55 research outputs found

    Grazing Management Impacts on the Riparian Zone and Water Quality

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    Inappropriate farm management activities such as stock access to creeks, and poor fertiliser and effluent management can negatively impact riparian zones and waterways, contributing to increased in-stream nutrient, sediment and microbiological loads and loss of riparian biodiversity, amongst other impacts. Nutrient budgets for dairy systems indicate that on-farm nutrient accumulation and redistribution is common (Gourley 2004), which in large part is due to the uneven distribution of dairy cow dung and the nutrients they contain (Aarons et al., 2004). The \u27Gippsland Dairy Riparian Project Environmental Monitoring module\u27 was established in Jan. 2003 to monitor the impact of dairy farm management and changed riparian zone management on the riparian zone and water quality

    Heterogeneous Nutrient Distribution Across Dairy Grazing Systems in Southeastern Australia

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    The Australian dairy industry is largely based on a grazed pasture system, although most cows also consume substantial amounts of imported feed (Fulkerson & Doyle 2001). This trend is expected to increase as the Australian dairy industry continues to intensify. Fertiliser inputs of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K) and sulphur (S) are still viewed as necessary to maintain adequate pasture and milk production despite the fact that most dairy farms are in net positive balance for all of these nutrients (Reuter 2001). Nutrient losses from dairy farming regions and eutrophication of waterways has gained strong public and political attention and intensive pasture systems are no longer seen as ‘clean and green’. An important aspect of a viable dairy industry in the future will be more refined nutrient management planning

    Variable response to phosphorus mitigation measures across the nutrient transfer continuum in a dairy grassland catchment

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    peer-reviewedPhosphorus (P) loss from soils to water can be a major pressure on freshwater quality and dairy farming, with higher animal stocking rates, may lead to potentially greater nutrient source pressures. In many countries with intensive agriculture, regulation of P management aims to minimise these losses. This study examined the P transfer continuum, from source to impact, in a dairy-dominated, highly stocked, grassland catchment with free-draining soils over three years. The aim was to measure the effects of P source management and regulation on P transfer across the nutrient transfer continuum and subsequent water quality and agro-economic impacts. Reduced P source pressure was indicated by: (a) lower average farm-gate P balances (2.4 kg ha−1 yr−1), higher P use efficiencies (89%) and lower inorganic fertilizer P use (5.2 kg ha−1 yr−1) relative to previous studies; (b) almost no recorded P application during the winter closed period, when applications were prohibited, to avoid incidental transfers; and (c) decreased proportions of soils with excessive P concentrations (32–24%). Concurrently, production and profitability remained comparable with the top 10% of dairy farmers nationally with milk outputs of 14,585 l ha−1, and gross margins of € 3130 ha−1. Whilst there was some indication of a response in P delivery in surface water with declines in quick flow and interflow pathway P concentrations during the winter closed period for P application, delayed baseflows in the wetter third year resulted in elevated P concentrations for long durations and there were no clear trends of improving stream biological quality. This suggests a variable response to policy measures between P source pressure and delivery/impact where the strength of any observable trend is greater closer to the source end of the nutrient transfer continuum and a time lag occurs at the other end. Policy monitoring and assessment efforts will need to be cognisant of this

    Integrated climate-chemical indicators of diffuse pollution from land to water

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    Management of agricultural diffuse pollution to water remains a challenge and is influenced by the complex interactions of rainfall-runoff pathways, soil and nutrient management, agricultural landscape heterogeneity and biogeochemical cycling in receiving water bodies. Amplified cycles of weather can also influence nutrient loss to water although they are less considered in policy reviews. Here, we present the development of climate-chemical indicators of diffuse pollution in highly monitored catchments in Western Europe. Specifically, we investigated the influences and relationships between weather processes amplified by the North Atlantic Oscillation during a sharp upward trend (20102016) and the patterns of diffuse nitrate and phosphorus pollution in rivers. On an annual scale, we found correlations between local catchment-scale nutrient concentrations in rivers and the influence of larger, oceanic-scale climate patterns defined by the intensity of the North Atlantic Oscillation. These influences were catchment-specific showing positive, negative or no correlation according to a typology. Upward trends in these decadal oscillations may override positive benefits of local management in some years or indicate greater benefits in other years. Developing integrated climate-chemical indicators into catchment monitoring indicators will provide a new and important contribution to water quality management objectives

    The Beast from the East: impact of an atypical cold weather event on hydrology and nutrient dynamics in two Irish catchments

