12,443 research outputs found

    Evolution of X-ray spectra of Cygnus X-3 with radio flares

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    Cygnus X-3, among the X-ray binaries, is one of the brightest in the radio band, repeatedly exhibiting huge radio flares. The X-ray spectra shows two definite states, low (correspondingly hard) and high (correspondingly soft). During the hard state the X-ray spectra shows a pivoting behaviour correlated to the radio emission. In the high state the X-ray spectra shows a gamut of behaviour which controls the radio flaring activity of the source. The complete evolution of the X-ray spectra along with the radio flaring activity is reported here, for the first time for this source.Comment: Bibliography has been correctly adde

    Iterative methods for elliptic finite element equations on general meshes

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    Iterative methods for arbitrary mesh discretizations of elliptic partial differential equations are surveyed. The methods discussed are preconditioned conjugate gradients, algebraic multigrid, deflated conjugate gradients, an element-by-element techniques, and domain decomposition. Computational results are included

    Detection of anti-correlated hard X-ray time lag in Cygnus X-3

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    The wide-band X-ray spectra of the high mass X-ray binary Cygnus X-3 exhibits a pivoting behavior in the `low' (as well as `hard') state, correlated to the radio emission. The time scale of the soft and hard X-rays' anti-correlation, which gave rise to the pivoting feature, was found to be less than a day from the monitoring observations by RXTE--ASM and CGRO--BATSE. In this Letter we report the detection of a lag of \lesssim 1000s in the anti-correlation of the hard X-ray emission (20--50 keV) to that of the soft X-ray emission (2--7 keV), which may be attributed to the viscous time scale of flow of matter in the accretion disk. This suggests the geometrical picture of a truncated accretion disc with a Compton cloud inside the disc, the relative sizes of which determine the spectral shape. Any change in the disc structure will take place in a viscous time scale, with corresponding anti-correlated change in the Compton cloud. We also report the pivoting in the spectra in one span of a pointed observation when an episode of the rearranging of the accretion system is serendipitously observed. This is the first such observation of hard X-ray delay seen in the persistent Galactic microquasars, within the precincts of the hard state.Comment: Accepted in The Astrophysical Journal (Letters): in pres

    Testing Reionization with Gamma Ray Burst Absorption Spectra

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    We propose to study cosmic reionization using absorption line spectra of high-redshift Gamma Ray Burst (GRB) afterglows. We show that the statistics of the dark portions (gaps) in GRB absorption spectra represent exquisite tools to discriminate among different reionization models. We then compute the probability to find the largest gap in a given width range [Wmax, Wmax + dW] at a flux threshold Fth for burst afterglows at redshifts 6.3 < z < 6.7. We show that different reionization scenarios populate the (Wmax, Fth) plane in a very different way, allowing to distinguish among different reionization histories. We provide here useful plots that allow a very simple and direct comparison between observations and model results. Finally, we apply our methods to GRB 050904 detected at z = 6.29. We show that the observation of this burst strongly favors reionization models which predict a highly ionized intergalactic medium at z~6, with an estimated mean neutral hydrogen fraction xHI = 6.4 \pm 0.3 \times 10^-5 along the line of sight towards GRB 050904.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, revised to match the accepted version; major change: gap statistics is now studied in terms of the flux threshold Fth, instead of the observed J-band flux FJ; MNRAS in pres

    On the Connection between Mean Field Dynamo Theory and Flux Tubes

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    Mean field dynamo theory deals with various mean quantities and does not directly throw any light on the question of existence of flux tubes. We can, however, draw important conclusions about flux tubes in the interior of the Sun by combining additional arguments with the insights gained from solar dynamo solutions. The polar magnetic field of the Sun is of order 10 G, whereas the toroidal magnetic field at the bottom of the convection zone has been estimated to be 100,000 G. Simple order-of-magnitude estimates show that the shear in the tachocline is not sufficient to stretch a 10 G mean radial field into a 100,000 G mean toroidal field. We argue that the polar field of the Sun must get concentrated into intermittent flux tubes before it is advected to the tachocline. We estimate the strengths and filling factors of these flux tubes. Stretching by shear in the tachocline is then expected to produce a highly intermittent magnetic configuration at the bottom of the convection zone. The meridional flow at the bottom of the convection zone should be able to carry this intermittent magnetic field equatorward, as suggested recently by Nandy and Choudhuri (2002). When a flux tube from the bottom of the convection zone rises to a region of pre-existing poloidal field at the surface, we point out that it picks up a twist in accordance with the observations of current helicities at the solar surface

    Little Higgs model effects in γγγγ\gamma \gamma \to \gamma \gamma

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    Though the predictions of the Standard Model (SM) are in excellent agreement with experiments there are still several theoretical problems associated with the Higgs sector of the SM, where it is widely believed that some ``{\it new physics}'' will take over at the TeV scale. One beyond the SM theory which resolves these problems is the Little Higgs (LH) model. In this work we have investigated the effects of the LH model on \gggg scattering \cite{Choudhury:2006xa}.Comment: Talk given at LCWS06, Bangalore, 4 pages (style files included