cell depletion and utilisation of pneumococcal specific MHCII tetramers revealed the presence of antigen specific Tregs that utilised CTLA-4 and PDL-1 surface molecules to suppress these responses. The balance between mucosal effector and regulatory CD4(+) T cell immunity is likely to be critical to pneumococcal commensalism and the prevention of unwanted pathology associated with carriage. However, if dysregulated, such responses may render the host more susceptible to invasive pneumococcal infection and adversely affect the successful implementation of both polysaccharide-conjugate and novel protein-based pneumococcal vaccines

    A new measurement of antineutrino oscillation with the full detector configuration at Daya Bay

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    We report a new measurement of electron antineutrino disappearance using the fully-constructed Daya Bay Reactor Neutrino Experiment. The final two of eight antineutrino detectors were installed in the summer of 2012. Including the 404 days of data collected from October 2012 to November 2013 resulted in a total exposure of 6.9×\times105^5 GWth_{\rm th}-ton-days, a 3.6 times increase over our previous results. Improvements in energy calibration limited variations between detectors to 0.2%. Removal of six 241^{241}Am-13^{13}C radioactive calibration sources reduced the background by a factor of two for the detectors in the experimental hall furthest from the reactors. Direct prediction of the antineutrino signal in the far detectors based on the measurements in the near detectors explicitly minimized the dependence of the measurement on models of reactor antineutrino emission. The uncertainties in our estimates of sin22θ13\sin^{2}2\theta_{13} and Δmee2|\Delta m^2_{ee}| were halved as a result of these improvements. Analysis of the relative antineutrino rates and energy spectra between detectors gave sin22θ13=0.084±0.005\sin^{2}2\theta_{13} = 0.084\pm0.005 and Δmee2=(2.42±0.11)×103|\Delta m^{2}_{ee}|= (2.42\pm0.11) \times 10^{-3} eV2^2 in the three-neutrino framework.Comment: Updated to match final published versio