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    peer-reviewedA historic lack of continuous stream nutrient monitoring at the catchment scale limits understanding of the effects of snowstorms. The most significant snowstorm since 1985, nicknamed “the Beast from the East”, occurred in February–March 2018. High-frequency stream outlet monitoring in two close but hydrologically and agriculturally contrasting catchments (<1,200 ha) captured phosphorus (total and reactive), total oxygenated nitrogen (TON), temperature and discharge dynamics during and after the event. The grassland catchment consists of poorly drained gley soils and exhibits overland flow pathways, while the arable catchment consists of well-drained brown earths and is dominated by subsurface pathways. Nitrate (NO3-N) concentrations were initially elevated (3.50 and 7.89 mg/L for poorly drained grassland and well-drained arable catchments, respectively) before becoming diluted by meltwater. Total reactive phosphorus (TRP) displayed a distal (anti-clockwise) concentration-discharge hysteresis in the poorly drained grassland catchment suggesting low mobilisation from the soil. Conversely, the well-drained arable catchment displayed proximal (clockwise) hysteresis, indicative of the mobilisation from stream and bank sediment. These relatively infrequent snow events behave similarly to heavy rainfall as regards nutrient losses, albeit subject to a time-lag induced by the speed of snowmelt and the soil moisture deficit (SMD) prior to snowfall. Antecedent land management is crucial to mitigate risk. The current absence of records and analyses of catchment response, particularly nutrient dynamics, to atypical cold weather events in Ireland limits understanding of their effects on water quality. The present study provides the first such baseline information from which land management strategies and the implications for attaining environmental targets can be explored

    Dairying and water-quality issues in Australia and New Zealand

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    The scale and intensity of dairy farming can place pressure on our freshwater resources. These pressures (e.g. excessive soil nutrient concentrations and nitrogen excretion) can lead to changes in the levels of contaminants in waterways, altering the state and potentially affecting the uses and values society ascribes to water. Resource management involves putting in place appropriate responses to address water-quality issues. In the present paper, we highlight trends in the scale and extent of dairying in Australia and New Zealand and describe water-quality pressures, state, impacts and responses that characterise the two countries. In Australia and New Zealand, dairy farming has become increasingly intensive over the past three decades, although the size of Australia’s dairy herd has remained fairly static, while New Zealand’s herd and associated excreted nitrogen loads have nearly doubled. In contrast, effluent management has been improved, and farm waterways fenced, in part to reduce pressure on freshwater. However, both countries show a range of indicators of degraded water-quality state. Phosphorus and nitrogen are the most common water-quality indicators to exceed levels beyond the expected natural range, although New Zealand also has a significant percentage of waterways with faecal contaminants beyond acceptable levels for contact recreation. In New Zealand, nitrate concentrations in waterways have increased, while phosphorus and suspended sediment concentrations have generally decreased over the past decade. Water quality in some coastal estuaries and embayments is of particular concern in Australia, whereas attention in New Zealand is on maintaining quality of high-value lakes, rivers and groundwater resources, as well as rehabilitating waterbodies where key values have been degraded. In both Australia and New Zealand, water-quality data are increasingly being collated and reported but in Australia long-term trends across waterbodies, and spatially comprehensive groundwater-quality data have not yet been reported at national levels. In New Zealand, coastal marine systems, and particularly harbours and estuaries, are poorly monitored, but there are long-term monitoring systems in place for rivers, groundwater and lakes. To minimise pressures on water quality, there is a high reliance on voluntary and incentivised practice change in Australia. In New Zealand, industry-led practice change has been important over the past decade, but regulated environmental limits for dairy farmers are increasing. Dairy industries in both countries have set targets for reducing pressures through sustainability frameworks and accords. To address future drivers such as climate change and increasing domestic and international market demand for sustainability credentials, definitions of values and appropriate targets for waterbodies draining agricultural landscapes will be required. Environmental limits (both natural and societal) will constrain future growth opportunities for dairying and research into continued growth within limits remains a priority in both countries

    Effects of strategic tillage on short-term erosion, nutrient loss in runoff and greenhouse gas emissions

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    Occasional strategic tillage (ST) of long-term no-tillage (NT) soil to help control weeds may increase the risk of water, erosion and nutrient losses in runoff and of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions compared with NT soil. The present study examined the short-term effect of ST on runoff and GHG emissions in NT soils under controlled-traffic farming regimes. A rainfall simulator was used to generate runoff from heavy rainfall (70 mm h–1) on small plots of NT and ST on a Vertosol, Dermosol and Sodosol. Nitrous oxide (N2O), carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) fluxes from the Vertosol and Sodosol were measured before and after the rain using passive chambers. On the Sodosol and Dermosol there was 30% and 70% more runoff, respectively, from ST plots than from NT plots, however, volumes were similar between tillage treatments on the Vertosol. Erosion was highest after ST on the Sodosol (8.3 t ha–1 suspended sediment) and there were no treatment differences on the other soils. Total nitrogen (N) loads in runoff followed a similar pattern, with 10.2 kg ha–1 in runoff from the ST treatment on the Sodosol. Total phosphorus loads were higher after ST than NT on both the Sodosol (3.1 and 0.9 kg ha–1, respectively) and the Dermosol (1.0 and 0.3 kg ha–1, respectively). Dissolved nutrient forms comprised less than 13% of total losses. Nitrous oxide emissions were low from both NT and ST in these low-input systems. However, ST decreased CH4 absorption from both soils and almost doubled CO2 emissions from the Sodosol. Strategic tillage may increase the susceptibility of Sodosols and Dermosols to water, sediment and nutrient losses in runoff after heavy rainfall. The trade-offs between weed control, erosion and GHG emissions should be considered as part of any tillage strategy

    Assessing soil properties of rehabilitated grazing pastures for sustainable and economically viable beef cattle operations: progress report

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    Acland Pastoral Company (APC), as a subsidiary of New Hope Group, are undertaking progressive rehabilitation of open cut coal mining to return to grazing pasture. As such, APC seek commercially relevant research outcomes to enable them to quantify the performance of the rehabilitation program in terms of productivity and sustainability. This report provides a progress summary of the NCEA portion of work aiming to assess the soil chemical properties, associated with fertility and structural integrity, and basic soil water properties of rehabilitated land and compare these to unmined land in order to provide independent and unbiased feedback through Outcross to APC on the potential success, or otherwise, of mine-site rehabilitation

    Loss of phosphorus and nitrogen in runoff and subsurface drainage from high and low input pastures grazed by sheep in southern Australia

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    High rates of fertiliser applied to boost pasture growth in the southern Australian sheep industry may lead to eutrophication of waterways and groundwater degradation. A field study was used to investigate whether higher fertiliser and stocking rates would increase nutrient loss in runoff and subsurface flow from pastures. Phosphorus (P) and nitrogen (N) concentrations in surface and subsurface flow were measured from 1998–2000 in four 0.5-ha hillslope plots. Surface flow volume was measured directly and subsurface water flux was estimated using soil moisture data and a water balance model. A simulated rainfall study was also conducted using 0.64-m2 plots. The treatments represented were: a low-P setstocked sown pasture (SS low P), a high-P set-stocked sown pasture (SS high P), a high-P sown pasture in a 4-paddock rotation (RG 4-pdk), and an unsown set-stocked pasture (Low P volunteer). No runoff from the hillslope occurred in 1999, while the volume of runoff in 1998 and 2000 varied from 0.1 to 68 mm/year across the 4 hillslope plots. More P was lost via surface runoff (up to 0.25 kg P/ha.year) than subsurface flow (up to 0.027 kg P/ha.year). However, N loads were greater in subsurface flows (3.2–10.6 kg N/ha.year) than surface runoff (0.04–2.74 kg N/ha.year). Phosphorus concentrations were higher in runoff from the high P treatments (0.34–0.83 mg P/L) than the set-stocked low P treatment (0.19–0.22 mg P/L). Higher TP concentrations in runoff from the high P treatments were associated with greater labile P contents in the soil, dung, and herbage. However, the volume of runoff, rather than the pasture treatment, was the primary determinant of nutrient loss. Avoiding high nutrient inputs in seasonally waterlogged areas, sowing perennial pastures, and minimising stock camping helps minimise P losses to waterways and N losses to groundwater

    Dissolved organic carbon in leachate after application of granular and liquid N–P–K fertilizers to a sugarcane soil

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    The progressive decline of soil organic matter (SOM) threatens the sustainability of arable cropping worldwide. Residue removal and burning, destruction of protected microsites, and the acceleration of microbial decomposition are key factors. Desorption of SOM by ammonia-based fertilizers from organomineral complexes in soil may also play a role. A urea- and molasses-based liquid fertilizer formulation and a urea-based granular formulation were applied at recommended and district practice rates, respectively, to soil leaching columns, with unfertilized columns used as controls. The chemistry of leachate collected from the columns, filled with two sandy soils differing in recent cropping history, was monitored over eight successive wet–dry drainage events. The pH, electrical conductivity, and concentration and species of N in leachate was compared with the concentration and aromaticity of dissolved organic C (DOC) to indicate if salt solutions derived from the two fertilizers extracted SOM from clay mineral sites. Cation exchange capacity and exchangeable cations in the soil were monitored at the start and end of the trial. Fertilizer application increased DOC in leachate up to 40 times above the control, but reduced aromaticity (specific ultraviolet light absorbance at 253.7 nm). Dissolved organic C was linearly proportional to leachate NH4–N concentration. Exchangeable Ca and Mg in soil from fertilized columns at the end of both trials were significantly lower than in unfertilized soil, indicating that ammonium salt solutions derived from the fertilizers extracted cations and variably charged organic matter from soil mineral exchange sites. Desorption of organic matter and divalent cations from organomineral sites by ammonia-based fertilizers may be implicated in soil acidification